Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 9 Dec 1920, p. 2

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5115s Dnr‘nth)’ l“runu-> (’urth‘ haw U . . ‘ v v ‘ ‘ V ' mi) ”m m a N 4W“ ” ,W gm [MTED‘EVVAN‘GELH AL (H! R( H (‘1‘ at [hr “nman'< Athiotia v.1ub nn 0 Tux-why. Dru-n 1hr:- 24th from {um tn WWW «own n'clmk. J. H. Keaglc I'er _- The annual vlcvtiuns nf the Sunday ()n l‘vvu-mher 27th, 311'. and Mr.» «hm»! and a“. (1 R. “My” “n“. lu-Id .lmwn'u B. find “i” the a dam-v fI-l‘ wnh tiw (”mmum rnsulh" Sunday rm! ’U ()n l‘w-u-n' Juscpil B. l“ Lheir «immht )IiN‘Yi Mary .V-ph (Kurd, .Ir Pram-Mm: t waph L. I nvr Hulhnmk RcV. and MI“. T. J. JI‘hHNHK uf Ft, Waym-. 1nd,, hax‘v annnum-wi the marriagw Hf thrir «laug'mt-r, Hsthvr Eluanor. to Frank B. nght. .112, of Hmhlan'! I‘urk. They arv at hnme at :11 N. Tiuqa SL. Ithaca. N. Y. Mr. and Ml'\'. Knight. 511. why no; .w an easzvrn trip. are \'i.~‘1tim: zhvm, vrnl \I'n» Hul‘vnw VVzu‘ncx‘ w to the Friday Ewnim: (‘1 home but owning. M "'3‘ Thund PAGE TWO H] ill m" Mr turtain munity :l V rm: ”I!“ nur‘ “Ls Helen \Villits wntertuimui M frivnds Tuesday aftvmmn. zutmn .\1 M |\ M r\ {M qukmi. _. I'm" hf I) .‘I A uri . l I‘m-u-mher 27th, 311'. MM Mr.» B. find “”1 the a dunn- fur mmhtvrs and sun un‘l mew. the Mary and ('Mhorinv (‘anL .I-!.~< ll'll, .I!‘., and MRS FA‘NU'I‘. I“UUIK‘4 \m: thv «lam» Mr. and Mn" L. lll‘lhrll)k wii‘. L'in- u «hm 1' thmr daughtvr. Mus Frzmws 21H Hm Muruurrt Rm w-m‘. z'm-ms 1 Mn. .1 The Reliable Laundry H \Veather- Proofed Comfort \\ mum-1 Grrtrude \ rm'uil- r “.0 members of the class at a party in Center this m chin-g \\ Mfr! Sm M ii St, Smdfi “ml ((-21 Hrh‘n IPJJ ‘ir HIMH‘: Jnhnmn l 1.1mm “infir induy, .\'(v\'(-ml»ol ‘JMh Emu-opal chum-h. Bus mi in wrx'iu- and :mpmmm m (1' Ku mun/era's and Dry Cleaners 1H XI 2i I) {um um l1 x'o: snzist'zu‘tinm thy biggerâ€"than nmt'rwz nt‘mm'o \Vnnl perm-LU < t‘m- «him mntiw which pmmpts 11?:11' “mm-11 Hf this rummunity vix' nut-Hf-(hw' garments regul- \ i::.~xi:min11. The pleasure thus <-nh;mcwl UV the SvnsiNc cum- ';1\'nriu- garment \x‘nndcrfully ro- Y‘! M ('ul'tis tall Telephones 1 78-1 79 1 will ontL-I‘ 1‘1 mhwm m (iu!) t' Hydr Pu 311m. l’ux‘xly urnur, MM. ‘1‘ 1”“ coooc‘ocoooooooooooooaooooo . n O Luv” ericar. m Mb. 1mm Luwlay ufh-rv hvr «lnuuhtvr 'I‘hv l‘h Evnnm 11v Tuvsdn)‘ « Art‘hihulnl Sr'no l\'| $572.1? 2:22:13 7:3...“ (.3 “7.7.2:? 211...: 2â€"2:: 12...; 5.2:; Z..:.1:_:J :yflzi. 5.: 44:35,.“ ”2475...? 33:: «4.2L 7.5;. i. $1.123. ;..E...::...:. 4.. 2‘ 32,72.“ 1.5.7 i. 2:13. .76 32:. :7; 227,; 37/1.“ 1:: ::VL:_::..< 9.15.234... «42:2. :2: 12;. ”2:51:53... :7 supt. ut' prmmry T. H, I‘M‘kvl‘; <upl‘ mun. .\h~'\ HmNig mnnnnury dvr; sum. (‘hx'lstmz r' Thy ., prrsi‘iu lde‘nl. A (Iik‘rk‘l'; ll U (h Subject for next Sunday's Lesson 5‘ l'lllnll, "Hml. tlw l'n-M-rvm ml. Man," Services are held in this church m‘cry Sunnlzxy nmrninz at ”10:45 Sunday svlmnl meets immediately af- ter tlm murning sorvmo. and is open t.» pupils up to the age of 20 years. The Wednesday evening meeting. which includes testimonies of Chris- ’:v~n Svienre healing: i: at 8 o'clock. NO MORE nr lmcr. If!" yuu use RAT-SNAP. It'- n «no rodent kill-r. Try a Nu. nnd prvu il‘ RM- hllcd pith RAT-SNAP kl“: no .meH, (-t- or don won't tom-h I'l. Glu- into"! 15: nln a1 uh.) enough {or Putty. Duh- cn ur (‘rll-r. 6k ‘6" ‘2 "In“ {or Chick-n Hun. (ml. or «lull buildiny‘. 71175 fiilf «5 (I'kfl) "with {or I“ hr- .Id ' an! buildinn. nor-[I hildinn. or {Mary buildingm Sold Ind Gunman! by E. W. GSELL . HARDER HARDWARE C0. 1 VORTHWESTERN DEPAITIBNT STORE i Ynu are cordially invited to make -‘ |~€ nf the reading room at 3R7 Cen- Th‘ I‘ll! nkum, which is open every PM \m-k tiny from nine o'clock in the 'I 'n: tmti! six u'vlock in the eve- {“1“ II'Y‘ mL’ Iltmr ’I‘hv <L'!‘\‘1\'t‘.\ in thh .hm'vh tin BURL” SuMmH: :n‘o: Sunday whuui 3:0 mm! morning scrmun by thv p r u! W13. Thr Swim :mrl (Iv Vul' snvictn-s mm! .1! '1 1' emlv vpar utmn< fur HKL'I‘I‘S<I\ 1‘. wmm: y H’HH Thv ‘-\‘ '\l imp! f0 fire iofiundrq luthru ('12|>> of 1hr "mlwi A] vhurch “51H mun-l nn-xt \vmru: at thv hnnh' nf Mrs. \hvrvnunhy nn Linmuh: nu krm-m- ,' «w Y'l':l<UY'\'I‘. “'ultm‘ Hruhum Ko-axlv: NW of thr V, H, «mm! Raymund Fiddc-l; \ll'o UIIH' lwmd~ e-n-mm: wrn invitation i< HHHIIU‘U l t'uhh VHH rmmnu Sutr Inn {rum 5: [n G In Int-rt ”Maw. Mn. Ikmivl FUN». Dr Ill! :md uppmntmi H'Slllls' url Fritst lxhhll'l; mu! hm 0 mn RATS Mn] Paul 01 1hr "mlwi ithit'l \nn‘k wry mu h l'rtul')’. \anlm «mum; Nlrx h-pzn't MN on TL'HH Eh) fir<t luhl 1m H‘i ‘11 [MURDERER um T0 ‘11 * mun BY SHERIFF 3 THE HIGHLAND max tREss, HIGHLAND Pm. ILLINOIS um ruum) “mknm H'mn rr t'ulx‘m) (NH-n» In In INTI? Sulm Hutu mum‘vnh-n. m .300 chl'! {unnu- thr <tuh- mud rnnu tln- rriul! nf 1hr rm" [IHH\ Prnutv Willmm I’lkv Hf 1h. army mmhrnl rnrps Huliunmi at Furl Shwi. «hm wzu l'l!“\l\'[('d n! murder l\_\' n umrt martini hut Turmiu)‘ and rum- Ivnrml Io xhn-v yuan :n hard labor at Furl Lcnwnwurth Plku fatally stuMu-d Snlnurl ('hva‘sh'r, unnlhor soldier at For! Sheridan on July ;. ”P [)lei iv” (it’fn'llw' And hm MH HM ulH Hypo w 1hr lnkv water |.~ l-«mg Hnmwi fur 1hr failure of nunh <hun- “humv I'm-xx" t.» prndun- n kick The hypn. H hm: been den-rimmed, has n tomlvnvy to “kill" (hr yruut (he mun- u> 1! destrnps lawn-rm. and m this way 1t pn-vcnh frrmvntnlion, With» um 1'.rmvnunmn thu hunw Dun-w Is way 1t pn-vcnh fn-rm mm 1'. rmvnunmn th‘ m-m hw-r", mu] nu Um Hum: Lalw W um 1H Thr m Mhl)‘ nun-(1m: u! the nth-rs. h'mhrh “Mi Mipvrl Hf (hr ”nth sth-nl will be ht-ld M thrw thirty In the afternoon in 1hr I‘aruth House. Tho- Young: Pmplc‘.‘ Sociuty at sam'en fiftwn. Jnhn Wmtvrs will lead an the tbmc. “(Emmi “Mrk Vii-Ending and Do- tbplt‘. “(inwl “Mrk Vii-Ending and no- im: ll." Thi- .\li~<iunary l‘niun will meet at {wi- tiirty u'ilm'k Mundny ant-mu»! ht {l‘ii' r(-~‘Ivlt'n\v of Mrs. (‘lrlv'u‘Yl Musrlc)’. I'll l'h)3pu‘l AVG. M19! Edith ll. Mm“ will have charge of th«- stwly “'lllill will be “The Religions of the Near East" Mn. Virgil (‘. Mlh‘svr will sing Oriental songs. ‘H Pray” mm'tmg It eight o'clock Wednesday evening. 1“ u m Th. 'I‘hr unmhlmp In! hn .Inwu m Wmuukt m umnltlmg huuhw lh un «min-rm! In ”w I \n MMHHI‘K humlvu Iru~th Vulhu §\ H‘Y't unfnnl luff vl‘ \. v‘ni‘ Rh UH ll YT Him-r. hm! \Vulnusday Af- mei a still at the hump uf “l‘htvp. Hl‘J VHUMH firm-t. Vim'uunu This’ Wm (hr {nurth Mm! in {nul‘ «hiya and, “Hurd- S‘urrItY (hm-n, it was {hr hull“ 1nd up [n that (mun Hl‘hnp n m! under urn-st and was lulu-n xhu' (mun. uhvn he was nrr umy hunk. uvw uf Ihl"[L\'.|(u l‘ ”11' ('Hllll’nl Hf \VlelH . had mmh- npplirallnn for Vim-n. umh'r uhirh 11 and mnnh- hunln throughout «tn-mp1 lhlln' Numb «mm In n-npflx Ihmr ”w.“ “111 rvsuh H: rm‘i! l‘xwhwunm that \Iw "~hurk~'” uflvn luv ~:'\- duHuI" in mum-s hmmzht Inh'r {rum tho pnllu ,«hm'nl will meet u! x Suwluy mnrmng. \nx-hip Bl 1‘11‘\'vh lv‘tiv mun nf lht' Lnrll's S hx‘r r\'0d “("1 l'l'lli nu le-n rn! nlrrtmn nut 1hr mn of .Iu-tm the HM soulnx In at hxs hunu‘ m hn- lwrn «lump- ’2m. I'Hmrlrlurs lh {hr ('1!_\' hun- l'lrl‘l"‘ [In l'ltl‘l‘. U I] wry x; hunu‘ m Hr Was lmrn \'m2 1», 1V”. lanuury 1 :u unnh-hmv.‘ nds a'il' The mnsrient'wus objector! to wnr haw all been "Jun-d Ind forgiven. but a much larger number of con- »)uuS ohfirtnrs u. work remain to be dealt with. Fishing season supposed to be om, but the sucken Ire nil! biting for oil stocks. Telephone % Gift M LET THIS LIST PROVE YOUR BEST AID 1N GIFT SELECTION Landscape Harmony LANDSCAPE GARDENER LIGGETT imports more Coca Beans than any other Manufacturer in the United States Robert W. Pease, Pharmacist H. P. ‘23 for Today and Special Packages for Christmas 'lhe evident harmony of arrangement be- tween the house and surrounding landscape is what first impresses one in viewing Italian land scape architecture. A consideration of the design as a whole. in- eluding gardens. terraces, groves, and their nec- essary surroundings and embellishments, brings out the fact that no one of the component parts was ever considered independently. If you are contemplating having some land- scape work done, it pays to employ one who is an expert in his line. Right now is an opportune time to make preparations for fall planting, tree trimming, and other work around your place. Do not put oif making your arrangements, as the fall is a very busy season. TEI.BP_|H)NE Cstimates promptly furnished upon request. Liggett’s Candies Some people send at! hundreds of In”?! to buy uru'clu at uni] order homes. :nd (hon xhey Ire mud became the local more do" not curry missing pun whm the thing breaks down. Boy: who ('3th rides on behind lu- mmobiles. win it 'u hoped, be able to I“ up in a 130.9111] 00‘ by New Yen's. We have a full line of Formerly Schumu hcr’s H IGHWUOI), ILLINOIS Whitlman Chocolates Page Shaw Chocolates Fine Candies in Bulk Cigars Tcléphoncs 144â€"363 Many pooph dvny mm the] I thrifty. as they save i\'('T.\‘ dullu' Week to pay the insmllnwnu ofl fur emu. It I! chimed that public thould be “men uf'vuunn“ ! they loom to need just not smelling ability Highlhnd park. ".1. ll

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