l“ :mm 307 13 South St. Johns Avenue. Highland Park U98, TQdUCt‘i Per suit Reimbu- WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllIllllllll"llllllIIllll|llllllllllIIIlllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllï¬ . HATS MEIYS HIGH GRADE VELOI'R HATS gTiIEMImmmunmmnnumInuumlnuuImmunmmnummumlIIunIliiu'l'u‘uimumummiI’IlilmImmmmmmyiu IOnl) Two (hildren'. 1),.th Report ed; Ourmr Plea-ed with (‘ity' n Retard UNION SI'ITS SWEATERS Come in now and look at our following prices: Our ï¬rst price is always a low price. When we cut the price 25% and 30% on all‘ merchan- dise you save that much real money. on the clothes you need. We reduced the prices on our stock way down low. Knaak_’s Pharmacy Costs no more than the ordin- ary PHONO- GRAPH $25.00 WORTH OF RECORDS FREE WITH ANY PATHE PHONOGRAPH ’EXCEPT NOS. 3 AND 6 AND YOU PICK THEM OUT YOURSELF! Yesâ€"and you sug- gest r/u' terms.’ Select your Christ= mas Phonograph and get $25. ()0 worth of neu Records YOU CAN NOW SAVE MONEY HERE’S no string to this offer; no joker in it. 525 worth-Ff l’athe or Actuelle records; FREE if you buy a Pathe Phono- graph (except the small models 3 and 6. which are not included). No matter if you pay cash or extend the terms on easy payments __tho #2.â€) worth of records will be delivered with the instrument as quickly as you make your selection. U FREE $2.00 â€hr (1 Limited Time S. FELL The Rexall Store DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS S" K AND SILK LISLE $10 00 and $12. 00 \alues, now .056 5 Wilson Bros. and Arrow Brand shirts are included in this great reduction. '3‘: $335133 52? T?" 52. 00 $1. 00 and $5. 00 val- ues reduced to ........... $3. 50 A complete selection of High grade suits and over-coats, are offered at a reduction of 25 and 30C“ Regulax $1100 and $12.00 \alues are reduced $8 50 for this sale to Regular $8.50 value, \ow . ,, A Regular $6 50 Value New V. Regular $5. 00 value, \nw .6 l. ,, MEN’S AND BOYS’ SUITS OVERCOATS MACKINAWS SHIRTS $6.50: $35“ , r quh 7:36.50 754.50 153.50 BLUE CHAMBRAY SHIRTS $1.50 values. priced s for quick sale .. 1.00 $1500 and 1600 \alues for . $11. ( $12.00 and $1000 xalm Selling for $2.00, $3.00 and Him ml- ues to sell for $1.50, $2 “ $2.50 75c and $1.00 values, reduced to . ,. .. $1 50 values ‘ reduced to V ._ v I $2. 00 and $2. .30 \211- S ues reduced to $3.00 values, 3 Now reduced to goods at the FLORSHEIM SHOES $7.50 8‘ $6.50 THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS N EC KWEAR WILSON BROS. OVERALLS $11.00 50c $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 Short! )‘nftor the petition wu wired to Washington. a reply was received ‘in Chicago, stating tint n commis- xinnor Would be immodintoly sent to ,(‘hicuum to carry on In investigation. The rvport that the rite increase that went into (fleet int took attended to minim-r24 was eroneous. The pro- pused Im'rease will b. the ï¬rst to itnuch suburban tnï¬c. which has so far been exempted on the ground that commutm had semi-vested right; in low rates. The report of the investigators will no doubt be nude in the nenr future. Until then the price of k) CN- ugo will remain tho II M. Thv prupuswl rau‘ misc Woul‘l 3!. {wt lwunm commuters. ANN“! Hf “hum ll\'(' nn the north .Ihurv and me Hu- ('hn-auu and Nurthwvstrm rm!- wuy, Thv proposed boost Would in- .lmlc (\‘x‘tws baggage. oxcursmns. milk, and all other fan-s onmptod in the last rntn- advance {rum 3 m 3.6 cents por mile. Km 11 t m The {are between this (‘xly and Chi- vngu nn thv ('hivagn and NorthWrst- vrn rnlluny may he raised 20 per run! xf 1hr pvtmnn mudv last Woo-k tn the Inhu‘tuh- (‘nmmorco (‘ummnnlnn by (hp \‘nnnus t‘hirngo railroads In “That ls a remarkable record," said Wilhur Glenn \'oliva..m'era(~er of Zi- on. as he reviewed this record aub- mitted hy the health ofï¬cer. “Think of the vast army of children we have here. and we hava had only two deaths among all these children in 11‘ munths. Where, is there any place in the l'nited States, (‘anada, Aus- tralia. England. or any other country that can show such a record? I thank (End for that rm‘ordl" Petition Sent to Interstate (‘om~ merce Commission; Wauld Affect 38,000 on North Shore RAILROADS ASK INCREASE The (‘ity of Zion in on the map for marriages as well as births. Out of a pupulatinn of 5,672 there hu been 1thirty-{our mnrriagea. 85 births and ‘40 death. These ï¬gures, given out by (‘ity Health Ofï¬cer Dr. J. H, Blanks, show that the hirths are dou- hle the deaths, plus ï¬ve. 0! the 40‘ deaths. 15 of the. permm were 61 to h2 years of age. and seven were from 50 to 5K. ()n the list. there are but two children who passed away durâ€" ing: the H months. one six years old and the other eight. There are but two others under 20 yean of age. It in interesting also to nlltl‘ thnt among the HT» births. the-re were ï¬ve pain of twins.~ 85 BIRTHS AGAINST 40 DEATHS IN ZION (‘uptain Rude: was proud of the Work on his team. There 13 a rule W’hék'h permit: but one oflicer on a team and Capt. Rodos wns the one u- sigm-d. He is an ensign and was on thv Annapolis ream in 1919‘ Thu marines were champions uf the rastvrn training station. >hu\\'\ up line. u~ fuliuw>2 I'x'l‘nul {'m\'. U, (Irrnt Lnkvs 5H; Lukv Fun-«t (‘01; U, Grout Lukm 13 'I'hv Milwaukee Srh, Eng '3‘. (in-a! Lukre I), tThv Mllwzaukw (rum \wn- (-hamp» iulh Hf Wm-unsm.) Hampton Rumla 7, ï¬rm! Lulu-s 2%. Mnnm-s. Qunmiva, \'n,. T. (:rrn! Ltlkt'y T ll Tin (.rvat I ukes football team cnnu hack hut wegxk from its trip vast and ’whvn the warriors reached the sta- jtinn they found jar-kit‘s lined up from itht‘ parade ground clam to the main Igmv. And. the boys “ho had Won ‘hunuw in the vast and hmught back ‘tht- silver cup marched down between thl‘ lines and werr (ht-cred lustily. It mun-d to he a great day fur the {unthall playch and the- fans enjoyed thrmsoh'vs. There wvrr at Jmst 5000 mm in the Irma “hm D: mus! GREAT LAKES TEAM RETURNS FROM TRIP on Silve‘r Trophy in we East Defeatilu Hampton Roads Team prrmunrml)‘ (NIH) rm“. \wm thn-O (Inn's to 1h! Evanston Battery Station Central Battery Station 522 Calm! Avenue SWEETLHND’S PHARMACY Corner Central avenue and Second Street Also a ï¬ne line of post cards and booklets, to be had at Such as Pipes, Razors, Cigars, Cam- eras, Fountain Pens, (Parker and Con- klin) Eversharp Pencils, Manicuring Sets, Stationery, Candy, Perfumes, and other things too numerous to mention. Approwiate and Useful Christmas Presents Telephone Highland Park 266 CW W) (‘one in and look over our Stork PAGE