unduz " \uudo h‘u. try :1: float ». 1 10â€.] :. Peasd MCI Grain if the sick 3103:. 73. It i: «can't 1 than any ‘ om md cure ofï¬ces pirtl teed your ed MjF er llk HI. I“ I'l a f‘z‘ NF TICE OF s‘PECIAL ELECTION once is hereby given to the voters C-fltht' City of Highltnd Park that a Smdal Election Will be held in and in sa'id City. on Saturday. June 24th. 1 tor the purpose of submitting to I' the voters, for their approval orv n ection. an ordinance as follows: 1 :I N ORDINANCE to regulate and»; hï¬iit the height and bulk of buildings;‘ LE regulate and limit intensity at the‘ ;e of lot areas, and to regulate and duermine the areas 01' open spaces within and surrounding such build- migs; to classify. regulate and restrict v‘1-- lpcatinn of trades and industries mzl [he location of buildings designed :i- eciriml industrial. business. res- ..g‘cn a1 and other uses; to divide the alttir‘: (in of Highland Park into dis- mct fur the purposm of this ordi- ninc : tn nx standards tn which I'Likï¬ng“ or ‘tructnres shall uniform: 5% péuhilnt uses. buildings or struc- «“65 inc’mnpatihlc with [hl' character .4 such (lhtru‘ts respectivrly; and In neg-n: :i-lrlitinns to and tht’ri‘tllï¬H‘ ul’ ‘czz dclm: ml cxi~ting building“. or -gukturv> m such :1 way a~ to avoid 3E: rr~trmmns and limitatmm la“- :blly l!‘11\ll~'l‘d hereunder. iuul tn pru- 3‘lr llt'HJlllC‘ for \‘iolatinn hvrcni. Hus, KI (1353113, '1-- louninn of t :14 lhc location ( I i‘ ccincd indu u! n :11 and other tirï¬ km of Hi; Y‘T‘Ct fur thc pu 11C I {H â€X : Itiltï¬nq‘ or drum péuh'lnl USES ’3' es im’mnpatihl Us \uch (iI‘YFMts 2:63:11! :ulrlltiuns ‘62: dclm: m c -g.'1kturr> m mc 35:: nwtru‘h-ms :bll ' tzvtpnwwj he 34% 1161mltic~ f0 5 ‘ 1‘ 1 ~. '[ ‘ ‘, 11 URI] ~33 ‘\ (UL'XL'I 3? mum.“ @wL’xH 1'“ ‘Et .Iu\' 1 \ Ԥ~ 3bh~hm~ Ind in Gen-r1} mnu 3.5: (m w rrv d h: â€4:“. l'nrk. :'r in \cx mi [1 '2 c- Sun mi 1‘ 3“ WI". .nnl em \1‘. \x! (u “a: ‘ ow \ â€rm-n ( ‘1 .nd 'H‘v-xnivnh v‘éntcrh imz- m lots 1. _’. .‘ :nm w u. nu \authcrh‘ iim‘ of Int 9. mid Block 40. 'Hiuhhlhl Park". thvncc (‘aglcrlv Emu m wmhcrlv Hm‘ nf mid Lot 8 =6 1hr: uc‘trriv line of Luann Street; ‘ln‘nn: northerly along the \Vcncrly Ti‘gc of mini Logan Strwt {u xhv muth ‘mc 0f Highwnml \wmxc (North w'cmze‘: thcncc in a sum-(ht hm- wnrthucxtcrh' m the xmrthwe'ex rumor Si .5}le m h with SECTION 2 In , jgrk O“! [\h 0“ .nd SECTION 3 u\\r.....A...‘ h Hpcmning at (hr northxu-xtvrlyi :vrm-v r-x’ [mt 1. muck 33 "Hi-:hknuh Park' Mum the cast linr m» Shvrimm} R w"., xi-wm‘c va~tcrly .limxg Hui :xwrli‘vrlx 1m“ of said L01 1‘ Blvd; 33.! .s'wl Hun; Yhu northvrh \ine Hf LHti Extkc Mwhigan; Ihcm‘c <m1thcrly ‘lunu :Im ~2lid “‘3!ch edge m :1 110 four hundrcd ï¬fty {no (455! ml \ “zlitvr'y from and puraHvI with3 v nurfl‘cz‘ly lino Hf <aid 1.0V 1. Block. ., “Hm!“mnd Park". monm- \nxu-r‘)’. v; 3 ‘me- four hundrwl NH ï¬n'! . r in", «unhcrh from and varnHvH (h t'm workhcrlv Hm mi uh! Lu: 1. .w'n fl! -'Highlmd Park" I! Hu- - m ‘ H --u..x‘ K Um‘k 3‘1. ‘20 the “'31er («1:0 03" : | 1 1 ‘~ J. V . I , 2i H ()RI)\[.\'F.I) 1H THE «HL'XL'H, ()1? 'HH: \‘lTY HinHLXXl) l'\RK ':.\}\'I'~ \T‘v ILLIXHIS ha ‘V n' In‘ d ~:1 H 15L x!- umil 1 u L:\' 1 Fur (hr warm: mi 1'.- ;md tarryâ€: mtn ctfcc! .1‘. gmwcre. dulnw .md privir H‘vrrvd upnn thv- (in 01' l'nrk. in. untlvr MM 1») ;\ 5! mi [hr Human] \xwmlxly HI' mi IHmni» umw‘nn'xl Jum- Aml enlitlvd: t (u raniur crrmin .Advllhnlml '1‘,)IIH UH (‘nunmk ‘31: (Him «nix-uh and ‘mmrtk mi zrllxr u »w dL'k'~ JIM] ilh‘nflnu'd‘x'd thL‘nL‘L‘ \\ 1‘ \Y L‘ wt 1. B‘nck 4“ Hrs northm'h wuf lots L _’, 3. m of Int R. <ai hm} Park"; (ha-mn- northerly vuxn-rly lim- of said Lo! 26 am- cxtcndcd to the northerly he allcv in said Block .13. .A‘xcrl} (flung (he nonhcriy JIIC)’. sfnm- being: the $011!!!- ni Late: .2. 3. 4. 5 and o of "A 23 m the easterly line of rrlv 25 fect of said lot 0; orthcrly along thc said casterâ€" “ __.,| u-nupriv 35 fee! of Knad HI llgt' incuï¬on ‘ r n: Nurmun I‘Huu ginning. innilmr a: thc wutheun- mi 1.0133‘ Black 90. ‘ Hiaz'n- . thence northurh alrm: ‘inr 0!. mid LU! 2.; (U the {5‘ corner of mid Lut 23. \rcrly 310m: the: nurthrrl) 1.0! 25 In the nurthrm‘wrlx' ‘ 7 .-.;,§ Rlnck 3U; t’m‘nn' .' to the northwxmt Lutrnvr theme" somlwrlv,:1'.m‘.g line u!‘ said RlncL 4H tn t (arm-r of «Us: “Lu‘k 4‘): rlv alrm: th emlthcrlv Rluck 4U 11» 1hr- pizu‘r Hi H' thencr 5: thv e:- nt 1 an: ark". t“ I) 1H ht U â€"-v-’r‘ salt! westeriy H 1 and 1.0! _', m " tu {hr (an! thence Hurth Shmirhn Rum! h H ~tr )1‘\§>\l and I caeterh' an \m I!\ BI Uh hr s.ml‘.u~3<i 4H, "nghland '\ Jinn: the 3 and 4 to HIV Laid Block 40. o the northerly aid Block .13. (he nonhvriy wins: the south mhr-rh ,Ot I 3 l 10 In [ht ; 20 Black; nurthcrh ‘ id Lm 26 H H k' :1‘1 Lll‘ 11:3 the southerly llln‘ (:1 Park .\vcnur.:w¢s(. ‘tlwncc wcsh-rly along the aid holllll"4(>f s ‘crly lmx' of saul Park ,\\v:nur, andl“,ux| isaid lmc c\u-mlc4l to llu- northwcsk u, [h *crly corncr of Lot 1. Blmk 18 "High 78. lland l'ark"; lhcncc nnrlhcrl) Ill 'Alalmu lsxraight lint acr0~',~~ l'arL‘ .\n'nuc Inl78‘ 5 lthv snuthcasmrl) curncr of Lat {John lBIocL 17, "Highlunl l'ark". tlwncv â€mg Enortlwrly alum: tllc \wsle-rl: luu- or" S! Hhc allc) 1n 52ml Block 1/ to lhcifl luurtlu-usu-rh (â€rm-r of Lot (v. sauli H†lBluL‘k l7; llu‘nu‘ nurthcrly In at (1 Straight lmc urn» lilm l'lacc to thc: tum: ‘muthcaslcrlv \‘urm-r Ml Lot l3. Block |n 1h "Highland lurk". (hvm‘c nnrlln‘l’lV WV" Lllung tlu- caxh-rh lmv «If “ml Lu! 13. mg ln llu- llllrlllt‘:l\lt‘ll\ (urnu at uni tum [ml 13. tllt‘lu‘v \\:‘\t\‘rl_\ .nlnn: lln‘ my†[nurtlwrh limI ml ~.u<l Lot l3 .nnl mul ("l‘l said Lot 6 to the southerly line of! Central Avenue; thence northerly in‘. a straight line across Central Avenue‘ to the noutheasterly corner of Lot 8.: Block 22. "Highland Park". thence: northerly along the easterly hne of: said Lot 8 to the southerly line of the! alley in said Block 22; thence Westerly! along the southerly line of ~~ald alley.! same being the northerly line oi Lot 8'! in said Block '32 to the westerly line: extended southerly oi the ea~terly 50; feet of Lat 1. said Block 2.3. thence? northerly along the westerly hue and‘ said line extended across the alley of. said easterly 50 feet nt said Lnt l. to“ the southerly hue (:1 Park .\venue.. thence westerly zllnllu the aid nouthr: erly hne of satd Park ,\\enue, and? said Ime e\temle4l tn the northwest» erly corner of Lot 1. Blmk 18 "High ‘ land l'ark"; thence nurtherl) III a ‘hr‘ north imv “tau-r1} “I‘l' M St. juhl the Nurthx-n‘tcrh CUTIH‘ “hu‘k H. "Highland i" \vmurh .I'AHHQ xhv nnrxh \chgrh .I \JH‘ hm- x. H. t.» khw mun-w; 11w! crlx hm- . th hm' .n \\ "~h'l") \u-mx- I. Slrm't’ 1h Yim’ [A l2 TIM l' (‘Hf‘ sHLHh\\P‘V â€â€˜1'!“ v I‘. Iix H m m' H vrl) \I~'l .ch - 1i: n:r'xtnxlxh-luf11.14.4341? thv \u‘hrh 1qu of i In' N nurtlnrh Hm.) flu and \ HH- Hf FV‘X $11M". Y-I Ult' l l)‘ 1 in .1 1H HIN'.|~: \ lhl‘lifl‘ sun} I,“ Ln! 5. I“ .~ 1H1) I! 1H 11'. ll ill"! HT l-l()\‘k l1 ., }{Vg7‘i_l.|\tl l'ar' Brummnu A! 0' ~.ml Hlm‘k ‘ “ï¬n (I'm-01A! ‘wi curnvr (If ~' «am Jinn: {hr «1. H. amn- I» Humcnm £an1! 0 zrl‘mn' hl‘!!C(‘ H \\\"..m-Z nurthc'n mr! Imxthqrh Jim‘; 1 SI. luhnx \wm durflunw \t c'n Imv m \\ e-~(rr1\' ‘mc H‘ ulhcrh n: .\ ~(v antcrh (urn 1d Park". lhnnn' nnnhrrly llm‘ and f 1.1:! 4. <Jid “1 wk “luv mm}! 1‘?†fed M'L‘IHHI “In Hr] (n {In kwn me. (In-1m zâ€. I at l ~.1u- mm along [hr â€ml‘ 1, ~amc hr-mg (hmemxm \n rrly l‘umrr ui mmhvrh 31 m.- Anl Ln! 1. :thl .\ â€1' [.02 11 MN] uh _. U. 3' .u\«'. Hu- ~-vuthc11\ m i i H ‘Hlfl All In “I!“ (1TH I‘llitrh'l‘ 41:1)l’x‘l'1 (hv In a In (ht Block rthcrlv H! H“ HI AHu I'Ih qu I beginning. i H) Sanitarium District larics. :\ll of Block 78. Highland l’uk. described as :Iollows â€"â€" Beginning at the southueptcrly corner of said Block ‘78. thence northcauerly along the ‘muthrntrgly line of said block 78. same being the northwesterly line of Beech Street. tn the muthenterly corner 0‘ slid Block 78; thence nonh- westerly alum: the northeasterly line of said Block 78. same being the 3muthwc$terly Iim- nt' \Vadc Street to the Nurthwestcrlx (orncr of Block 78. thence “ruthtrly and mutheasterlv falnng thr westerly line uf said Bluvk 178. same being the easterly line of St. Johns \u-nue. In thv plan of beam- 1H on {M south ï¬ne of (Heavier Ann '. thence wut :long the south line of Glcnvicw' Avenue. same being the north lint oi Block 8. to the phce oi MIC TI! ).\'5. (H Rc‘ulrm tllil‘j In '4 rgsulvnu- .hxlru‘l no huihlm,‘ n1 prvnnsu shall he usrd and no lunld- mg mall lu- rrnlruI. n-nmdclcd, al turd or .‘qu-ll In which I~ Arranged um-mh-«l m drugnrd In he usrd. rx u-pt tor um- wr Wm: M xhv fulluuln: \-l p cian. ~urueun dcmr or uthcr pmicexi- “hen situated m â€:1 building med ‘n pmmitionc rvudvnrc nu rnz‘m leU“ SECTION prr 1va ~Huï¬l‘tn Hur ~u‘.c I‘laMc\ †\u 3 1;“ kylnith Jtup I ~h~eimz «uniduhnu‘m <3) Nu Imlk Imnhnu .. 'xlln “Mum or plant ‘4 Nu “.lrpv‘! or rug (Iv ‘4) NH Lli-lishmcm HL‘ [Sf :lgt‘. {layer ‘03 h. yaw! and «ruled. uhrrcd lrn! \Al-uh |~ .lui â€I nulik‘ Irret In nuns In a Huquml Diskirl no building: ur prcnnrm dull 3w mod and nu huild~ m; ~ImH ln- â€nu-(L rcmu-iclnl. al- u-ml or mlnhul ln winch i~ armngrd. imcntjml ur (lnignml tn be \Hrd. (K' (cpl 1hr Huspilal purpnscs. MI Sanitarium Diana Rrguh- â€HAM 1| “HI“ [n ; Sun or prmmw Imildim: 3’ Mu- M Mr ltlt'd “A r th‘xlfllh' u: ‘DW‘ [in ;»t m "cunmihl prmidrd. m; LniMm; dud] M .rv-Hc-l or alien-d ur .‘dda‘ll tn. tn nun-d m height lhc linul uf Mt). (SUI fret. nur dull any lunld :ng' Inc (-n‘cu-d ur :nhrrcd‘nr addmi In. m ('xcn'd (Ln-c and rum-half M ,\ sm'rkw and baaemcm in bciuh! E‘Ol'k‘ (3’ Excquinue The fun-going heigh‘l of Building.- the 'fulhmmu («cc (1) l‘llhlu' (-r \t or «1‘00“. hluplti ‘_v ...“,, The fUI'CpIUing restricmm‘ a~ tu_ height of "building.- shaH hr mhyrct hr the 'fullnwmu r‘rcptim'u, â€" 1 (I) l‘ul-hr (-r wmu puhltc hmldings or «hook. htupltah .md Slnlllfi'llfl.“ may be erected to a height nut to ex"l vet-«l (nu) (N); («-rt uhcn Act back] from the strcrt lmr not In: than one; (1) {Out for each funt that such huilthi in; shun exceed ï¬fty (50) feet in. height. and prm-ldcd further that inch strurturn shall hau- ‘idc yards on all (3) n ~.wl “mum-w “knit! it u ~pe cal-Hy pn-xhlnl Hun no building not mixh ~hJ‘I! lu- 1ht‘-| and no build- xhaH ‘m vrcdm! or ahcrnl or lot! tn, uhu'h i~ armngcd, intruded clement-«1 Int any our of thc fullumA ~mwn'u-d lradh or indudrial ‘tr\ lei!“ ur JIIIH' â€Ink-.1 nr 11.; N fw- \uma SECTION 5 PC hl‘ullll“ 1M l‘ark rllh l! U\\ch;~ 2w only unludm; f! knit )1 \\ buihnu (-~taMi~'hxm‘In for flu- “or g. or dcalinu in scmp. or junk: hmhhng nnr I)f¢l“l.~l‘\ shall uh! no building sha†be [-rcd ur mldw! m In thi~ div â€Habit JV «r H'H‘I <I.’ \ HI'tnllUIdl‘ in ~! tun-nu mnmmhumg “hen-in r unimh ..1 mgh â€1.1?qu I! .(' "Ln“ 4'“ Hu‘ ~amv Hm «unsumcr direct \;~ tux rcudrnhzd lull ludm; nmu' -i J phy~r (lcnlhz. .Lrlul. muuvmn richiuna‘ [\fill‘hfliulu‘f m the- umc dwrlling m ‘n ulch prdfvumnal Ln prnunv J.\\'(-H'ng nr unmrmn n ernucd intended or or med fur :m) trade m- -( (hut i~ nuunlh nth-ruin n‘ h- hralm In rruuull “l wdur. and. «HULL [nu ur tarmm ltzxtnd nu iwuildmg x 4m†In: uscd and nu all he errnmL Icmudr‘rtl. . H it T. I'\~!fl(‘! u-nsumcr direct «mum subject to {hr x Hu- nrdinancn m gh Lmd Park rclaliu‘ l'Sl'T REGL'L \ 41k H! II lh‘lnu 14*‘hu :rr ~24! rug (leaning uscd and flu (ARIA Icmudrlrtl hvch m arranged to hr uwd, ex IHYI'(\,‘(" lu and hum 1hr “ City (If â€1,1le muhlishcd ax 1 the lmundaric~ c idcnhml with ('it\' of High- rd 1H Bound- Rrgula rmhun Insardinu r horn dxslrih R cxula- lu‘L‘ H‘I %. Mo! with ‘3': Am “a "1318â€â€œ 9‘1“?!“ '(2) Churches. “Mt-1m.“ ma- ptn having aide yards on all at“ and com lying with the area. district re ~ ulat M at thia ordinance my erected II to- ' regulation, ac- cording to the mancea at the City of Highland Park existing at the time of such erection. [3) The height of lmildtn‘a in all rhea shall be taken as the vertical div tance from the average level of the ground at the building entrance t0 the hmhett Point of the root. (4) Lhtmneya. towers. tanka, ele- tztort. stacks. or neeeuary mechanv teal appurtenances of a building may be erected to the height according tn the nrdtnanees of the (My of High‘ land Park, provided that ume are rneetrd ntt a hutldzng havtnu a mm- itlum lrtmtaue of twenty-ï¬ve (‘75) feet nn 3 street, and provided that .uclt (htmney, tower, tank. elevator. ntack. nr necesaary appurtenant†oe- tupin not more than thutt (30» per tent (ul the Itreet frontage. and ta re- llltwtd tuentyï¬ve (ZS! feet from the «net Inn and shall have a maximum hortluntal area not tn exceed act-en hundred tit!) (75m square feet sac-non 6. AREA REGULA- nous In uldm m rrxuhxr and hunt Hu- Inlrntlh nl Hzr nu ul’ in! nu» and rrgnlalr and drurmmc lhc are: 01 npcn \p.uc'~ unlnu .md, surrounding \WIllllHIflN hen-3hr! nnlrd, lkctcd. rcmmklrli or added to, the (‘in of Highhnd Park N henbv dwuird into two III In.†nr dlsnnxh ;‘ 1n] Thr "\" \RFV 1 ‘w ruim‘ulrm with an 'nmmhrirs :n flu n “'11 â€11‘ “It" \KF. \ DIST k ‘\ Sah'h * Rut Yard. ’lhrvr Judi h g Mu! \..u'.)\2\1hï¬ : dcpxh vf nut in» Hun llmh (30! pc' (cent (-1 1va quh .4 HM In! Ilur lru “Lufmyh (8' nuhn dqfliv in! huh ,I‘x-l n! Mnhlmg hrwh! ! Side and Thcn- H12†hr .1 ndr mud on (it‘ll ~i1h- ux' HM~ l-uxldmyz 11mm; a width 0' w-z lru man hvr (. I int. and the sum 01 lhc uidlh of the ‘un udc ynrds shall in: no! lcsls than (“run «20‘ Ice: lntensï¬ty ol Utf of Lou. -7. | ...IA V'If'wwr: \ ms't kn 'x .m; m (h Huh-m \uth and Mn 1hr saint ‘umnrlaru \ a~ the Inuwntl~111~HWLâ€If meuml duu'rl and flu Sumt‘rmm duhul . A t SECTION 3. :1 RH] REUL' . .3 ‘H" n EL} buildings shall he 2 'ndrd that any building éor add“! 10 in! Yrsil runhm thr "H" area 1!!) H)l\ with HR pnuhlulu (lutru’! ‘ ‘ Rent Yard ; rlhcrc Hull hr 4 HA ;s-n Imniur Ion h‘ung In! than ten (HM [- ‘dt'mh n! (ht-10!, nur ir ï¬ne-half ."n inchn ‘I- <1! of budding hnultl \oaruzltlmu with ll: aur- mg~ ~haH m‘cupx m r\\t~ [‘30. w r crnl of 1GC arr: n( In! Iwr m rxcc~~ ul tun arm ..1 (hr arm n! :1 uwnn In! The nmxmmm HUHHH’Y of du'rlllnxa which may hrruhcr he placed on In plot of gmund ~hal| not exceed He in- lrgrul numhcr obtained by nmhiplying Ihc arrrauc M such I lnL cxduuivd of thr arc: \nthm “reel hncs by nix L mhjt-c! In regulation) hrrcin provi ed h (u xhv mlcnsiQy nf me of ï¬nale |l\l\ . .. In 1hr “H" In: district ‘hr min- 4 . unum zilmcntmns nl punk and (nuns lnd {he mtcnsuh n1 nu Hf In! affli L5 buildings aha" Inc an follows, pr0~ nan that any building "rut-d lht‘l’td or added m {m rrsidrm‘r purposr- unhm xhr "H" area dL-lnr! dull com- ..I. .. .n. uh“ nnnnmlu .‘9 2“! ‘ \n are: \ imit- \‘ard. if u'mvdrd, nhall he on! lru than ï¬n- (N ftrl in Iidlh nnr has than um- Ind nut-half 11".) in- rhn \sidc fdr each fom of building hrxght, tmr less man on: and one-ha" (1h) Inchu wxdr fur end: (on! of hmldmg lrnglh Outer Court. \u c-ulcr rumrx Juli 'N’ no! k-n‘ vu‘u‘l \rwtu \u c-ulcr rumrx Juli 'N’ no! k-n‘ (ham fur (35 {cc-l wuh nut less than (“n and unr-hah (-‘M Inches wide {Ur cmh in." of height n! such court. lmr 1r“ Illan vun and one ha†(2h) i1 duw “1dr fur cuh fun! I»! Iran“! 0‘ wt!) um“ (um: flu \Instd rnd lllll‘l WW|< An mmr rum! JmH hr Iml lrss Hun .~I\ 1m 1rd wnir HM lrss than lllYlt (3| Hu‘hc~ wldv lur l‘dCh foo! oi hwgm m «ch mun. nu! dull as are: he lru Hun tu'u‘r 1hr ulna†u? "I rc (mun! Ira-l dmu-nuun Setback \Vnhm Hw Husmcn lhuncl 1hr†shall he I "(back 0‘ “0! kn than Lug-ugh! (48: In! on the urulhctly mic nf Laurel .Mrnut and thirty (30\ Int an the nunhcrly side of H310! \“cnur 7 ,..__.4-- SECTION 9. -\RF.\ DISTRICT»â€" f~‘\( EI'TIUNS ;_ n..- gigncd «r Intc xu-u‘ pmpvuw <1! of budding hnultl Side Yard. Inner C0! An mmr I“! \RFV DISIKH 1 sin†m with and hay: 1hr samr In ‘hr rrudrur- diphici, In (ompulmu (hr percent-(t mcupanu‘ for building! de- «r Intrndrd (0' use for basi- llm>u~ or Mr my IMHO. a. '11" ARM ms L'LATIUNS sf prmvdrd, nhallAl‘): no! r 4 HM \ard ur (our! hump ;« drpth of no! (It). [-rv H11! (1‘ “It ,lmr irn Yhan huv and inthc~ drmh fur each i turn um acu‘smnrv build run.- up? fluffy ra M an m‘criur 1H! dxrrl MA“ MD. 1.1Yr hanng : on: pc' nur lru in! f-C(h lunM nhn lmr 1 cu it t fret dab llh llH‘ Mn Open or Inn: enclmcd {m- «- rn yen. ï¬re woof outside shinny: and m Id floored halconiu opening upon hre towers. pmkclin imn flu- yurd nul more than ï¬ve (. feel, or mm 7 mun not more "an three 1nd one in! (3",: (er! and the ordinary prujcr hum of (himnry; and flu". mny be [vellniurd by (he BuiMm‘ Commis- nnm-r when "me uc m [dated as nut I0 olulrud the light and «nuts- “on SECTION 10. NONFONFORM lNiu BL'ILDINGS AND USES lh‘ a mmxnnl‘orming builtï¬n; or nu u mean! I building ur a use Hut dun nut Conform whh the trgulaï¬ons u! the nu- pcnmnrd m Ihr dznru‘l in “huh I! 1- niualed v drï¬ncd by Ihh utdmamr Any nonwnnfnrming huiIdr my rxnhnu n the tum 01 1h: plsugv mi lhu «rdinuuc may hr runnurud- “In-n aurh nulahnn nn‘ "mun! w «hall um. and 'czum u! lhc rnllrc halld prtlnluu- when tufh « Wynâ€"n cummiucd ur shnll 1 iltufltl general agent. â€cer ur (mum of any Mmildmu or pruning in » ‘uch nuhtiun has he"! 4 'll‘a" cult. and lb: ‘1 urchurfl, buildfr. cum“ pvuprlh HN‘ pl“) â€an! .d lln Hm mduuncc UH UH' 11mm)“ "mm... 5 SECTXO 13. I'LNI'URVENEN'I' Hm Hidinalncr and each and all of flu ptmuums lhcrrui ~ha|l \w «Hun- ad I.) !:r ('umnuninnu n Hrullh A Snlny of Hm (I!) “LHIgh- 14ml l'n'k For any and nrry vio- :J‘IUH n} the pruxisinm of thu ordm’ :Ancf, 1hr uwncr, general agtnl‘ or con- ‘9 I budding or preisrI mrh vie-hum" has been (omâ€" ! w «lull um. and the Inter 0f mum n! [he rm-rc huuldiu or emin prnnmu- when mrh no “6011 has horn cummiucd ur ihl" (Kin, Ind the “um-x general agent. convictor, leucr ur (mum of any pan of the building or pruning in whit-begin «nth nuIatiun has lit-tn commit! 0f uhall um. mad the (turn! mam. “churn, builder. cumractor. or In)’ other ptrlon whu commiu, takes part or must. in, such violation. or who mainuuu any building or premium in ‘ “Inch puch y’iolntion qhnfl‘cxislulh‘n“ Hurlnl “lu‘n vmltr. l'uMu~ . 1 l 4 1 I 1 1 “INC" .iutll \urI-uvu .-.._.. __, V , ‘ in! each tad cvety viohï¬on Ind {ofl each and every day mat puch violation‘ vomiuuu (each and cvcl'y dug lhu ~uch \inhtion continue: being crehy nuhlishrd In a new and diumd and ulflftk oï¬mct and violation), In why-fl to a (In: of not mon- ihln Hm Hundred Dolhu (3100.001. SECTION 14. VALIDITY If my section, pangnph. chine. proviui'm or portion of thin Ordnance all." be “judged invalid, Inch ud- juditfliun dull apply only to the said «chun, plum h. dime. proviyioq or ponxm so a 'udued. 1nd the b1!- anu- M (his 0rd rum: and all M the prousimu lhrrcof chall‘ rem-in “lid In“ rflrglivg .4 -.-â€"n-‘VITII\"C H .tlllf SECTION 11 .n‘: I lvp‘ .7- Fur the pummc ‘),[,'hi‘ Ordin-nce rcruin terms and worm are hereby dcfmrd u foflmn:» At't'l‘iï¬'SORY Bl'HJHNG A sub- urdmnlr lmildin or pnrtion 0‘ I min hufldmg bran-g und occupyin‘ no! man- Hun Ihirty (30) per (cm of the rear “rd of (he mun huxldmg. whose us:- is mcidcntal In Hm of (ht min building. 3nd winch doc: no! ‘cxceed «wenIv-ï¬vc 25) feet in bed ht. DEPTH F REAR YA r) The SECTION :2. SEC “'fnl\""7r .01 I‘\‘ u" n“ 7,, DEPTH bl? REAR YARD The mean barium“! diuuncc betwtcn the run lme of t_hc lvyilding and flu cen- l i I l “ma“, “into on the same lm vmh I huddmg unending to md awning up u†a street. gilt): or rut-d .HH u» a street. tilt or run (K'THR CU 'RT. An open unoc- cupird snare 0y the same lo' with u hmldmu extending to and opening upon I "re“. alley ur ’Ird, INTENSIJ‘Y HF [SE OF LOT, Tlul pnmun M such If“ of a lot as lies wnhin 1m lvnn which is occupied by or which may be occupied under (in: ordinanrr hy huikï¬np um! their «cu-odes I PRIVATE GARAGE A gum with a cmcuty ul not mom than {our M! mom! aria-n vehicles. Ill I’ll rtuv\ . SECTION ls rlé'ï¬â€˜nz. \Mltthl .\'l\ 1 Hrdinancr nm} In an Indcd m. nun prnmucd by In“ I ._.A.»..... ‘ nus llihft‘rrcd undr' â€1151»! Jul! m»! he (1erqu w as to '11: (man n! m.\ ( \nuhg u! m mm m mmn‘lrnam't fur mm: In which n u human do lln hmr d \hr puxuyr I-f [\TFJH‘R! TA â€16 VP N lations. I First Purina ('11)‘ Ha“. .‘Mv Lrn- K“ Ihr Ihnru‘l in nu] AvrnuC. drï¬m'd M â€I" stoma l‘rn‘infl Mnhodm Church. ““rminfl buiid, ' l'nr Nonh Ave Lauren: Pine, " n1 Ihc pus-Rf! Third I’rcvinc‘ lamts H Duffy: l" Yfl‘mllfllfl- 3 Rral Iinan ("Tut 3:7Crn1ral Avenue. « J I ....u...lm'n a V K 25 a? m‘ <2. >‘ w 9% 35 ° 3‘ 3E g. I of such between the Wing nd the side the of the lot maï¬a; through {or the full width of the m. 9‘“ “3 sac-non no. conrucrmc â€3:352; raovxsnons REPEALED.J l “\JV lalvnuu a‘.-. -- â€"...â€"_. All ordinance- or put: of ordi. mum in conflict with my of the mwm 1:6 this ordinance are re . "£11537 l1. When-u. the Public Hedth cad Saldy it in jtop-rdy and intact“!!! action is necculr for their prune".- tion. therefore t if 9rdiqwe 5‘12)" hon. lnrrnurv u". mun...“ ..... uke eflect from and If!" in puncc’. Approval and publicttion. FRANK L _(;I:l_lf.§EY. A-“ ...u' ATTESTzâ€" F. A. “’ARREN. CITY CLERK Filed Much lhh. A. I) Pulled Muffin 2km A. I"! l'lllfll -uuu av‘ll u. ... "-7 Aprroved mm. m. A D. 192: Pu dished Much 30th. A. D. 1922. Each of the {our seven! precinct! of said City have bren created und detignued An elccï¬on diurict or preo rind nnd the {allowing phcu have been by the Council. dcsig‘lutcd been (if rlrction in and fur each 0 said prrcmtls. - _. .. ~ . l...‘1».‘l 6.40 (‘c-n- " Com .1 his.†I’rrrimt I'rtd l \nanmml 145.1}11dmn \\cnuc H. n{ saxd election will be 711’ n dock in the mornin (mumm- upon umi‘ 5: Nu nrmng M ~\alurdny Kc‘ï¬n'h '80;me I922 , I922 D. I!