Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 12 Feb 1920, p. 1

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(1 [In US ommmmn TEND HOUSE WARMING Speech ”1‘ Mayor Hastings Fen- 5.1.“ Tuesday night. the 17th. a ”reafflccasion. All High- trMp of student players from the land Park Is ch- l‘umm-ck School of Oratory. North- rewnled \wstvrr. university. will give an ove- : 2'19: Hf plays at the high school. This ~,»r_tu':m1:nwnt will he gun) as a bench ‘ p- rf Irmam'e under the auspices 4‘7 rim!" :‘m Woman's (‘lu'r>. NL‘MBER 50 COMML‘XITY CENTER OPEN (3!?! Fark adjunc' whzch reset: ; Park. Tnur< ,3“ mspectmn mterestxd all who, vwrc up .famihur with the Center and the buys \\ ho tried to keep their games wing at the pmi Labies had that elbows cnnsmntly jostlmi by the passmg and repassmg of the sur‘ veying partles. Everyone Wished to linger in the luck lounging room attracted by the bllzing logs in the fireplacv, by the shaded lights. the easy chairs and davenports. and the general air of solid comfort; and many wvre heard to say. “This is a place where we shall come again." The large east room was filled at all times and the artistic furnishings were the subject of frequent com- ment; From the long table in the middle of this room refreshments were served, with Miss Adele Everett and Mrs. Henry W. Boyd in charge. the following hostesses presiding at the sofa» urns at difi'erent hours; Mesdames C‘ A. Winston, J. F. Leam- ing. R. C. Jacobson. F. N. Klimball. Samuel Slade, Clarence Thayar, An- son ('. Momn, E. J. Grundy and .\Iis.~~ Gertrude Chandler. There was no extended fnrmal pro? gram. but in the evening Maya: S M. Ha‘txrzx made a shut: spews}: whzch 5n phased his hearers that he was mterrupted by frequent and en- thu:‘.a_~'tu‘ appiause. He paid a fine tributc tn the Army and Nuwy Cen- ter whns» record is second t) nnne of all sxmilar institutions and Cnnducted m the Umtwi States by War (amp (Vomntumty Servu‘e. He then spu'ne of the herd nf the new Work no“ knuvn as "wnanaunity Servzcex of grand I'Irt'mo in falling 'nmr tn contpletr vamahle oquipmcnt of Perm-r. and t1; the certainty that necessary {unis for maimamin: work wfi‘; 1w contribute‘}. The. ntuqv program i), pnpulur as it AIWay< 1< when the whistler. DuBnis, recenily -ix<x“nar2ed from the Fort Sheridan hospital. givrs his imita- tion ~" bird songs. and on this mu cash r he uhh‘tled buth' A‘tvrmnm an. evanmg “(‘LARENCE" PLAYING AT THE BLACKSTONE RH DRHANIZE LOCAL Fl'RNlTl'RE CONCERN T‘L T 1‘: I‘wrs New Y-vrk Triiuunv says that re." the pnpular play or Buoth ['AM‘.‘ H the best light comedy rif'vn by an American author. n'r.v haw enjoy"! thv v'Ypinl'w‘ wary 25mm prm hand r” Z M'rn ur n4: a y (Wt JIM: famfly hfv. and :rthr'r charming: uflinnr‘ Tn WhiL‘h U 1):! [hr Jehhvafl T be Higblmm Park >1 rmhdr wariy. m5." remamed '.\ I H Highland 4r m'r JD of hur [w thc \f the at the 1: fine zn-pa: r um: I‘r‘ EVENING OF PLAYS BY (‘UMNOCK PLAYERS Entertainment to Be Given at High Schcol Under the Auspices of the Woman's Club mama! instituiimn. {mi one which as ostuhlishml a nationwide reputa- t'.~r‘. fur itself apart from its affilia- tznn \xith the University. Those who fumlllar with the fine artistic quality which marks the Cumnock schonl. as well as those who have never seen an exhibition 0:! its work. will be glad to embrace this opporâ€" tunity Follnwing is performance: Manikin Minikin David Annie , . . Lowry Prichard Gum Prichard 4 Pastor Morris Mr. Espenhayne ........ Mr. Simon Mrs. Espenhayne Miss Nickolas Hilda ................. Miss Taylor Sceneâ€"A Dining Room in Chicago Nut Monday Hit-Hing, thr Nth uf I'kbbruary. thy Amerivan Lucian will {amid an informal rvcvptinn {or the vzzimns 1-2‘ Highland Park‘ Highwowi. Am! Dwrfi 1i. 2x: t'nc Highland Park Vida ery ”I‘m in this entirv dis- frxc: 1~ invitui In ‘nc present. The yam: mm: uf thv Legion are es- pevxaily anxinus in get families and t‘nwruh tugctht-r, [u giw thrm mare :w-urutr- knuwie-clm- nf tHv activities " vrrszamzatzuyv. um! vreato a pom: mv, {mu-wily anxinus frzwrhh tumthvr, [u :u ('urutr- km-wit'thlv vrrszamzatzny >5 th- :rvuter sympathy. Thv); plan tn makv this an ewning t 1:) h- furgntten. a return! goth,â€" m'ther meeting: for all who are in any “‘3'; intormtcd in thv Amerivan Louâ€" \MERICAX LEGION TO HOLD BIG. RECEPTION PLACARDS GIVE NEW MOTOR REGULATIONS Large placards giving information about the new state motur which- lziw are being distributed about town. According {o {N new law, the car vm kh- right alWay~ hzis the tight nf way MAJOR GENERAL WOOD AT BIG “ASS MEETING pLH‘; Milena ul‘ the Entin- (‘ommuniu Invited to Highland Park Club on Monday Evening ()n chi< Sceneâ€"A Parlor Mantlepiece The Merry Merry Cuckoo A Poetic Dram: By Jeannette Marks >trm-t \Varmng 21w still Mn, p: the new state motur which- re being distributed about town. ding to (th new law, the car 1m ght alway~ hzxs the tight nf way rm-t :ntrrwvnuns. rmng is mvcn that Mr traffiv sull gum-1T. uh moving \'t‘hik‘1r> wiwlrimx» um] that; a full s'-};‘ ‘4» made- bo-fun- Hu- h‘mtnriat M1 u} '(muivxzuvi. I’ H mmln- rum- 1 . limignun- [he dirvctiun i Sceneâ€"A Garden Where But in America A Satirical Comedy By Oscar Wolf! A Bisque Play By Alfred Krey’mborg Manikin and Minikin (h'nvruL Lawmarll “Mud Will prmmpai spud-wt at a "12135 x:‘ In :t-m-yz» c-r‘ Hz .2": mm ‘2. mu: AH {hr High thri ,1'2 tiz‘xy ugntx Iu‘c nuw un Committee in ‘chnrrze. They be uhmim-d at Schumavhv " r0 [(‘htinl‘ U' 'iZut-u'l- hai‘r “Haiti? ;\1' v: ‘lxh nuntxz. '. “th ~I- “owl {01‘ this‘ (firm: usiun May the program for the Im-ctin 1: in map vitho l nwvhzmivn! ~1 Ii Mayor Hastings nyi-m'with a flux: (‘ity nf Highland MiaHy invitwl (u mm 5' ~ “‘ S°’“”““""' REV. GEORGE McGINNlS SEE SUCCESSFUL END 22.? ‘13,;‘2211333 HERE NEXT SUNDAYj TO DRIVE THIS WEEK ha! ‘. Mr. Szold Miss Gardner . Miss Gray .. Mr. Simon . Mr. Albers Miss Wright Miss Coumnt {in an attempt to repeal the :Eighteenth Amendment. The saloon ainterests are still fighting national ‘prohibition in the courts and are idoing their utmost to elect men to! the next congress who will enact leg- ;islation which will make our nation "wet" once more. It was the church in action (the Anti-Saloon League) which put the lsaloon out of business after a strug- 15zle of 25 years. It was the money and the time and energy of the Chris- i than people of this country which has Hinally wiped the stain of drunkenâ€" -ess and its evils from the American flag. Agitation, legislation, law en- iforcementâ€"these are the three pron ‘ irressive steps in every great reform.‘ The l'nited States is now passing the thirnl stairc- in the successful fight: against John Barleycorn. ' Next Sunday niorn‘ng, at eleven‘i pit-lock. the Rev. George McGinniks.z the superintendent of the Anti >Sa-' loon League in the Chicago district.’ ‘will speak on “The l'nfinished Batm tle." Do you hollow lll a saloonless‘ nutinn " if you (it). then come to hear : the facts in the great fight which the @umaresq Spence; post No. 145 of fimerfcan Legion Cordr'afiy invites you to be present at an The United States went “dry” last January 16th, bui the brewers and distillers have not yet given up the fight. Last year they pooled their financial interests to provide a fund of over one billion dollars to be used Superintendent of Anti-Saioon League Will Speak on “The Unfinished Battle" A! I’RESBYTERIAN CHURCH MANY SUBSCRIBE DAILY ('hristian (‘hurvh i\' ('nn'j'inz an tn the finish. LOCAL PUBLISHERS i BI'Y LAKE FORESTER} Owing tn the retirement from bus- :m-.~.~: of D. W. Hartman. owner and wlltur of The‘ Lake Forester. John 1,. and Paul L. l'dell of this city, haVe wmhawul the newspapcr and print- lm: plant. and will mntinue to print at l‘ukc- Forest tho paper which Mr. llz‘tmzm hm- I-«litml fur the past [nu-my years It is untlvrxtoud that the Lake For- wt weekly will mminuv under the mw managmm-nt 213 a conservative “Jul non-partisan warm. and that the «'Vlsvllent standard inaugurated by Mr. Hartman will be maintained by an efâ€" rivient staff. HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 1920 u‘r- nan rix'h. 2H: . (it i> Just encuurauvmvm In ('nrrKy an” mum- nse Ln not hnn who is huuseless pull tihwn '. ‘1‘ "t'v‘fiv of another hut h-f him lalmr dilirpntly and build one fur himsv ' 'hus hy ex. “mph 4.5..“an that ha. uwn <hau he safe/from mm .. :mnn huih to bc’ In"! at tine Higltlancl (par; C]ul>,Wona’ay, February 16 from 8:00 until [0:00 I min-w ithat hr Prnprrty «I to {ht Drop In unJgrt atquar‘ntu’ ll'Y-tll (In: Ltgion that Azm 1i 1J?;_l\kl‘: I u-r of libe-rty, Hwy “f'ii under Lu his «a: by the Mom! of the Rtwnlutinn ht‘Yt’!‘ Lu violate tha- ~12“ tiu- laws uf the country. and non-r m wlerau- their uthuw, As thl: patriots nf Seventy-six did to the Support "ax: h 2-? Indepe-ndence, so tn the support nf the (Innstitw »< m t-vory Amprican pledge his life, his property. and u!‘ r; set «wry man renwmh‘r that to viulate the law is n 'hc- Hum: nf his father. and tv. u-ar the i'hurtvr nf his i.~ the- frmt uf labor; property is desirable; is a positive k‘mili. That sumo shnuld be rich shows that others may am“ 'm I; ;.~ Just encuuragvmvnt tn energy and entmw nrorma n \huuld be pruud 11w that his vity v; Lincoln Community Cénter Campaign in Full Blast; Members Are Already Enjoying the Privileges The drive for funds for the new Community Center began last Monâ€" day morning. “Button, button, who’s got khe button?” This is the most practical slogan f0: Highland Park for the nest of the present week, until the drive ends on Saturdny. A meni- bership in the new Center can be obâ€" tained for one dollar, payable either at the Center or at the North Shore Trust and Savings bank, corner St. Johns and Sheridan road. On pay- ment of the membership fee each new recruit will be presented with a but- ton which bears the name, “Commun- ity Service," and becomes the pass- port of admission to the Center. Every man, woman and child ought to wear one of these buttons, not on- ly to proclaim their own member- ship; but for the encouragement of others. To walk the reets of High- land Park without a edge of mem- bership in this great new organiza- tion, ought to he a matter for serious investigation. Highland Park has a small community house. It is JUSl. enough in start things going, just enough that all may see the need for a greater plant. a larger field of activity. Ewry night after Srhtml boys from the high srhool and grammar schools are playing: pool and every boy of the lnl is wearing his button of member- ship. A typical scene presented itself u few nights ago when the boys play- ml p001 and one little chap had hitched his dog: by xm old clnthes line to the corner of a éeat in the Center. The (Continued on Page 10! SACRED CANTATA TO BE GH'EN AT C11 "Ruth." a sacred cantata. will be given at the Grace M. E. church on Thursday evening, Feb. 19, by I chorus of young people under the direction of Mr. Roland Peue of the Northwestern Schoul of Music, Evan- \ton Special features of the evening in- clude solos by Misses Florence Mc- Gath. soprann. l‘larvtta Reese, cnn- tralto. and Mr. Roland Peaae, bass. The proceeds will go toward the pi- ano fund. Tickets are on sale It Sweedand’s pharmacy in Highland Park, and at Laegeler's in Highwood. eception 1hr wily m whu‘h 'm- h\‘ be pruud he lives in n. $3M AT CHURCH The prkxam to be given at Pearl Theatre #33?- week follows: IRENE ASTLE IN “T INVISIBLE BOND’ Sundayi; J ck Holt and Seena OWen in “The ' e Line," founded on the famous dbdrama of the sea, “The Romany life, ”Mack Sennett comedy; Monday, _ q'rothy Gish and Owen Moore ini ‘Betty of Greystone,” “The Trail of e Octopus," Supreme com< edy; Tu’ r‘y, Irene Castle in “The Invisible grid," Pictograph and Mack Sennett : fledy; Wednesday, Bryant Washburggp “It Pays to Advertise," Paramou {i Magazine and Christie comedy; :7 _ ursday, Katherine Mac- Donald; Ve'American beauty, in “The Beauty Widget," Paramount Post Na« ture and ‘Qelebrated comedy; Friday and Sal y, Violet Heming and Clara Hérfpn, supported by on all star cutéfl; “Every Woman,” Burton Holmes and Mutt and Jefl'. Matinee at 2:30 Mturday. Friday nifl'ESIturdny Violet Hemlng and 93‘." Horton in “Every Mayan.” Matinee Sat. J6seph Deggen Dies After Three Ween illness; Services Are fileld on Tuesday PNEUflIA CAUSES i f‘_ TH ON SATURDAY Josephfifiemzen, 650 Vine nvenuo, janitor gdthe Deerfield-Shield: high school, Saturday morning at 9 o’clock, fifiowing 1 three weekn' ill- a dung ', Mrs. Frank 10.)), a! Deerfield._' Five sisters and two grandi- chfldren he living. Mr. Demgen wu fiftyone glyesra old, ma had been residents! Highland Park for about five yet 2 Fuller; lservices were held at. the Immacul‘fi Conception church at 8:30 o’cloéIk Tuesday morning. aha burial wad-”in St. Mary’s cemetery. INCREASE IN NUMBER (IF CARS REGISTERED Report 5 Third Increase This Year; “art Truck Drivers to Run 11:0)” Kind of License An imease of about 1500 is e);- 1m ted the number of motor cars register this year in Lake county. Last ye’u' about 4,500 were register- ed. Sine}. January 1 this year it is estimated that nearly 6,000 licensee haxe hem applied for and new appli- cations are being made out daily. According to the new law a firm distinct n is made between true? and pl sure cars. Trucks are l L-ensed ‘ (cording to their tonnage, while , qaure car licenses vary in pmporti n to the horse power. -l;§el Wrong License lt ha}, been reported that several owners :‘off Ford trucks have applied for “"4 rt-ceived licenses for pleas- ure (ax? describing their machines as ‘rofiflslers.’ and thereby saving {our dglérs. Such individuals are warned hat the) have rendered them selves $1ple to prosecution for pok- jun. lrgufnuch as the word “truck" is printgd‘ on the license, any truck driver yhb carrys a pleasure car li- ivnse rill: a risk of being arrested. YRS- )lkNA LUBECK A feature so: the 'num Week ex-_ Z DIES AT HOSPITAL erases at the: high school was it uh: é -= p E Monday month: by Mr. Hurry Paul, Mrs. "Anna Lubeck died 81 the Z aashier “f ”if Highllnd Park Tn)“ Highlagfid Park hospital las‘ Satundny ‘ and Savings bank. Followmg are 9'15 bxvan€n1§5f5l11‘1uiina an e-xhnndml illnoqs, fine“ from "L Paul': speech: ' Mrs. "Anna Lubeck died at the Highlagfid Park hospital lasl Satundny eveniméifcillt‘m’imz an extended illness. She ha J(men unpluyed until recentâ€" ly at tv Fkokz gulf r-lula at Glencm, and is, (ill knuwn m Highland Park She is isubiwd by “no Sun. Roy 1111‘ and is 59'?! She is ESUE Lock. 167% ,V,.._.__...,. _,__ , V’RING sums ; =m ROBIN’S COMING: 2. Made I budget. to ascennm h?" ' rou should dispose of ynur income ; ‘ street ‘ fwork at the Bowden mlrke! _ 11th a bi: mm: «m h s {an , ed that warm weathm wa~ n tin-SWIM ~Tn back up hls Mair L snzprchm on a tree :pnnnummi that he had sevn firnhn :rf th( seaann Sunday" nutsidr ‘ :5. Km I warn! nf expenditurgy, a see how dose you rumvv (n )‘nur 0'5 imau-s. 4. Have a bank mrwunt 71- knit) "wur money in a safe- plau- and help u an 5. Curry h‘fe insurunvo. In mutt "nur loved ones in use nf your death. ‘1. "Fak- a will. to help insure your r-snurve‘ going quirkly m thusr- you PSXYP. FUN-Ea} wr‘virf-s were 'm-ld a! the rinr uhdr'rtakin: purlurs yostcrdl; "ulnfiéw nrial 33m (’Y‘Vil‘f'fi and burial was in M‘- cemetery. were 'm-ld a! the ,,,:mxs. mmcx DOOLEY DIES AT AGE or 92 Last Tut-Sela; 3m rning, shortly be- fore four o’clock, Mrs. Patrick Dooley passed away ai Um- {ainrly residence on Sevrrirl street The lifl (if Mrs. Doule) is closely bound up with {be early history of Highland Park and of Lake county. Mr. and Mrs Doolcy‘ were pioneers here over fifty- five years ago, at a time when there were only six families in the town. In those days Indians were a familiar sight, coming into town along theif own trail as far as from Milwaukee, making themselves at home about the town, and begging bread and cloth: ing from the settlers. At that time the Indians were friendly to thl whites, and were permitted to go Ind come at their pleasure. Funeral Services Were Held This Morning at 9 O‘clock at the Catholic (‘hurch WASA PIONEER RESIDENT Mrs. Dooley was the first post-.5~ mistress in any of the territorial hi and sround Clicago, having been re:- ulsrly sppoinbd by the government to hsndle the mils in this vicinity: She did this largely u s matter a! convenience and accommodation for the people who came for mil iron! Lake Forest, Deerfield, end the m4 rounding country, and beau-e ther‘ was no dependence to be placed in the hsndling of the mails under the em- isting conditions. -' a Patrick Dooley, known as Jud“ Dooley, was a baker, and the first lawyer in the town. His lsw booh' are to-day the property of the Higbvt land Park public library, and formed the nucleus of a library which he started for the city of Highhnd Park. The bakery and the {smlly residence were on the site now occu- pied by Brand's paint shop, and ex: tended beyond the Highlsnd Perk Press building. The block in which the City Hall stands we: All the property of Patrick Dooley and his wife. ' In those days the station was the general meeting ground for the town. There were four train: each day of uncertain schedule whose en; zines were fired with wood. Candlel were the only light known to the set- tlers Wild fowl were plentiful for the pioneers, at one time, nccordinz to report. Mrs. Dooley remembered seeing a fleck of wild pigeons so large that they darkened the landscape and nbscured the sun in paging. ‘ Mrs. Julia Dooley was born in Ire; land. but tame to fill.“ country at ah early age. She lived for over fifty‘n five years in Highland Park. and would have celebrated her ninetysee: and birthday today, we day of he} funeral, had she lived. The funertl services were held this morning a“: the Catholic church, burial taking, place at Calvary. She leaves to suf- vive her, twu sons nnd one dnughtep all living in Highland Park: Than“: 154.. William M.. and Mary Dooley. $09»? w>2~mwx ‘3:me . >a, aim IX“: Whyâ€"COP Mr. Hurry Paul Addmm Smdenfi- “Mr. Sandwick has informed me thxt you are to celebrate thin week a Thrift Week. The following Fman- cial Creed is part of the Laughing: cf the National Thrift Werk cam- , pain: .’ 1. Work and earn. {4: help {m reuse the world's goods und decrease 15; est of living. A. As Part of Thrift Week (‘un- paixn Here This Week M'umu VOLUME 8 aw

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