T ‘1' )li~~ .\l£il'lufi li-v‘ "l‘\\.i.«l. if im Hf .‘li Illlll \li~. .lu‘. nus RUSQlHV‘dlIl awl Mr. Alfri-il K. Stern. wn 0f Mr. and Mrs, Max Stern. of (‘hicagm tnuk placv last evening at six o'clock at the home of the bride’s parents in Chicago. Dr. Emil G. Hirsch read the ien‘ice in the presence of the immedi- ate familigs after which a small recep- tion was held. Mr. and Mrs. Stern will reside at the Sisson hotel after a weddingtrip in the east. Mr. and Inul‘ ‘ Mrs. Rosenwald reside in Ravinia dur ins: the summer. The wedding of Miss Catherine Schumacher and Mr. Edwin L. Gilroy took place at Trinity church, High- land Park. on Thursday afternoon. Octuber '20, at 5:00 o'clock. The mar- riage service was read by the Revâ€" erend Walter Bihler, assisted by Mr. Leonard Wolcott. Mrs. George Moseâ€" ley of Genevz‘a. UL. matron of honor. was the bride's only attendant, and Mr. Paul Gilroy of Detroit served his bruthez' as best man. The bride's dress Wih white satin with lace and pearl trimmings. She carried a shower lmuâ€" que: of white roses and lillies of the valley Mrs. Moseley wore apricot vhzu'lm-use and turquoise blue hat and earned Ophelia roses. Miss , Grieg. ananist at Trinity church, furnished a zlelightful musical pmzram. and )lliï¬ Helen Daniels sang twn selec- tions. “Serenity" and “The Vassar Evening Hymn." A small reception folluwz-d at, the home of the hride‘a‘ parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gilroy will l‘k-Sulv at 939 W'essley avenue. Evans- Miss Madalynne Bock entertained! sex era! of her friends last Friday me- ning in honor of her sixteenth birth-3 da) Games and dancing were the features of the evening. Decoratiuns. were in orange and black ll (V‘lmna L'dell and Junior Cope will entertain several of their young friends at a Hallowe’en party Satur- day evc-ning at the home of Junior l‘nlw Miss (‘harluttc- Brand's class uf the Ebrncu-r Sunday school will enjoy a Hai‘nwv‘cn pany at the home of )1in Hm Blnnmdahi next Tuesday we. Miss Ruth (‘hurch entertained 50V- urai friends Tuesday afternoon in hunui' of Miss Catherine Winters. (1112‘ swu- the features of the aftvn M14. John I‘lcwcllyn 0f HlKhanl entertamwl twenty two friends last Saturday evening at 3 Farewell par- ty fur Miss T. Hanna who leaves Noâ€" \em'rwr 1 for hvr'hnmo in Wisconsin. The cumin): was spent in playing "buncu. ' home M Y Sunday I ,will spen Claude K The pu w i l l ha w: irssemhly HF, TWO V\l SOFIAI. ACTIVITY l1 \I Send Us Your Fall Dry Cleaning and Dvcing NmV The Reliable Laéundry u} \\ Jen di’r (\ Lama/ere’rs and Dry (,Ymnarx IX T } M r H m Hmhhnd I'Ark [oh-phn hhor!) \ :He- l’hmu Highland Park And IAN-H} UP} 1i Ml Ivlvphnn H at the Um‘ 21> “mum \\w2m~sday zu- tcrmmn [n ssh! Miss Ardi< With tht mending Mrs. “('5 Sherman was hostvss to thv Woxims Missionary Sock-[y of the Pmshyierian church Thursday afternoon. g ' Over 0m cleared 01L held at the evening. Miss Ros sister in D Mr. andE as their gt: Sherman f Mrs. Fl yd Gunckcl entertained the Young Matrons club at her home Thursday afternoon. Mr. FI‘Q‘d‘ Yam uf l‘Immingtnn. lll., spent the \ka «ml with hi< m-phcw R. M. Vant. Th0 Du y urx'huntru from Highâ€" land Park vill furnish the music for thr l'lullm Von party which will be, given in t'o svhml assembly hall by the Holy gl‘ross churvh Saturday awning. Oï¬tnhef 319th Mr. and Mrs. Alex Willman Were the guestrvof Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bingham (f Irving Park Tuesday. Mrs. H.‘F Meyer is on the sick list Mr. AM ur Kroll émd family have moved fru the August Ziosing farm to a farm hear Buffalo (Provo. Mrs. Wi izim Galloway has return- ed from ortsmuuth. Virginia and brought hér niece. Madalino and nephew Hhrl) Dart back with her Hz'rh has ea'icwpted a position in ( hi- cago and will make his home with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Beecham. Joe O‘Cdnnor is while Ira Gardner Mr. andif Mrs. Harry Whitcomb have moved on a farm near L'ake Zurich. Mr. andi Mrs. Elmer Clavey, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenslade and Mrs. Alex Willémn attended a ï¬ve hun- dred partyi at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Almoix Powers of Irving Park Saturday évening. Mrs. Elmer Clav- u and Mia Ruben ()reenslade were :mardcd tho prizes. ' Mr, «In: Mrs. Ralph Peterson of thtagu \ elt' tht guests of Mrs. P. Pr‘tt rsnn Sunday. \lr anders. B H. Krcss \scre the guests of ï¬ll. and \lrs. (lmrgr Spink of ("hicamy‘ Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. guests of l’tlrs. Kent's Kcnt were the parents. Mr. and Mrs. U J. Murray 0f (‘hicagn,. Sundan l MIN. luttit- er .~.~ of Tawma, “I ash- inmnn \\' ) ha> lxcn \isiting .It the home of he ' son, Mr. B. H. Kress. left Sunday f0 Duluth. Minn, where she will spend [ht' wintcr with her son. Claude Kr $5. The pu l- of the Grammar School lie-r tiikct Is mil} ti!“ u-nts. so back up the pcople who have had faith enough to bring thcse men here with the purchase of titkcts. All members nf the choir have tickets for sale. Where are the Sainted new? Rev. Martin Luther Thomas Where are the Saintcd Dead? This is a question which challenges our best thought. What becomes of the fcther, mother. wife. husband and child which push out? Du they pass immediateh intu what i.~' gcnerall) spoken of as lie-awn or du they re- main in an interimdiau statc? 'lhe latter is the truth. The church has taught and rightl) so that an intermediate statc exists between the l .L .LAA.. .4' n._Ai H Mr. Johé Fulton of Chicago was a guest at Hie Kress home Sunday. nmmimjyxmvs111331335; M 2'; :- \\~n‘(;m~('1~n rm- I'Mmmm :1- \ g'z‘wup of the \: the [)m' ii.‘ Hmm‘ min) um ‘ vv w :Hultmn ['in'k «In! O'Connor is visiting her buque. Iowa. Mrs. Ross Sherman had sts Sunday the Clarence mily of Chicago. r hundred dollars was the box social and dance Wilmot SL-hdnl Saturday i1< of the Grammar School I Ilallowe'm party in the lull Thursday. M on the mail route is on his vacation. Harry Whitcgmb hurry at Mmuln)‘ Hunxi HH will THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. mCuLAND PARK. ILLINOIS The latter is the truth. The church has taught and rightly so that an‘ intermediate slatc exists between the: earth plane and the tint! abode ofl 'Heawn \\ hen thv dissolution of the‘ ’mumm I:‘ My: 511k \ch Mr H (in) mvnm: I! \w; .Inv mush. yum khuu' Whrrt' 3m) «'an ï¬nd H. \Vp uundcr If â€M- M-nplc nf I’m-râ€" t'u-ld realize that Within the (wntim-s of our Vlllagv there I< u My m'phnn» age of forty children and that twn women have all the u-spunsihility 0f mending. patching, making. ï¬tting. baking, swooping, dusting and u thou- sand and one things. A delegation of Dccrï¬vld womvn expect to go every \Vednvsday after- nonn about 2 o'clock and help these two women patch and mend a few of the hundred stockings and suits of underWear before the cqld winds 1nd snow comes. If you aw interested. call Mrs. Becker or Mrs. Patterson for details. ‘l'hi .‘11 About ten of uur teachers in the «hurt-h schmvl expect to take an eight week course in child pswhology and pedagogy which the lk‘erï¬eld Town- ship Sunday School Association is puttinr on. The classes will meet in Highland Park beginning next week. Each Tuesday evening will he devot- vd tn this must intrrosting work. The Northwstm-rn school of Religious Edu- mtion i< furnishing experts to lend thu (-lasm-s. We shall lK‘ glad to have an) yuum: mothers who care to rot:- istq-r and in» with us. ’\\'i- will ur- ranm- simu- means of trilnflulnflllon. We wish thv mothers and wives of the village Would kindly prod very gently their illustrious husbands about 3’ u'clnck next Sunday morning and remind them that a men’s Bible thus is meeting in the Village Hall 2t £9231) u. m. and that thvir pres- ence is essential. This Bible class is unsectarian and undonominational Rev. Thomas will lead the meeting next Sunday morning. The subject will be “Booze." A most interesting subject. Every man, woman and child of one year of age and upward ought to set aside Thursday evening, NOVember 10 as the red letter day of the year because the Glee (‘lub of McCormick Theological Seminary will he in Deer- ï¬eld at the Grammar school. Many critics consider this Glee (fluh the best in the I'nitod States. We expect many people from surrounding towns will come to hear them. The price [wr ticket is only ï¬fty cents. so back 1h “rug-u, Tht' luui)‘ â€ugh! luu M \II Hm riir Id H‘H, ht h 1H Harman-t Frv Sun My, Mr A w “1' Nnx‘lhf'h‘l-i it’s toasted, of course. To seal in the flavorâ€" nt'r l't Inn?) 1 .\ll~ Sn I’n-‘hplrrmn l'hun‘h \H‘ m‘ nunâ€: clumu frw!‘ ht-M \\'«-_~ U {h m' \\ hm'ic'l v.‘ “(w-k t IM-ula‘t'ht‘l MI H H')HXL' 1'1 HI \\( Fum-Ial mh'IA-L mul H1: Sm ‘mtl IL" I'm $1; stamp SR. E. F. Seller! and “ifr to John \va» v! and wife, lot 3. Mock 4, Truvsdell's ad'd Door-ï¬eld. WD 810; sum 86. , J S Hovland and wife to J M' cav- 'anee and wife. lot 35 Hm'land'a North (Shore sub in Sec 16, Deerï¬eld twp. ,WI) 3650; sum 81. l T'ormerl) people got ready: for “in- '10? by laying in food and fuel sup- piles, but now they stock up with tbk latest fall styles. "udy takes Harv. the spiritual furcn «'1' God (akc- rhnrm- 0f the suu! 0r nut" Vern-ml} Ihlldlllullk (hvn- arr n-ll string 11‘ lhmv ls hfv. ‘hmr must he growth of .mym- kind nnd “hat would hr mnrr nqu'that that moth- H’ rhuuld h- guru a rhild tn» (4-:wh um! tram uhn h ~hc lust In this lift“. The vhldrrn must H' trumu-d and “hum would ï¬nd natumH)‘ vnll upon thuh upnn (hr Innihoh Ur. xl might ?~- that [hr «hxld \\ hm hm mndr urn-M pruynwnn knuulmigv would [Ir :qu an! Hum '- {mu " Nu» pun n! Main-Hm y ‘ (.f 1h. vw-nl :lwvl'n] truth- ‘{ H..- UHHI’I I'\‘(! mm «to Kâ€)! mu um] «nun-r! ~po9uk m nu that Hn-uxr: iru,’ pvrpnn ()ur Mmta“ x! â€l $651)“; «mm» 37 l.;'h‘ my. I! T::- I Lllt'HM H Sy-urlmk. mm-t Int 3. Mock '21 ll pM‘t [Many men who are not physically able to saw any ï¬reWOod. yet can de- IIVer a heavy ball on a bowling alloy with terriï¬c speed. H N“ H. NEH l' .‘lmhvrnfllti an 3â€â€ (Y in! 2.1‘lku‘ Xh1 [ht Ila-rum}; Ah“! dun flll Q'\|l HM- umr “mun .‘In H" “1th ~uH' \Vh $1â€: 431"] (Mrnlm ESTA TH TR .\ .\ SI“ HRS UHlQ mQ-rlum tnno- Mn! t‘\l-X~ and tht H {gr Ihc' IM'IV‘VII‘ w ths u> mm hr plm-u- fur m" Am md pn-purm [hut \\II\ \\ hix'h (h- H) [In (5 I. "J and H uko! Bluff; WI) \\ lf' â€It 1" NH i 0 H. .mm Mu»; \\ $UHH “LID! Ill l\l [hum mu! m Hm! MM "11†H l_\ I hr W. U1 “1“ ,Nurva Hm! I.» I! l†Hn-M [MUM H (hid HM) l‘hl that 11“.} uh {ht a n'ï¬ UNI Lake Shore Creamery C. B. HANSEN, Proprietor BUTTER-45068" MA RCA RINII‘S Telephone 57 Highland Park Fuel Company 102 N. ls! SU HERMAN DENZEL, President Telephne 335‘ Building Material 207 N. Second St Tel. Highland Park 550 Finest Quality Home Dressed Poultry Telephone 5% MOTOR EXPRESS SERVICE 0U will make a big saving if you order your Suits and Coats now at the low prices we are now giving. PICNIC TIUOK‘ T0 HIRE North Shore Merchants Express Co. 30a] Solvay Coke We also do expert fur work. TRUNK! Ann lacuna: Trips Dtily to all Point. Between Wnukegan and Chmo Moldaner 8L Humer adies' Tailors'and Fun-ins LADIES 685 CentrAl Avenue 6 North Sheridan Road Highlund Puk, unma- In. A‘ m. Sun. q 00000.00. mun) lulu .000001 SQ'III‘ Mnchjna for and Delivered Telephone 265 All make. 0! in Jewelry tot. my. pluuim fowl-t folkn‘ ml drinks M“ ‘1! Mel: S chil ten are Open Hm I) Sundays 11’ Telephone 555 BOWLIN Greel Electr Hay I'unu'y h draw. In: ,1 yum In «If “If vkny r" ndy 101 hub r! ~ bl! yam "101M, Watchmakl PHON‘ \I I.F\.~ IV (“\I ELEC’ CONT] THOR V A PEX C} l'irhill! OTHER “1 Mn) ‘5. Britney ‘ thhlnn‘ slung. Bl! 386 (‘en “as“ [‘1 'h-ounu. F01 I )e‘ ’p‘ <