Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 30 Dec 1920, p. 2

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PAGE TWO m Tuscnn, Dccomhvr 1‘7 l n U : t a L i u n \ were issued by His: Alma (”OSCH for a formal damn mg party Whivh was. gchn at the (ummumty (‘cnu-r last evening in hunnr Uf her house guesta. the Misses Margaret Porter .Vela Graham and Mau'de Gridlcy. Preceding the dance Miss Olescn entertained her guests Mrs. John Horvnhorger announc- :-< the marriage of her daughter, Miss Florence Wan-rs tn Mr. Peter Miller hf Tusmn. :\riz.. which tnuk plum at dinner Thc Miavs Martha and Elizabeth lrwin anul Miss Hazel Hlk‘hlt‘ enterr mined friends from Chicago at (lin. nu" at the Moraine hutcl (liristnms (lay. c'un:rs being laid for eleven. Lat, or in the owning rvfrvshments Were svrved at their hnme followed by games and music. Miss Richie play- ed the mandolin, accompanied on the piano by Miss Underwood. The marriage of Miss Henrietta‘ Louise Shreve, daughter of Mrs.' Janics Shrew, and \lr. Joseph L Rubin of Chicago, formerly of Cal- ifornia, took place last Wednesday: afternoon at '3: o'clock at the home of the brirle' s mnther, with the Rev. Fittl ofi‘iciatinz The bride was giVen away. by her brother. “1' Claude Shrew.“l Wlhi was home from Boston for the holidays. She was attired in brown .pan velvet and carried a bouquet of‘ orchids and lilies of the vallvy. A: supper followed the ceremony ‘aflurj which the young couple left. for the; det‘WBtcr Beach hotel, filere they‘ are residing tvrnwm L'm-sts, Miss Mabel Ernst will entertain th-- Friday Hwning club at her home Tuesday evening. Ln" 1 lluu: AAV£AILLAb LIUU u... H». ..v...- Tuesday evening. Mr. Ira Univ of Canada spent lht‘ :hUlitifly with his family. Mi!" Mary Milis kn‘i'l‘téim‘d at; Elizabeth Shaw; wife of ('harlcs fm Sunday aftrrimon for her guest. Shaw, of Chicago, former vngine Miss Winnifrwi CHEN)" 3 501W“! Wan-her in [Norm-Id. died at her hIHHl‘ frit‘flli at Sacred ”var! Avadviiiy. {lust Tuesday. Thq- )Iissw Aliw and Florence .éhx‘cvo entertained at tra from four t-w <ix yrsterday afu-muon for their sister. Mrs. Joseph L. Rubin. They Were assisted by the Misses Marian Leach, Louise Silhcr and Alma Ole- Mrs L. M. Bergen entertained at dumnr Thu‘rsrlay evening preceding the Junhr Jam-c at the Highland Park Huh £ her nephew Charles D. Hark); of (Mk Park who was her Mr. urn} Mn: Lucius A. Hine en- :u-tained at a dance last evening at (m Mnraim‘ fur thvir sons, Frederick “fig and Lucius Alxin Hint}, Jr. “353 Mary Mills entertained the members of her clus s at the Sacred Hart Academy at luncheon in Mar- shall Field's tea room, yesterday. Mrs. John F. Scott. Jr., was host < at tea from 4 to G on Tuesday af rnwm for Miss Alma Olvsen': JO“. SOCIAL ACl'IVITY The Reliable Laundry The best dressed men of suits. uvm‘cnaLs and clothes accessories by nur 1n;‘..~'Lerâ€"cleuners as quite INHHHH regard the Let us be Hf service tn you 1 Sitt‘ Send if Best Dressed Men aunderers and Dry Cleaners Cal! Telephones 178-179 haw ami fortnightly hairâ€"cut! personal clmnline regular renovation of their The Jolly (‘luh unjnywl u ('hristmas party at tho homt- of .“is: Mnrgan-t lSiljestrnm hut M'uinvsday vvx-ninu. xcazo Mrs. Herbert Hubcr is hush-s5 h £th Euvhrv duh at her honn- thx: afternoun. The murriam- of Mi,“ Franu-a Vell- «ll-r Bm-ll (laughter of Mrs. ('hurlcs (7. Bucll and Mr. Jnmvs Bernard Mullen. took plin- lnst owning at the home of the bride's mothrr. Miss Frances Gleam-r of Little-ton. N, H. served as maid of lmnnr and Miss Marjorie McIntosh acted as hrulvx- majd.’ Temple Hoync But‘ll. bruthrr of 'tho bride svrvml as best man whilc Charles ('. Buoll uml l‘Imm'y Jaukwn wurv ushvrs. Mr‘ and Mrs: Mullen loft tmlay fur New York when- thvy Will sail fur Hurupv t0 lu- Lyme svv vral months. W O ' wvnfihuhflfl g DEEBFIELD NEWS ITEMS 3 Mrs. S. Anteé had as her gum-ts Christmas Mr. and Mrs‘ William An- tes of Highland Park and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bingham bf Irving Park. Mr. and Mrs, R. I). Ron's an- family won- the week 0nd gum-sh; 0 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Huu'hinsrm of (‘hi Misses Laura and Jvnnir Kan'h spent the Week end with their Match: Mrs. Frank Sucman of (‘russ Plains.‘ Wis. ‘r Messrs. Richard and Emil Kauur nf (‘hivauu Won- the guests of lhvir mu sins, Frank and Adolph Knttrasth, Christmas. Don't form-t the New Yrar'a l'va masquerade ball which will (alu- play» in thv school assembly hull. Many beautiful prizes are to be awarded. The niu<iv will he the hcsl. a four piwu jazz urchostra. The vuluntuor firc department ix very anxiuus tn have this affair a success‘ Mr. ('harlcs Clause, a recruiting: officer in tho l'. S. army, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Gordon ("louse Mr. and Mrs. (Braves and family left Friday fur Strcatnr, Ill., whcrc they will make their future hvmr. Mr. and Mrs. F‘rcd Lalmhn were the week and guests of Mr. Lahahn's parents of Evanston. The fulluwing were awarded dolls in the contest held jn the drug atnro‘: Mary Hole, Marjorie Garrity, Shir- ley Blaine, Delores Krell, Mary Hag- hlnom. Rose Gloden, Mary O'Bery. Betty (‘laveyx Doris Kreh and Don» thy Wesslinsz. Mrs. E. B. Jordan will be hostess at the Five Hundred club meeting on Tuesday afternoon “ago Mrs. E. Willman ape Chvistmas with Mrs. Louise Osterman of Chi- Mrs. E. J. Knickerbocker had as her guests Christmas day, Mr. Fred Greenslade, Mrs. Marie Richards of Highland Park and Mr. McCarthy of Chicago. this community as 21$ theil much a re- I). Ron's am! hush-s5 Wyn-m! 1hr (Llhtmus huhduy~ \nth lhvr Nth”. (;1'!)Y",..'l' Rwycnlau'h er. ‘ull ALIh'rNtn Win [hr L'ut‘rt ..r hvr Hum, Mn, n. J I’icluns, Ur lidngutn-r. Thursday Mina-s Hun-nu- McLaughlin and l honn- thxs Alix't‘ Dufl'y of High‘lunfi Park were the gucsls of Mus Margaret Kn-ss f: .' \ THE HIGHLAND mg: PRESS, HIGHLAND Pun, mats There will be Germafi services in St. Paul‘s Evangelina] uhurch. New Year's morning. and Emlish Sunday morning. After the aerfices the men of the congregation ‘31” have . met-Gnu. All are urgd‘ tn In pn-g. out at this meeting. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. S. A. “011- nf Lex- inutnn, K)'.. are spvn‘ing wwml Weeks with Mrs. L. l(‘. “ole. Sunday they wore the gursts ufJir and Mm. Richard Hunt of Waucdfidu. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn" of wow thv \Vm-k end 291-515 and Mn: Rcit'hrll.‘Sr. \‘px'Ht {pHIIHH-I Sunday If lhlh ycur the 'Cnited Sum-s States .xprmls $700,00qu on naval wnstruvtinn (u get ahogd of England and next year England IpI-nda $1,400,» 000,000 tn m»! aht-ad 'cf (hr "nilvd States, huw much will the United Statvs have to spend y‘ar after next In Kl‘l ahvml of Englumi? ilh'ur Miss Rldlnn I l l-annut u-ll yuu haw badly I felt ‘whcn l rm'eivml yl-urHMmr of ()câ€" ‘tnlwr Nth unly jmt yesterday. Why {it Wll~ m tk-rriMy delayed I cannot HHHL’IIH' Thry have fay forwarding ‘adtln-as in Oak Park, where I {or- nu-rly ll\'ud. and as far :5 I know ltlu-rv hm nm'or been any delay In wndlng nn letters to To nddrt-saml in Oak Park. I am «musing hvrvwith the l'th-lnpr in whidl your letter ramo that you hwy 509 that it was rvmuilml out n{ ('hicago on Novem- 'lwr 2(lh, huving lwfn held over a month ' V Thr hold up men nreLrvmindt-d that this muntry now has rmun'niun fuc- tnries ('npahlv uf arming at least 10,- 000,000 men a yvur with guns {gr household and hip Wk»: uu-I ' WKW+WWPKM-NW Whvn planning thu program for our ('thrm-nk hunk wick. Mjss Rn!» lun wrnu- to Mr. Bunoughs ‘0 ask him to comv tn Highllnd Park. Sh!“ rm-vin-«l nu rn-ply until the fin! week of IN-wmlwr. and the n‘ply was so (‘hunu‘lt-rlstlk', that fiery one who n-uds the Tarzan buoki and the Man) books will want in read the letter: "Tunanu Runvh, Vad Nuys. Calif” Docemhvr 1. 1920 Emu: RH'l-Z nl‘kkg'ol‘tms mums T0 Tm: “mum H “I (It) not knnw whatIyou must have thoughx of my sccnv.u:‘ indifference to ynur very munvoua invitation 10 speak to yuur childrvm dunng Ihv (‘hiI«Ix‘vn'.~ Bunk “Wok: Of course. I (‘UUIII nvv. hm’u- availodfirysolf of (Ins plvnsurc >invv I live («n.{ur away, but I might at Ivnst haw fen! them a Iii [Io Hair 1»: lot them know that I Lhwuxhx of Ihun and Wish thvm wc-II. and wuuM like In have I’M-n “ith than "I'Ivaso acre-pt my ,n'nverc rl-yrrh for this unfortunate-i.occurenrv and my assuruncc that I Would have born (It‘lightmi to hznr (lune-IWha! I t‘qunI 1.» assist in {In- succcssu of your (‘hxi dren's Book \Vex-k. : Y‘lil We hear so much him-ism of the postal servit-c in general and Mr. Burk-son in purliculnr’f‘thut one nwrl‘ instant-o (.f this sort ,~only makes 11> gasp again in helplefii'despair. Ami yet the fault (lm-s not}: entirely with them. No pc-rson in ‘thority in any post office will fail to; tell you (when they have a chanceinvhow hlrd hit they have been for Want‘of proper help. They could mi pay Adequate salaries to those {aitiful Ind greatly ovvr-worked emplyq: who hu‘e ls 31m: Mn é” PUBLIC Ll BRA BY My Very sincvrcjy yuurs. Edgar like Burmughs m. h brought upon thomulve: the torrent of nhum- due to the uencrul racon- ntructinn problems, and ‘lnhor trou- lylrs.‘ Let u:- fvrw-ntly hope. that with cluthrs and other things It‘lllnfl at lnui-r prh'mt, lml "1th men look- ing {or jnlm. that the pond syru-m may ru-ruit their much dfpletrd forum, and give us Igam their fl» mnus and efficient service. Let us ull lw a lltllt‘ bro-tier in our vie“. and n lllllt' more p-tiont -~ times are rhnngmg', The Public Library has received a :1“ of u suhsvrtption u! “The Indo- prn-lt-nt Woman" from Mrs Henry l'. llqusnn \Ahh h it u: glad tu no- know ledge Mm llt‘lt'n Flinn wxll rvsume her vmxk at thr lil-rury nftt-r the first of January. In February. Min Alm- (’lt'hl'n. who has been doing Miss Him.‘~ Work during the three monthr' lmnr, “ill take up her Itudien at the l'mu-rnty of llllnull Everyone will lw glad to have Miss Flinn on duty again. but it in I grout regret that we cnnnot keep Min Olemn too. “or onthusiutic and rendy service to the public in thin emergency hu been Ip- rvciated by everyone who hn come in touch with her. ‘At the lust moeting of the Botrd of Trustees. the resignation 0! Min Margaret Ridlun. lilur-rinn, wu ICâ€" u-pted. She is lenving in the spring ti. take up other work. The Public Lihrary will be cloood after six o'clock on New Yur'l fl". and Ill dny January ht. Other- wise it will be open :- nun] every ’weekdly:9t012;lwslnd7b’. Ritter’s Feed Store offers you a complete line of feeds for every feeding purpose. Come in and get acquainted with our Quality REP EGG MASH in a meat mash and should be fed together with Rep 5 sure results. Every poultryman who to production. All scratch feeds are for 1 ed for developing the eggs within a he feed. Try these feeds at your ear-lies p.)\ In. I \ .- . ...V. [11 K is concerned for feeding your poultr: â€"â€"no dust or dirt, or wild seed of any Buckwheat. Milo and Sunflower Seed. Rep will appreciate the economy of feeding th I, Ii... EP SCRATCH FEW} second to I w. RIfiER GROCERY EEI) is second to none as far as a complete scratch grain ration feeding your poultry. This splendid feed in clean and wholesome t, or wild seed of any kind. It is made from Corn, Wheat, Barley. .unflower Seed. Rep Scratch Feed is very palatable to fowl and you onomy of feeding the nice large kernels that prevent waste. in a meat mash for heavy egg production. It is high in protein ether with Rep Scratch Feed. This combination will bring you )ultryman who feeds poultry must feed a mesh for increased egg -h feeds are for body maintenance and the excess food value need- eggu within a hen must be obtained from feeding a dry mash s at your earliest convenience. AN D MARKET FREE DELIVERY Rtuulnr meeting U! ”H- (lamp Fir? girls m the parish house It 10 on Sat- urduy morning. Each girl should know the (‘Jmp Fire rltunl. There ’wlll he drill on the sonar: and work on the (in-Mes Ind held hands. The qunnefly meeting of the W0- mln'h League will he held in the pnâ€" xsh house on Mundny. Jam. 10. The ‘Wc-stm'muter Guild will have chute of {the unit. Al 1 o'clock luncheon Will be served to the women. The meetâ€" }ing will follow the luncheon. Mn. tFrtm-es J. Dlefenderfcr, pmldent of hue Order ’0! Anti-Polynmy. will sped on the subject “Fm: About lormoninm Every Woman Should Tho Duran some!" will hold in "gull" all day meeung on Monday In (hr parish houxw, Lunvhoun will be yu-r\¢‘1l M 12:15‘ Thr Westminster Gunld will meet at lho‘ rrsidvnro of Mn. (311 “A “mm, 1030 S. Lindvn nun. on Mon- dn) nfu-rnoon a! 2:30. l'ruyt-r meeting on Wednesduy eu- mng n fi'UO. SCRATCH FEED' we of! er our trade has been tried and tested for its proâ€" ductive value before it re- ceives our endorsement and gust-whee. . ADJI'DK‘ATION NOTICE ‘ PuhH‘c now-e i: hrrrhy KH‘ED the Execumr of the LII-l will und nmept of Julia Elmo. d¢~r(“3€dv d attend the ('uunty (‘bun of‘ County. at a m Uwrt‘nf to be en u the (‘oun House in W- in said County. on the fin! l of February next. 1921. when where all p‘rsons havinx cl“ again“ said «we arv notified requested to pregent lh( “me ‘0 Con?! for adjudication, “-1 You Are cordially invited to use of the reading room It 887 in] avenue, which is 0pm week dny from nine o'clock in morning until six o'clock in the ning. JOHN HENRY MINE.“ Executor of the last will und t ; men! of Julia Klme. deceased. Wuukegnn, 111.. Nun-mm! 29, 1 Heydeckeg Heyderkt-r. Attorneys for Estate. ‘2 Minx people who drank ”he the holidays should have bet-x en I headstone for Christan“. 1 HIGHLAND PARK â€"â€"LAKE FOREST Every Feed

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