Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 8 Jun 1922, p. 6

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Afid we would suggest that a few of these tireless guardians of thqilaw be pensioned and each presented with a gentle nag and a phaeton. as: ition. Surely he could do much to bring about some sort of 'mifo it)’ through his organization. Et‘ery city on the North Shore has a different speed limit. In r-ne place they won't arrest you for going thirty. in another you may be fined for going over twenty. On Chicago's boulevards if you ti'ied to follow the rules they taught you in Wilmette you'd he called down for blocking the traffic. UliifOi'mity is needed along the north shore. Mayor S. M. Hast “gs of this city. one of the most influential men in the state; 'as one of the organizers of the North Shore Municipalities Highland Park may well be proud of the distinction of not having a motorcycle officer. The policy of the local administra- tion has been to warn motorists. and only to make arrests when rhey are necessary to preserve safety. And the plan has Worked surprisingly well. .This sort of thing isn't going to continue forever. The pub- lic nowadays rides in automobiles. and graft of this sort affects the public. Unfortunately the laws of this state seem to encourage numerous arrests. The establishment of the fee system. where the policeman and the justice. each gets a share of money col- lected, has caused a big increase in the number of arrests. One of these days the motorists are going to object. and object stren- uously, unless the situation is relieved. North Shore municipalities between Evanston and Highland Park are reaping a golden harvest out of motorists who pass along Sheridan road or other thorofares. At Wilmette. especially, the officers are busy doing a great commission house business. The old idea of enforcing the law with a uniformed police force ls fa'st losing out. Instead of twine to pie\ent la“ \iolation down in Wilmette thev try to get the passing motoiist to break the lat; so that he may be arrested and his pocket monex taken away}. The copper goes out “hen he feels like it “'pinches' his day' " uota. and turns them over to a justice of the peace. From all a arances there is no attempt made to apprehend the worst viola rs. Anyone will do. The aim. instead of being to make mot ng safe. seems to be to make‘ speed cops' profitable. -\nd they're not a bit particular. An automobile containing three gm- emo who were entertained bv Mayor Hastings at the F. ,x'mom club e other day, was stoppéd at Wilmette. Needless to say the “arrest" didn't materialize. \ 7 'MBFR The Highlanb Park Press 71d {{ark. Illinois, under the Act of bushes] wvrkly by JuHN I rink-1rd :ccund (-1.155 For a Purpose Eyes Tested DR. NEMEROFF, O. D., Optomvtrist Optician ALBERT LARSON HIGHLANDPARK TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK For Graduation GLASSES REPAIRED HARRY PAUL GEORGE F. GOODNOW MORTON R. MAYOR Cutter Vin-President Pravda“ Start your account with this Bank for some define! purpose Todm'. 392 Central Avenue, Highland Park Phone 650 You will never realize the true value or significance of a Sav- ings Account until you start to saving money with some defi- nite object in view. Then it is that you will take; keen interest in making that modest balance grow week by week or month by month; until the necessary amount with which to accomplish your objec- tive has been realized. THF, RI'SINESS ()F "PINFHING “The Bank of Personal Service" A Founmm P21; 01' (Ill Eva's/Ian? Pencil l’lnnr Fa .\ March 3. 157 nakb C‘ -r~n in.» "u .um.h3w:-;m: IHEmi 'I'Hl IISTH Stationer Glasses Fitted II.\I AH Barker's Superfine Flavors are Simply delicious for flavoring Cakes. X-‘mstin‘s and Syrup-A Ask your zmcer.‘ Adv. Mrs. Frank Pitt. Senior. left High- land Park last Saturday on her mtum to Lnndnm )nzluml. She will Hail I‘PlutiV?‘ In Toronto. ('anula. 'this ws-vk. an! 0') Saturday sails fur Liv- :u'puol from Montreal 0n the ”Re- uiva." Whit» Star [)omimon Line Mr Goneio [‘uppx, operatic dimlur at Kuvima Park. has taken ‘he Ker rill Follunll’x-e house- for the sunjmer months. in lewuukuz ~3x~nt the \u-ekkend mth it" partnh. 3h: and Mn “0011!? M. Byer and x‘uumtm‘. Harm-t. of Los Angela. urv \ biting Mrs Ernest (hem-r. Mr and Mrs Murnll Follanflbee “le ‘mw m-xt Thur-«lug {or Ephrjam. “fismnsin. to‘iqwml tho summer. A daughter “as burn June 2m! It the Highland Park hospiul to Mr. and Mn. M. Mdnogian. H Miss Anne-1m (‘hapin IS tho guest ut‘ her sister \Irs. (‘hcster W. ( ‘Pmpin at Pnrt Washington L. I. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Vail and Mn Mr. um) Mn. “alloy of Shenmcr- \illr annuumr the birth 0! a (Inuihkr u! the Highland I'mk hospital «May Mr. and Mn. A. R. Warner‘havo taken the Jnaoph ”( lbrook houne on Ravine Ulrivu for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donald dean nml family will sail this month for FJH‘UPQ toLspond the summer. Miss Heien Whitney spent the "90k- cnli in Milwaukee us the guest of Miss Dm’inr. l’npils of .‘llx: ('lmriuttv Brand “ill l=e prcsontwl m tun rm-itals; one in lw given Juno ‘3th a! l n'rloct and “n.- on June 10th at 2:30. at Mi.“ Brand's honw on Smuml street. Mr, 1.. L. \Vintcrs left Manda; for Washington. D. (I, to appear before the Agricultural committee of the House of Representatives. He» will be gone about . week. Hithland l‘m‘k lvmrhh ”1' (In! ('nl um‘riu Schunl of .\Iu~'iv'. in Charge of Eli» HQ-Ien Tuyhn‘. “2H plw a slu~ dents [mind u! thv quhlund Park rlub rvn Suturvlu)‘ u-n-nmzr, June 10th at \‘ n'n'lm'k, AH intvn-su-d. un- umiitu invited In Mmrul, Th:- Whlh- Shrinv \xiH gnu u puny at Lakq Form: nn Turnin)‘ (ML-Hing June 13th. Y‘w '73": 1-ShirM- (HIHIJLALWK (tn (I'VItK‘k. . I? Vail 'It-fl )I‘florvkxy fur a momr 21- lhru the rust‘ - 'l‘hn stuu- (’unxnntnon of the Hbom .--‘ Iivunurlicul church “1!! Int-gt at xlwvhur; Jum- Nth-15m. ‘ Mn“ Plstlwl Hu-ks. \xhu .5 tracking Mrs. Frank “11km of Chi 1mm fun-NH): «if Hiuhwmul. h .wrmud)‘ 1h Zl' hI-r hum.- Ir‘. An-l er \HL‘ Hf “loom M. an HIV happy !'.‘|r~'.".’.\ Hf Yum “Q‘s. 111‘: “HIV-“win; Max '2‘.~l. nor aunt. Miss Hrhn n-rxnu Mrs. Keir of va'nrk. N. J,. u \xsitinc lat-'1' «luugli'vr. Mr“. John Earl Hrml) ' (In Pridm. (-nmzt. Jum- 91h n1 lhr lllgllluml Pa k Z'lulg Hlplh If Eillrl l‘fll‘nl‘np Murlv-y “I“ bf [tn-r wnh-vl in a Dull!” rv Hal. The- pm gram, whnh |.\ {M wn-mh zmnunl our to b“ gnu-n m Highlnnd l'nrk. wxll begin pmmptl)‘ Al 9% u'vlucln, Tln public iv; very mrllmlly mntwl, Mrs. Frank llnka-x of Chi 1mm fun-wrly «if lliuhwnml. h .wrmml)‘ Ill Zl' lh-r hum.- Dumaruquc Spencer PM No. H5 American Drama '1" hold in mo lnr mummy med-n3 I! (ha- (ammuni- l'\' p Mr. (‘vnh-r Mnndn)‘. Jum- l2Lh. It 8‘ m. ermhmenu will hr acnmh H. F (‘low attended; und Mu. Wilmrue (humor 0 'ln)‘ rvrning. 1hr Ynunu Mr and Mn- fading-d «h- Anna-n; 'v'l {unnh lll\l “ml M “I“ 11.11.. makr Mt. Mcn'l (lull F. S In! Mon- 1 luau-bull, team II“ go to “he-chm! (0 play; llu- “lac-«ling tum Sundn) If!" l left Highland Park: [he-Ir fumn hon" ml l l Eihrl Lfllhl‘np Mark-y “I“ wnh-v! in n pmnn rv HM. )Irnm, whnh I! 1M “4th our to bv given 111 Highlu \liss Marjorie Slauer-r of I’llmgum. “L. irugd "ding wurn. w<~<4u with hm‘ aunt A is: Han P! rkirn Mrs. Keir of va'nrk. N. J,. u \xsitinc lat-'1' daugh'vr. Mr“. John Earl Brad). ' Mr‘ 1nd Mrs. Jnck Md‘nlfivy Ind family won the Sunday [menu of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bamtt o! Wheelin‘. Min Edna [zeber spent ‘Sundly \isillhflfritlds in this city. Mr. and Mn. Punk .1. B d) are spending two weeks in Ind unlit. lndinnl. u the guest of Mr.’ Bndy'a sister. Mrs. Holdmnn. Mr. 'lnd Mn. Fred P. Bo ton Ind com. ”diary and Fred, Jr. ft lon- dry for the east to “and 3nd».- tion of their dlughter Elia (h. who completes her couru at I". inflon. Aflemrd they will go to it uh»- mer home at WIuwinit, ntuckd Island. , I m’mm * \\'i th. \K \\ M" 1m Mm'run! My ‘n.‘.\ um Ruth M .~ tracking u (‘ekad 3“?“ "7": In conclusion. it might be well to ~thgr .E; state that In much publicfly Ind ln- lim- duccmenu should be oflrnd to the ‘ , people 0! Highland Park in Inc-half of . the bathing beach u it in the only won; "amount of pleasure and relief durinx xx Cakes. ‘ the summer months outude of joyrld~ Ask your! mg in automobile: Ind not every one has the owner of In nutomohlle. \'. \W 'u Hugh The Ilmtlvr of vunrvnsunnn could] be somewhat modified in order to per-' mil u gn’aler n-venuc to (he mty.‘ Instead nf renting out the Concession: {or a certain sum per M‘uun. wouldn't _ it 5mm more partial {or the city 10: mm thv contention equipment 5541' Work on the highest percentage of] the bid: offend? In other word: turn, owr the concession: to the one who} ofiern the MM: pemnmn. In? (his way con-idonble "value could1 be dcrived Ind spent on other «my! ties on the bench. During the put your: a flue-called “life guard" hu mnlnuinnd hi: quar- ters at the bench proper during the out!" 2% hour: of the day. This don nut «em quite necman' if nmnmn mom; muld be made to ‘urn over the bench and the park after 10 p. m. to the loul poHu'. The main objection {u hn'mg a man mnklnu his abode on (he hem-h IK the oflmnive udor from cooking and the tendency {o draw flwn‘ . In the first plan I beat-h such an uurs should he provided with I (inst clans quslified life guard. It should be the sole duty of the life guard to he “on watch" at all times during ”N- hour: that the beach is open to the publu‘ and should devou‘ hil time ex- Clle‘l)‘ towards the preservation Ind protection of hum-n live: and, fur- Iht‘l’anl’t'. to ItYord I few hours etch (lay townrds the enjoyment of those Whu use the beach by teaching than how to swim. There are hundreds of people in Highlnnd Park who connot swim n stroke, yet if they knew of some Instructor whose service: were free to them. no doubt many more of our own people would visit the heath. Besides this. a good life gland would take it upon himulf to me that $0M kind of I raft or dlving platform would be erected for the enjoymrnt of others. It has recently come tn the attention of the writer that the MI“ vices of Mr. George Brunt}. n lorul boy from llighlnnd Park. an be obtained for the coming summer months. Mnl Brnnd is well known in this city mdl is well qualified {or the position of! llft' gourd. having served In the navy" for nanny yearn Ind is othA-rwine well ndlpted to :11 kind- of watcr Iportml Mam Inn; !r 1!, Hmhmml l‘nrk «”1 m that :‘m- xmrrnn lhrrvuf do no! unv lniLh nimut‘hc “duh and dc» hut unul the-mu-hm of the n-(‘rt-unm ihus afanth-d. This may he so, however. it mny h- dm- to lurk "f lr’xxflm’.‘ or lu(k u! Intern-'1 on the part of thone who nu ”spunsihlc {u-z :u',u.:\L: z“ the hatch l'vrhapas a few ammo-(ions would M in unit-r (u mm the man- age-turn t. ditions and DlSl'l'SF-ES BATHINh ”E.“ H PROBLEM HERB .12 lax , .;-. Y‘hlraz'u. hm tn! _ r. the H A i‘ar'mns Pmuu (Hr the wmmar 1-1, V. H Martin r-f Washington. I) ~|I'x! 1h. 1m: um-‘y. “uh I". K Mr. and Na. H. F. Clo. u Wonhy Matron uni Wonk] nt‘Pmm Chapter 0. E. 8. My afternoon and ifliw‘wl aim. _ Mr, and Mn. Chude 3..“ 0‘ Hudmg. A'ebtuh. an visiting Mt rvlmivn. Mr. And In. 0. um. Th»)- nc "RM!“ to Sam Ornnn. N J Mn Semmh wn formerly Mm Gertrudc Davis of (his city. dunner. Ruth Mm Chuck. '- UndoomA. Dalmofm Nod-tehuboqutforuum- unswnmmorw nvmughsntnmdlmunw vilithDIluth. Klan. Shoal-OM pdinlipmpdi-MBLMM \h‘: H “C Rvym-Mp of 460 Belmont A dunn _\y.. n! [N thrlr final to avoid c minnmmh- :1 m {I4} \rirm ”"1“ Trw! Slhm-fm and u: 5" 'nnrfrr nwturvd and sun! Nu “114. um. ('Irl. whu in I LHI up 1:) rm |\ \\’ 1 ll UMH‘ “pin-n!“ q 21M. .P mu 31 (m hat I! HI Tl‘ u Fill} nl‘ M‘M in us." uhool mum EIGHTH (TRADERS IN SHAKESPEAREAN PLAY “AI You Uh It" will be prmntod by a» with true (Mun:- of the (W main: (Friday). begin- ning at eight o'clok. §§| EARL W. GSELL lacrosse the deficiency of your sslos service by linking unofthisdsilyssrviossndsvoidingtheddsysofmsfl sad express on important items. Mmmmummuwu ~ Mmhmu Benn. HIGHLAND PARK AND'CHICAGO WindMWMQIIuMCI-Wtom Daily Merchant Messenger Setvice WIRING CONTRACTORS APPLIANCES EXPERT REPAIRS FOR ALL APPLIANCES 'lry um. wonderful Inching. In you hone .d lake your who “on slur gain the. .u mullet mu working condition. PHONE 150 FOR FREE'TRIAL Telephone 23 We dehver promptly Sunday hours, 9:30 to 6:00 CANDY- mum's. Page Shaw, Sella-ache!”- and Park PIUUIBSâ€" Hid-I11. Cow's. Houunnt. Splehler's and Col- Gifts for Grndundon, of councâ€"showyour appreciation for their endeavors to man?- pliah a' lurid task. Buy ghdundon gift now. You will find our qualities fine, assortment excellent and our prices extremely fair. CHOOSE !! A LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD MACHINE SERVI ALI. manta an mhfifi‘i AND AVOID m3 DELAY or WAITING POI A Cl!- CAGO IAN 10 com TIOUBLL Is South 8!. lol- An. Samplenofnllinourdisphyroom Seé them all underone moi FREE TRIAL EASY TERMS SUPERIOR NIAGARA WESTERN JUDD THOR EDEN EASY - A. B. C. Trade Your Old ‘ 'Washing Machine upanpnynentonammodel , vs All Amount) mm ma OHIO Ever-hm- - Foul-h Peal HUBER ELECTRIC SHOP Vacuum Cleaners $5.00 DOWN â€"â€" $5.00 MONTHLY HOOVER EUREKA DHIO HAMILTON BEACH DECKER HUBER HighlnndParhlll. Waterman GSELL’S S'lDRE 15 8. 8!. John- Ave-Io Pharmacist CARD 0' THANKS We 7% 16‘ think our friend: for ;thc kind sympathy shown during the {Ulla-u cad dost): of our beloved dawn tut. 389 Central Avenue Kodlk Albums Dunn Pen Ir. and In. Stiogler Adm! (‘hfld Tl' fifirlr 'Huh Ila-I hock "Mi ( ‘hil mun

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