Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 29 Sep 1921, p. 6

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The Highlanb Park Pram mblishéd keekty by JOHN L. UDELL Park, Lake (‘0 Udell Brothers Florence Warner Entered as second Every week Lukv i'unnn' in pavements 2n Vain HI‘ \Viilliu‘EL lying sectiuns of the L'HUHI} set by mad officials, but the nm‘iii alwnq as it host may. No new this part nt' tho i'minty for a in paved, it is true: but it was mad. and is not a part of the road. mu. is so far inland th crowded condition of traffic in this iwrrt ot' the county fora longtime. uni-girl”. H...” c .. paved, it is trne: but it was put in as a federal government road. and is not a part of the Lake county program. Telegraph road. t0o, is so far inland that it does not greatly relieve the crowded condition of traffic in the north shdg‘e cities. Between Highland Park and Lake Forést there is only one route of travel, Sheridan road. There is no road between the two cities which avoids Fort Sheridan. (lreen‘Bav road extends as far north as Highwood. There one must detour to Sheridan road. Green Bav road bet“ een Fort Sheridan and Lake Forest is in such poor condition that it is unfit for through traffic. Hence. the entire stream of motor vehicles must use Sheridan road. When traffic is heavy. especially on Sundays. Sheridan road greatly re- sembles Michigan boulevard in Chicago. The jam of cars makes travel slow and difficult. Sheridan road meanders through the woods and covers a great deal more distance than Would a direct route. r” A'.,.,‘ The north shore is growing rapidly. andwill continue t Very soon. perhaps, it will become absolutely necessary along the north shore more highways for through traf very direct route between Highland Park and Lake Fore: be obtained if Green Bay road were continued north t‘ron Wood avenue. Highwood, along the west side of the (‘hici Northwestern railway tracks to the crossing at Silt'l‘fd lle demy. Lake Forest. This is only a suggestion: luit sooner something must he done to pro\'ide the north shore with at? and more direct routes of travel, ; There are other roads in this part of the country tha‘ he attended to by the county authorities grithout t‘urtlie The road from Highland Park to lleertield has long neede ing. It has remained in poor condition, hotitever. whil ‘ tht was putting in concrete roads in remote places. Anotl that should he attended to is the stretch fi‘om Highwood Telegraph mad. l N0 Hidin E's 0‘ Place Is Safe we attended to by the county authorities Mithout further delay. The road from Highland Park to Deertield has long needed repay- ing. It has remained in poor condition, however. whil i the county was putting in concrete roads in remote places. Another road that should be attended to is the stretch firom Highwood west to Telegraph mad. ; “THAT'S WHERE OL'R M().\ԤEY GOES“ All the. waste of the taxpayers" money is not caused by the military departments of the government; Many of the govern- ment. state and county officials are participants in the speiitlthrift game. Last week we received at this office some publicity matter from Springfield â€" an ordinary bulletin that would serve the pur- pose if printed on cheap paper. The matter was enclosed in an envelope of high grade paper with “Louis l.. Emerson. Secretary of State. Springfield. lll.." engraved upon it. Each daily and weekâ€" ly paper in Illinois probably receivml the same sort of letter. There may be some reason why engraved stationery is necessary in cir- cular letters to iiewSpapers of the state: l)'ut on the face of things it seems an uncalled for waste of the people's money. THE Wllil. Tt') ENDURE "The most pressingr requirement of the present hour is not how are we to solve our economic problems. but where are we to find the sustaining: intluences for the realities ot’ lit‘e‘.’ How are we to justify the existing form of government in our republic? Where shall we resort for teachings in patriotism‘.‘ ly for a continuation of that service of sacrifice which has made modern civilization possible ‘.’ On what can we i'e-' .\ll\s luriietta Scharfl' to Mr. Wil- liiiin liittcr Hintl. both of this city. Both young people are Well known, .\lr. llintz beingr a mail carrier. ()w- ing to the illness of the groom's moth- er only the members of the inimed‘ late family Were present. The ser- vice was read by Mr. llintz' brother- 'in-law. the Rev, Roscoe M. Burgess of Sonionauk. Ill. Mr. and Mrs William Ralph an- ‘nouiice the ltlilt‘l'lllL't' of their daugh- ter. Marjorie Agnes to Mr. (‘harles lickert of Wilmette which took place yesterday morningr at eight o'clock at lliililln‘tlitllr' ("onception church‘ lim .l l‘ H'Nt-ill nfiiriatiiig. The LLHWI‘. whit: embroid- .iwi \Illll‘ i: tiepn- tiiiiiiiird with satin ribbon ard she xvil of white tulle uhi-‘h was caught “ith lllu‘s of the \alley and pearls. She curried a bouquet of bride's roses and llll‘S oi the valley The bride was attendei' by her sister. Edith Ralph. who “‘0“ a dress of pink tutti-ta trimmed witl silver shadow lace and hat of pinl tatteta and carried pink roses Th1 .grooiii was attunded by George Ralph .bi'uthcr of the bride. Little Virgin“ 'llziycs of l'hicziuo acted flowe )(lt’l and “ore a white net dress on: pink taffeta and carried 1| basket o tl‘n‘ ll‘.‘ bi'idek “us of \\ iii‘t ti HN' ten rust-s George Ralph, .Ir.. neph ew of the bride. “us fill}: bearer. ‘ i “edding breakfast “us «'TVE’d im .inedintely after the ceremony at th ‘honie of the l\t‘lll" A reception wa \l “Unless Americans shal! (-«mtinue m liw in NH than the present. to be moved by mmethinfl mare gains. they will go down as Miter {maples have gum some nation pussessed of a greater nturai I'lmsu. T dure is not the creation of a m-nrztetit. I' is the rem‘t ing."â€"Vice-Pres ident C‘a vir‘. (“001i 5:9. If JHHN m XVER President Unit for the bur}: the «walk-thief 7- (‘ Ian's hidden mm) i ()nly they’re pour h the on!) one \\ ho 2‘0 Such doHars are nut pcrfinwning theh‘truc functhnm 'They are out of (fircuknion.'ic);nw»nntthw10urning theh‘sah. and pan interest. c1535 méttef March 1, 1911 Telephones Highland I‘ark re pour bait LHAD Lgll _\[z)}{l'()\ R, HAMIR ‘|"y_- l'rhlJvnl uszm‘: Hr \\ anemia Hr firm. Un- M1!» t_\ xet-m tn ‘le grvtmig: plvmv nt‘ uttmmun nnrxh \hhl‘o district hm ‘m‘m'. left In gm 0 new pavement ha; been cnnstx‘ucted in n‘ a lung timv. Tvlcgruph mud has been was put in as a federal government 1' the Lake county program. Telegraph ml Mme if .lmw nut! m'eath' relieve tht‘ LDFLL and PAUL L Lake (ounty, Illinois ving rapidly. andwvill continue to grow. Am 1 become absolutiely necessary to haw m“ we highways for through traffic. A‘s”: Highland Park (and Lakv Forest could pm‘. road were continued north from High-1”“ Llong the west siflv ot' the (‘hicugo and "1"; 'k5 to the crossing at Sacred Heart zu'a- Kw- Sm is only a suggestion: but ~<m)!101‘ot'1atm' ‘ . . . _ 'lld} .nrtn'ldt‘ the north Shhl't‘ \\'1th addtttonal \\ .. 'glzn‘. the tramp and (hatK‘ what the dulâ€" in your hnmo are. bait â€"â€" the (mnor is caught ‘t Hf the mnntry that shuuld n'itios Mithnut further delay. ertiold hm lung needed rvpznu on, hmirever. whil ‘ the county 3mm? bluces. Avmther road ‘1'! on 7 and 55 1 in. 111111 Suciety E1 11111r at the pust 1111119 at Highland \\ \\ 11 um L'DELL. at. Highland ( :hhxrr l'All (inlh umething more ‘ lhzm material he (lawn before TE‘.» will tu en- HM )‘LHKUTF llt H H \1 Mm, .w. film-mill”: Him: thv (‘rum Mr. mud .“l'\ Artmn n .mIm-x- mm and Mr. and Mrs H. .\1 Prior lvf! )xw‘tvlciay Y‘wl' u nwnth's H13» in ":Allfmrmu. Nllsa Hvlvn Warm-r. \\ hm is taking u (nurse In nursing at lhv Rmvsmvll hnspltul. |\ enjoying u Yhn-o \\'m-k~' \‘m‘utmn m Highland Park. Mr, and Mrs“ H. Mead haw mnVrd {rum HUS lh-rrfivld awn. mtn thr Mur- risnn fiat Mr, and Mrs. George Tay- lor huVr mm‘vd mtn {hr rvsldvnw r“- «w-ntly M‘t‘upimi by 1hr MNId'S. ML nnd Mn. .Iunn-:~ A. Nuttull and duuuhtn-r Ahu- of Wuukvgzm, wrn thv Sunday gm-st» nf Mr. and Mrs Guy V. Lt-hman. Xvw~ has been rwmn-d that Mink: Anna ('uhl» suilml {rum Huvrv. Sop temher 21th on the Frvnvh Lim steamer Ln Purh ' ‘v Innis umvln and ran b-u rnuw ()Mvrgv R v“ Hf Ihv “[241". “31> \n-ddmg hn-akfust \ mvdmtvly uf‘wr {hr ( ‘hunh- Hf the) lxrhlv J Imvw‘. Em! o-x'vmn: (m 'l‘m-u at thc hunu 'M’unii SI . Ml“ hn'm-Ha St"? hum lintrr Hmtl. Bulh yummy: pl-nph' Mr. Hintz brim: 1L ing K0 the iHm-s> 0f E HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HmaLAND PARK, 1-21-ker1 uf \\'111111-1l1- “huh took plan- 11<111r11111 mormng 111 11):}11 11'r11xk at 11w 1.111111111112111- (1-1111111111111 1hu11h 11.1 11111 .1 1‘ 11'.\'1-111 11111111111111. Th1- 111'111«'~ 1411111: 1111‘ 111' 111111: 1-mhrnid- .11-11 1:111111: 1111111- 1111111111111 111111 51111111 P11111011 111.11 ~h1- 111111 11 ‘.v11 of 11111111 1111111 11111111 \111.~ 1.1111411 111th 111nm uf 11-» 111111-_\ :11111 punk. *h1-111rr11d 11 111111111111 .11 111‘1111's rum-s 111111 111115 11! [ha-111111312 '1h1- 11r1111‘ 1111s 11111-ndv11 11_1 h1r ~1511‘r . F1111h Rzllph.11hu more 11 (1r1>.~‘ 1>1' pink 111111-111 1r1mm111 w11h x111'11r shade“ 111111 11nd ha! 111 pink 1111111111 and 1'11rr11~(1 1111111 roses The groom 1111> 1111:11111-11 111' George Ralph. 111‘111h1-r 111' 1111‘ 11ri111-V 1.111111 Virginm 111111‘ 111' 11111111111 :11'11-11 11* finwvr {111 111111 111111 11 11h11v 111-1 dress uver (H’t‘l‘. Ea Y‘"‘,2|Il\v> H 4 Aignhnl \\ nk tufl'vtn and rarrird n hash-t of u r«m-~ ()vnrm- Ralph, .Ir.. nrph~ \ uf {hv bud-I. mu rung bean-r. A vddmg hrrakfust “us wrved im- vdmtvly uf‘wr thv urrcmony at (hr mk- Hf the) hrlllv A rm-eption wa~ \‘rv‘. Em! o-x'vmn: fur frv-mh and Jutnw Many mu? .4‘ mm: guesh' \\l «h'UZT, WI H41 ll i“! H .‘h'x Arthm H Mri’lwr- and Mrs H. .\l l'rlnr :n' fur u nwnth's Irlp to All dun»: .\ Hlnumth-M. Mr. Fluyd HH'KI' )‘zn'kc-r. Mr‘ ('has. :um-x .\'irl>m: ll'HVt‘ Fr!» In “n: “kinds Lodgv. 1\ un u hummg trip. y vn-mng at ~ix o'clock nf .\1r.~. l’vh-r Hmlz, 157 m-urrt-d the- marriage of \ 't’!‘.~2fl‘)‘ Hlnmnm-l HI‘KI' )‘zn'kc ‘illh'x Nivl> \'(' hukgng the real taste At aH trust-r3. ‘3J'1‘". into {hr wsldvnw n‘~ hy thv Mmui's. .Iunn-:~ A. Nuttull and of Wuukvgzm, wrn- «I» “1. Mr. and Mrs, flank and Mr (uu'nit'l‘. Hf MI! H MM m M! H Hurlumul 1M“ I :n Hm? LH :uhx limits SI> :d 'HHN‘H 1hr «-' VHV Ill.\1~- Frank “I I'Y I'urk m Iu Mr HI ,r\ .1 \xwth M: “1111qu flu)”: um whim Hit-r), H. fi‘idu) I'L :AH'HUHI hf dumb ”2' km mnlhn. Mr_ :Hwi Mrs Frwl RUM} :ux winlzg \x‘hgmtulutmu Uh I‘m- ! Hf u dnuth-r horn Sutuniu) a! H‘ghlmui I'urk hmpuul. M: .lupr‘ (Mum. H! [mm ‘I'VHI 1hr \xm-k Hui \HH. {urn} \lx Hxxh 1‘ Ht ML:- MMI)‘ Shunuhun of ('hn'ux “It? lhv “(wk rnd uuvst of Mn 1! gram Kmmuswn. Thr rvguiur mwtmx uf t'm- kmghh of l’ythms Will he held nu ()Mutn-I 61h myth-ad hf ”(tuber 13th. «Minx In the Odd Fellovw valnn'ul Thvn- W!“ In: HHUHUUIL Mr. find Mrs. Genrgr anden arr movmx Into 1hr Schendnrf flux un ('entrul “9., this wrek, from 1hr Xm- im bungalow on Fxrs! >1“ N1 1‘ Mrs. F. l‘. Bnyntun and funnlyun q-xpwtwi home {mm WnuwIm-L Nnn‘ tutke! about the tenth uf ()(‘tnhvr Mr‘ (‘hnrles W. Ruswnuu and Mr. A. A. ('lark, who spent lhexr \Ifl- [ions with (he furmcr's pan-ms «m S. ern Bay mud. loft Mnhdn)’ fur [ll-1r hum” In Denver. (“min 31.1. and Mn Surya-ant nn' Hu- hupr yy mac-ms of a duughu-r. burn Tumt day a! 1hr Highland Park huxpxlul, Ml Mhs Ruth meg and Marta-r 1m- \‘ill meu an- mrmhvr» «f a hnusr p‘rt) bum: a-Mmlulm-d Hm un-k h) I)!" (‘hmiw I. Harwwk and hx~ “Mu Ml thv-zr (nuntry hnmr M Mnmhmm Wu. l‘hv grunts un- rnjuymx mum: L-lnm- and hurm-hm-k lrlyu Iv \nrxum mnn?‘ 1r. Nunhrm \Vlmumm poll] of n Mn. lmrn Fruin), :«1 YM- Hugh ' 13nd Park hospital l VA number n! hand «in-luv; "my! tum" posters \HH awn-m m Im‘al' sluro wxnduws soon, udvvrllslng (hr: Harvvst Fvstival tn [-1- KH‘l'n at Sun- tivt Wood on (‘ulumhus Day. “'t-dm‘s‘ day, ()clubor 12. Those push-n are; {Mr “urk uf’ Vivtnr ('uu‘hluru. ill at mu U inung Italian Ind of sinva ”0 l5 riuw studying an in (‘hu-ugu and v):- pacts to {alu- it up as a life Wurk Victor Is an ardrnl (‘ummumu Svr- five Worker. and 15 «.0151an “llh ‘he making u! the \nrlnus "prups" for th» pn'gv'ant mum: l‘hmp melanul. .'.1. m: IlthH' u thv Hullrnnd Mn-nK humr die-i Sunâ€" day nfh-rmmn at that plnn' Fun- rra! wrnrw “:11 In- hrld Ihn “(h-x- Jmon m Prxnr‘> undvrmkmg puylnrs. and burial will M m Mwmrfs u-mw 'te'r): Rev, F. I. (irutinl. fnrmc-rl) uf ‘Ith mty. wxll ufiiciutr I n I Q INFANT DAI'GHTER DIED LAS’ Rnsm Hrnndumsxn. mfnm daugh- tl‘r of MH'hur} Brand-mom 0f High- wood, dxvd hut Fndn)’ «(In :11. ML nexs from pnvumnhm I-‘unoral svr- vim-s wvru- hn-ld Sundu) n! 1hr ( hurch 0f [hr lmmarulata- (‘unm-ptmn and burial was 11: St Mar)'.~ rum-wry. Aw». WA :, that}, f; ed. MI. and M r HI hurt to 1“} r'st \\ It unuhi udniy he more Interestmg M to see Bub“ Ruth be“ NERAI. TODAY FUR AGED RAILROAD \thu-~ lfll‘iHli “Pm L \nll in} ummurm} Scrum at n ('ulumhlh “up “n 11k Ht H mum Shvuhrh flhd s-vl‘ ,. Hukfirlxi, “x‘ v HA HY Lm'utulun \\ H “('1 Ll qua“: It“ H Ila H Hm 1).)1mph) nu M 1 KM u-ll Inkh- ||\| Harm-U. ILLINOIS \\ “imam! AST WE BK Sux‘u-I If‘ 1“ Inrlh Hugh (le him. Keep well shaved. To shave well you must in“ a good razor and shaving equipment. Whether you prefer the old styled razor or“; new safety razor. we haw just the razor for you. We have also a Complete line of shaving brushes, soaps and creams. I‘A‘ r,“ 2‘ EAR] , W. GSELL EXPERT REPAIRING Look at yourself. A man’s appearance Authorized Agents for WASHING MACHINESâ€" THOR - EDEN M .‘\.B.(‘. â€"~ WESTERN JUDD ~â€" I’OLLYANNA ~â€" NIAGARA fi‘ififi‘: ’S‘IMPLEX , ABL IRONING MACHINESâ€"â€" VACUUM CLEAN[-1115â€"f 6W6: Kimâ€"ERA 7â€"- ROYAL EASY PAYMENTS FREE Prompt Senice Work Guaranteed PHONE FOR A TRIAL PACKAGE 0!“ Liberal Allowance Telephone 2 8.933." I92 A Ford Central Battery Station DECKER HUBER JpQW‘ ‘fis-i‘ad' " You may think that a genuine wmaru Battery for your Ford car would 00.! too much. We’d like to see thc look of surprise that comes on your face when we quote you our price! {or all t} p05 of WASHING MACHINES IRONING MACHINES VACUITM CLEANERS THE IDEAL 522 Central Avenue Come to 1‘8 for it. I ’lm rmurist S. SL Johns Avenue Phone 201 . W. EVANS Telephone I 5m \- Bun wumm; mums: mu .' ()“Cl‘l loses a promotion ft “1TH 31: {0.11} Old Machine -o whfiib-3*"‘~O'éw’ 530 Central Avenue (‘HIPS FREE TRIAL North s .1“ “ hp 4 102 N. 1:181 PHONE; ALB ala 3.1T] Gen hav¢ But Ul Sh‘ P1 O w! uh

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