Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 15 Jun 1922, p. 1

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lx'cnt' he Ifr-YYIdeOUS [OVE- heur’s ‘I'uwbs are icturw eve: made. M'r‘rs laughs and nnmg hmgd grin. Us whj.‘ hasbands 111 about the love- [own in! “HR ccess by WI [.8034 and _\.d V‘ OLT in ti 3.] (arr) | rgains ks. Sil- Imrvs Pork DAY RSDAY. A \r’rY iluré? wf' lra \d n ”mt eler For” Ir GAME. I 9” h Ill .9]. ‘0 gammy .' ONE GRADUATE 98 COMMENCEMENT » :5 AT RAVINIA TONIGHT I’rofessor Nathaniel Butler to 7’ Talk on “Education and -‘.‘ Success" Music by ' Orchestra :wMBER m The thirty-third annual commenceâ€" ment of the lkcrfield-Shields tuwn- ship high school will be held this eve- ning (Thursday) at the Ravinia theatre. beginning at 8:15 o‘clock. The address of the evening will hv ueliverml by Professor Nathaniel Butler on “Education and Success." William M. Reay. president at the board of education, will present the diplomas to the 51 graduates. The .complete program will he as follows: Music â€"~“Overture, Princess, of the Sun" Bennet invocation {ma William Grufie nonrnmrm'.‘ Aililnws .lwhn thutaturmn's Addn-ss Willoughby Munro ”Lbiv Warn-P. Stunger {aledictnrian‘s Addrrss “mic ”Aha-1‘ that Hutu” ) "In Spain" L); ( mum lliql". Schml ('hurus Address~“Education and Sucrvss‘ ‘ l'rufe'~>‘(\r Nathaniel Butler l’x‘t-sonlumn of l-lplumas William \I. Rvav. President 9f ll’lv.‘ Buzlrd 'rx Ilnnn'. :. nn|uul r‘. ..... .. .. Bride. Elizabeth Mnrnson. John W. Munro. Paul F. Olsun. Bernive V. Paul. ()nrfieH Prunur Minty L. Ruberu, Alice 5. Robert- son. Cnrulyn G. Runner. James G. Russell. Blan B.‘ Schuler. Ralph F. Seymour. Jr. l-ybe e Sloane. Rickard H. Smith. Lucile C. Spellmnn. Beulah H. Stafford. Daniel W. Sumter. Harald A. Steele. Chnrla E. Stewart. Gertrude Stine. Milton 5!. Peter. hurt] I. Stryh-r. Glmnr B. Sunplo. Milton W. Swin- um. Sunn Lwnntnn. Llun M. Stuenkel. Lil- 'i-n C. Tucker. Murine-rite E. Venn. Edna C. Walther. Anna K. Welch. Virginin E. Wicks. Mtrion Winch. Robert L. Wold. Arthur Kuhn \‘illiams. who “as 50 :zuusly ij'nuxed last week \Ionday. passe! away at five o'clock Thursday vvvning a! the Highland Park hospiA ml. \rthur lived v-ith his puems Mr. und Mzs. (has. \Villianh Hr was 11km! by u'l who km“ him and SPECIAL SESSION T0 TAILK ABOUT H. P. DAY Business Men Will Meet in Wit- ten Hall Next Tues- day Evening .‘H. h- «Immunity He had n-zn‘hod 25 yeart. Besides t4) SUP :m- . of ~‘ pannb‘. by leave: \n'o him si\' brothers. Edward A.. ';~E(‘I')."t‘ J.. Fred 1“,, Harry H.. Her- ?wrt PK. lime-r 8.. and “Va sisters. Mrs. “'m. Flaherty of Detroit. and .‘uhss Lllhzm, A ~1n~¢iul~mwting of the Highland l‘nrk {finial-.41 Men's ashxiation will he held Tuesday evening, June 20. in \Vitton hill, for further discussion «‘oncerning the celebration of High- land Park Day in August. At that time tho: committee. composed of Frank W. Sheahen, William Witten' and (‘. ill Wm. which was appointed at the last meeting: to investiflate the limiter thoroughly, will m'ik» :1 10px;; 1. .\I. R: :t‘il)’. Edu‘uU - ”“512” h-ux h Hm. William (hum- r~ bf the class of 193‘.‘ iw their diplnmm‘ this Spunuh'd g of the Highland n's ashxiation will evening, June 20. further discussion “211111111111 ( 1111 Tffi High” Amund us \Vul‘.:tux L); (‘hmra Baum-r ”fix Hr him and i» tht‘ n-zn‘hvd Daniel n-zw hm ides ICLOSING EXERCISES AT ELM PLACE SCHOOL Thirty-nine Graduates Will Re- ceive Diplomas Tomorrow Night at Auditorium V , § The unnual clusmg oxen-15w nf ‘hc 1’3"“ ”3"” School W” ‘W h?“ m)Jury Declares That trucuon‘Singers Who Featured In I 23:52:;u‘;;”';_:f;’fn;"in;h;t fill”; “311:: of View Kept illiuns ceuln Concert Will Appear The fplluwing program “Ill be-' From seeh‘fl {Ap- ' in Y'“'(--A'- u.“ rendered: , proadlinx Mn Next Week ("hows Sextet from "Lucia (la-i __ ‘ ' 2 â€"‘“‘ The annual appropriation only} |_nance passed its final reading at the" luneetinz of the city ‘council Inst Fri-. I . . '4) 'iday night. An ordinance wax alio xgpassod nmcmhm: sections in the 19:9: Building code. Lammcrmoor" Donna-tn Invocation ~ ('horus~"lf with all your hcurls" from "Elijah" Mendelisuhn Wing" Addrvs» Chorus "31w HM Shining" (a) (h) In spite of the fad ihat the weather‘ lnvoca ihas been most unusually warm and; ibmught the peoniee nu! earlier ‘hanispring was expected. there will he manyl'nu. (' {beautiful ones in the gardrns at :Shurcacrc on Fridny, June 16, whrn ithe women will gather to have n Atldrv: least of vision. soclnhiliiy. car-ls anwl‘ ,reer-shnivnts. No special invitations ‘ L90“) ihave been sent so do not wait for one ow,“ to come; just put an your festive mood ‘ Then- and mine 10 the humo of Mrs. Jessie'snndm Boyer smm-timv betwwn thi- hours nfj Prayei ”2:30 and six o'cluck. meet all your From Ufriends. have a favorite game. whether» iv. be i'i‘lliil‘l‘. t-Ut‘hro. fi\‘("hlln¢il'(‘(| ur whatever yuu prefer. and grout thq- l‘i‘rwr gracium hnstvss whu thus gene-musly ufl'crs her hr-ine once more for tho ln-n- Thv H .-fit of iim- lluililin;r Fund of thy ()n'hw (C) Hl) (b! (v) in!" (run) "Ania l’rcsonmtxnn uI' Diplnnmx Prwulvm nf (hr Ronni tivrx. Amt-rim» 7 Benediction The gl'aduula-s thi> yt-m SEVENTEEN GRADUATE AT HIGHWOOD SCHOOL inmu‘ H munn fian-nuu (innm-n. 1mm“- K"n_-hul. ('w ’m- H Lawn-nil. lihml'm \ Lur» ’1 F‘xmlmt‘: l LNYn-rl. Mnuvu- M Lwh'cn. «. Jan-W H Muevhllou Dun-1P») l' \15)_ “mifrrl v \la-tu‘l. anrl Hwy-:1 Lilhr A Row-1n Maxim) f le-n‘zvm. Gtrar‘l Van Schaick Rump-w A Smhllit‘k AUu-wn-a Shale. .\‘1t‘- M Swanum, Kathryn H “'0‘!- "m" Murlu'l W'hnkgx. Norma “'xlllfnn! ; .‘l. Decker Will Deliver Address At Oak Terrace Annual Exercises Seventeen ('hildren will atcd from Oak Tm'ruce moi-row nighi. Tho prom as follows: Commencement song invocation Rev. W Santa ‘ Lucia V , Valedictory Marga Tommy Lad Mother 0’ Mine E. Address Rolling Down to Rio PEONY PARTY TO BE GIVEN FRIDAY l’. M. lll‘|-\â€" _._. The following will receive diploma: Conrad Swan. Margaret Gnrdlni, Celso Gyntilini. Eleanor Flaming-n, Marie Duchane. George Ouch-me, Edna Shelton. Benedict Eifl’ler, Edith Griese, Kenneth Hepburn, Ellen Ham- arlund. Lloyd Laegeler. Henry Enz- lund. Gladys Glader. Sam Phillip, Margaret Liske and Lionel Daniels. A Tragic Tale ,. V E Presentation of Diplomas Supt. T. A. Simpson Ankrica' (one verse) nfl'vrs ht‘r “fit of H' Woman's Winneka Falls to Northern Neighbor's 4-3 After Ral- lv in Ninth Inning Elva-H's hunu-r in thv ninth inning with two men on base saved Sunday's game for Highwood, 4-21. The Win- netka \‘ix'iturs werv slightly disman- fitcd by the sudden rally. The inning opened with Winnctkn loading 3 tn 1. Highs-0nd will play the Silveralls frum Logan square next Sunday at H izhwoud. ELWELI.‘S HOME Rl'N '. WINS FOR HIGHWOUI) Boys' ('horus ) "Homeward Bound" ) “Loch Lamond" )“T‘inkcr's Sung" fr‘ Hand" The Sandman Sing! Sing! (hrls' Chorus Down In the Ih-wy Ih-H 1' COUNCIL MET LASTFRIDAY NIGHT duh Aida ldren will he gradu- Tm'ruce 51-th h)- Tho program will In- R'gv. William Grose 7 Six Girls Margaret Gardini Hurvvst Moon is Rhvaorlwr! Lhu Living Murn- " Yon“ Smart Brahms Birds on the .\' utling yt-u 1‘ Hulk from E. M. Umbtch M. Decker E. M. Umbach ,5 County AH “Robin lk-ann Marks ( Scotch) Audience Hum Grades h u “MUST IN CUVEY , ACCIDENT YESTERDAY VERDICT IS DRAWN del' Pearl Theatre will pm"! the fol‘ :lowing program next “rd. Sundly LAznes Aym and (‘onmvl Sage] in “The Ordeal" nnd 2~red education-l 'commly. Monday and fl‘uesdny. Roy .Bames. Lila Lee. [Aid Wilson 3nd -Wah.-r Heirs in "la ‘ Mnrringe I ’Fallure?" A l’armm-uhl production. vllarold Lloyd in a thm Rel comedy, 0 “'Amnm: thuso l‘rt-m-nt'l. Wednuday Tami Thursday. Agnes A nd In. (Holt in ”Bought and war". Also lllarold Lloyd in I 2 r’l candy. “I Aftv: ln-unm: all of th- lvslimun)‘ zinll viwuinu the .wc-nc- of the acti- dvm \w find that (Mn) N mun- or ler‘ UlKIth'tlL‘H of the \u-m of ihv hack in (hr in ~r1h luy a cumbinutiun of (hrs and telegraph poles and that. in our opinion, he fuilrd tu nlh wrn- (he npprnurhing train. This “widen! ocvurn-d :it the inter- su'iiuii of thr (‘hicugn and North- “esunn railway trucks and ("law-y road in lleorficld township, Lakv ('oumy. lllinnis. Hurry Eichlor. fun-mun Jamvs Howdvn Ni A. Wink William IR-nu-l l-‘n-d E. Giekr 0. P. Durnwnt The four men who Were injured are recovering at the Highlund Purl hospital. They are: William Allen. Chicago; Thomas Mel-sky. 845 W. Mndison street, Chicago; Georg!- Kelley. 6-18 W. Madison urea. (‘hi- I‘L1A_.‘_._ ..‘ .fi 4 cum; 'ami John Petersbn. Chic-go RAVINIA SCHOOL . GRADUATES EIGHT Closing Exercises at the Village House Tuesday Evening; Interesting Putin! Tho Ruvinia school man-non u- ercises were held 'l‘uetdny evening at the village house. Tho children who received diplomas were; Hun-latte Bench. Edith Dickinsqn. Murjorie Friedler. Chm-Iona Godlu. Mu Hes- ler. Robert Peynud. Dorothy Simp- The Bmok The Stu Meadow Talk sgm and Rlyménd Stevms gram was as follows: : Spring-mic . , The ('all of Maytime . V .‘11S'i Margaret WHIiums IV Invocation LeCuurou Ovenurv Then.- Stands 3 Lifllc ”an Snndmnn's Songs Prayer . From Hanwl and Gretel MON. AND TUE-28.. “IS MARRIAGE A FAILURE" Other Fine l’il‘turgs to be Shown at Pearl Theatm During the Coming Week Th“ ”0111C !{U;Hi ()n'htwl r11 SM'c 5"". Weekly new. u. Ima- erine 31:00an in be Infidfl". Goldwyn Pictomph.’ . m; 30410.4. l‘rrwmax :wn gnturdly. (‘laire Ada! Romance Rides." 2 m travelogue. Matinee It .ng't lim- " HIGHLAND PARK; Spring Has Come u Ruvinia school graduation ex- VVSn-n-nth- High?) G rides ThirJ- P‘nuth'ifth»Sixth V! y f [uplumus \‘H .‘ ll! H 1 tnnmm THURSDAY. JUNE 15. 1022 VOLU“ Rossetor (‘ole Romtcr (‘ole Aflhur Fisher \V. (1 Bihler ILLINOIS THURSDAY. JUNE 1;, 1922 Humpvrdim'k M. V. Whitl- nt the inter- and North- nnd ('lI‘T)’ ,hm, Lakv comedy and (‘arpenu-r A n-nsky Jenner Bruin- .7; W (L A. PAGEANT AT WHOM? IONDAY I The (-ummytuw m charge of thin out ‘(loor production In exceptionally for alumuc in securing ‘lu- lid 01 ll“ Elllrmunim Trios, which will «it Ugh-ally tn the enjoyment of we can 5 lnz. â€"- - 1L, “Fliry Wood." to be given on the lawn of Mr. und In. John H. Din- gle, 515 S. Sher-Mu: road. The Y. W. C. A. :umlner «livi- ties will be hunched St: I blur of glory if th¢ plun- mv in the hand! of the comma“ m «Hid out. mmflficmnt. “How" Wood," u- nsted by the hmous Humanist Trim. will be repealed Ipndly. June 19. at When 1! human-«known that the" wu I desire to new! thin popular play the (enema Mic-lily of Mr. and Mrs. John Dinfle wu extend“ to the Y, W, (‘. A. A more idul lo- cation fur m open nir pnunuuon would be ban! to find. Luxurmus Ihrulviiery. Krmful tree- and a \‘olYt-ty lawn, enhanced with muses: { flowers. make I molt |t~ tructiv lulckgrnund fur the pretty girl:- and dainty dancers in their nin- bo whuml cot-tum". and will cmtz- a picluro that will be remembered. The little flow" {nin'eu will num- per hither and thither in sll their Chlidlnl‘l ulce»while thr nutrly pe- nny. ruse. tulip. violet. lily and clover will add lhvir lhll"! to the rvéninx'l triumph. Fin-fly. butterfly Ind bum- blle-e will he on hand. loo. This popul-r Trio u:- urgnniud by Mrs. S. H. Binzhxm for the woflhy purpou of giving their service: to lhr' community and were hard re- renfly in the community lycoum coum when each number delighted the au- die-nee. Their appear-nee at this time will be I put driving ea In tho so- lecfiom [inn u the l colleen plucd them in the {rout rink of en- tertainers. All will he find to km 0! another opportunity to enjoy that melody before they dish.“ for tho summer. ' The penonnol of thin mailed or- nniutlon i! nifollom: her! Smith In. Cal Odell. In Iiubeth Sousa-had. In. A. C. Morgan. In. Union Inna Pour and In. Elisabeth IcOrntlo Hath. mfundnwfllhnmdhhdpb- fray the expense 0! u play (”III for the month- of July AM AIM HIGHWOOD BUSINESS HEN ELECT NEW OFFICERS Ln! Wednadny evening. the High- wood Businm len'I Auochuou bold m election of olflcon‘ m the new oflken; )lnyor ”can club unanimously elm pvt-Ham. Sun Sun“, viceopmide'nl; Alfuuo NH. (rec-um; Guy Vial. finds! new tan; Joseph Bleyer, NW Mutant. Ghu and rum; Six new npplicnnu were acted upon and Accepted. and. utter the medias. a build luncheon wu «fwd. The Highwood Business Men's Ano- r'mlion is comparitinly a new organt anion. having been mind but one your. However, it has mph-had many fixings. HARRY sun-2mm BUYS «gym ,:,;;;;;' 33;; 13;. PARTNERSRIP IN 1-. I...1'h, fir-h pm Is to be played At l-‘lh'~ “(Id on next Sundn). June ‘ 1801 The {ollomnx Sunday the """~‘ Sh‘m“ °f u‘" "" h” p" “Elk will mm to arm Pm‘nt w (hifil’d n h'n‘lfLinéoS: I? '1‘): Ltd; ”"1 ”It 2nd in". u" the norms. Inun‘ nun n """y ”'"h'n °f ”m "" h" 9"" '; am wm uu'llf'klf'aréu; Pém w dun-d I hIlf inWrrnl m the J. I L' L'Irngr. JIx-k EM)" '1: ”w nfidui’hy mt 2nd "m. "'* the "up" momNr. Mr. Shank": is In "pert: ‘ v ”‘ run-d auto-nubile mIn. Ind hi: coming , DUI- I?) -RAI' FER" m on- J. a 1.‘ will "math-n um; PARTNERSHIP ENDED court'rn. The J{ a L. warm! “I â€"â€" ~ Knuthi gIrIgr, w” stifled M .5 T. S. Dufl)‘ Ind Airs. Men); In" year Ind I half Ian. Since thou it‘dimlvod pnnnenhip. Ind will ouch has dowlopai npidly. A luv monlhflum' on I prll'lu' bunmeu. yr. am In Iddition VII bum which dou- f‘wcny hu (armed I new pInner- MM ”10 l‘lplf‘il)’ of the snare. IAN-hip. Ind will each carry on I up.- Yl‘nl Ruin; M- nhIn in the coir!!!“ mum. It. Meny unfortu- od I M ”notably: with Sidney B. -«»â€"~â€"-â€"~â€"«â€" ,COII. W M will do "pro-dug, SECRETARY "mm; 3”,}: W “"9“ . ‘ ‘ . y mm. the furniture GOING 10 WlJNB‘MR. .Hc bu punhuéd of Udell .. H”..._*.â€".. (‘QI’YL Swreury A. 1.. Herring of til hell Community 5‘ has m I pond-n u seen-(Irv In ”dim. UL. and will go m lhat my befm Jab! 1. Unul his lucmsnur hen» h M Mr. Herring in dividlnx HI duo bo- !wu-n the two citiu. MI. “W r-nme tn Highhnd Put-k J- l. I”! and since datum ha I.” 1h m I'il'“ be“ m a“ ity lflivifiel. I“. M 0‘ “I chcrrful nuisance in m “a! mama will In My n“- In l.y~ out- for. the “All on Account “‘90!!!" I natal by 83*!“ of An migrating pron-um wu given m rouuecuon with the annual com- mencement earthen It the hummâ€" ing (MUG! school In! night. A lam nuabor of minivan and {new at tho pnpih “W. A clever m. do play untitled, “All on Account of Polly." m given by the students. The cowl“: pmnm In. A: fol- IOWI; Libefly Dnfl ”themed-fin: Grader. Piano â€"â€" A. Mun] The Rhounud: Primnry Grudui «non: . .â€", Loretta Onchcfln M Rooncr and Kn. Hen Minn»: Selenium Lomto Urcheour Mum . l-‘nncu Rem: Carl: . All a- Acconm a! Poll) HI) Maker! Ind Dairy Maid. .. , Grunlur Grades A‘Louody Thu charm-urn in the play Ralph Burr!) T Baldwin A~ l’excr Hmleigh ‘ Silas Young M- 3‘ Tummy . . J- Polly l‘eflnm 1'3. Jam- Brverl)‘ M Norton" F: (krnldms- H; N In. (‘lmnco (‘hadfield, M. Srhnfidlcy Mn. “man. A. Berube. Mtnc . . E. O‘Connor ”min , F. Schmit ur. Aflemoon Pgdgy \ r. 342nm“ Act I - Uvmz mum in the Bever ly home. Morning. Ac! 1! - The Iumc. Om- month I; Ac! 3. -â€" T my. Evening \'|lt~diclor)' Em rm Maud by the am W Grey! [at Sunday 5’ when. Pith" in plant] in r. 1. and Wink-\- .u to c. l: in 'm'n phat. do: pinched Eh ”I'll gun: at“ the ninth. M m “huh: «I! the ninth H. P. m Influx to a: Chicago colhtu and u my runs. the run Mmfldemwwiu. Ilka-ind nthdrhdfdtknhthbfl thrullyudodviuan‘uaonbd and lot. tho-nth" but": {tiling m % Mt Captai- Wu am out on S. 0. 5. an {or hob, from the many {an that traded)» m ‘Mu we. Ex. Illt'd Mk? A. E. Smith. Tmbe C. H. Witt. Set‘y. (i. She-hen and Ex- llybr Bud" nnrwerud Use a". Evnmmn will he the turn-nun ll Elh' MM fl I rflurn twilixht (um um Nada-uh)". June 2111. Gum clued t1 6 P. l. omrérmnsou w“. ‘7 WED. WISDAY 0k! Peta-a- m 4 lb nu: w in (h: beckon: on (‘kvry road low- ‘7 Jane I, m buried My“ Mmoad, Ind Rev. lustre-u a! the 3?]:th Latina)! church 0M1“! u 0.. gm: unfit“ an»; it} hum 1a “joining a. Him-0d Pull Pm: m on the em ad in Ike mar future CHI rm! n “M y immune on it. ‘Uf use as n hum store. ' All-n Nevin» Sharron M-ry Josephine Berube l-‘rnflceu Helen Cawley Helen lnry IcNk-hoh Home We Dicttrich Mnrfion Edith Schmidky Elk: W I atria with the W CA hull) And of Baron m Clan of 1922 mus-m. The same IWO week: In I’m n- Lomto Orchestra Allan N. Shah?" 17W?) stuns of mm. ind M. Sl‘hm'lder HIV“ J Mdlory'M" la. RQ-phuh in.” M. Berube " ex l": Dieunchl ‘um M. Mchcholsildd" T, Mowers A. Sheahen HA1 unis} will be furnished by and ”We Woman's band of fifty 9830‘ with a twenty pica huh and dn‘ Com. ,, . J Gala Day for Everyone; Basel Gun Scheduled Betwee- B.P.0.E. and You" Men'u Club menas Ann gnomssq Another bi: Fourth of Juiy Mall in being pllnmd by the Highland Pill Elks. Th: Mair lut you w a lawful an! it won be rapeseed th' year, and “ruin will b. hold at Sun-l There will be speaking, raring.“ dancing Mayor Samuel ll. Rating of Highland Park and other pm- em men v'lll deliver abort add!â€" A! 1:30 than will be a bl: IIâ€" bnll mo between the Elk! id H Young Men's club 1M yur ti tame between the mm: of the (U omlniutiom- pmvv-d m be the mi ant-traction (J the day. Hundreds c Hwhlnnd Park fam- Ilwnded. Thi year with the new Improved field all grind stand. even grater inn-m is expected. The Young Men's clu {elm-is being nrenrthened with L nddition 01‘ some new players, and close- contest i: expected. Wulur Ford‘- origin-l omhutm the future of the Marigold gardens. will fuminh music for (liming. A Ford led") will be given nay duru' the dl)’. Everyone na inviwd to attend an. colebrntiun and I“ are haunt! a soul Lime. Those who attended the Elu’ aflair last year will remember the good clean fun which was enjoyed by all. ADDRESS GIVEN m s. J. DUNCAN-CIA“ Eleven Lincoln School GTI‘IIIUQ Ruched Duh- at Ex- 3 efflue- but Night ; Eleven chiidm were given diph: Inn in up graduating emit-I ‘ {he Lincoln school 1m owning. M were: Rich-rd Brushy-r, Roy Clio wry Edwin LII-Ion. Kathryn lax-fl Jun. luau. Ruth ()ch I" hon Scyfuth. Will“. Spats; Cumin Media. Butt Walter. Earl Willhu An Odd!" h I. 8. DumuChrk va- I“ u. v16! Inuit-ct. The program: I The Home Road Cal-pom H \ HIGHLAND PARK BANK HONORED LAST W Invocation Tho Star W Bum of}. I Apptl, vmâ€" musician I: dach- mun of Group 4. of me Hllno Bunkm' association. Th: annual meeting v» be“ at (1 Stock Yu'dl and vu- wol! ItWG Highland Purl: wu represented I Hurry Poul. C. P. Grunt, Berta: (‘nwforll and J. I. Appel. ' IV Adana- , Ir. 8. J. Damn-Chi The Highland Putin State Bank w; ninxuhrly honored lut Fridty by IJ The group la compoud of muntil of Cook, Will. Kendall. DuPuge, M4 Henry und Lake, it Nim’ the lugs M in (be an; Punctuation of Diplomas Mrs. R. E. Sryfm VII Vice-WI And In Nu“ as Chairman of State ' ln'invicmon cxbendad by lhe L. County Peder-anal: to hold tha- cont: elm in lake cmly mu ypr w umnimmuly mart-d. PICNIC FOR ROYAL AMANUI NEXT WE Highland l'nrk Fauna“, No. 11 Royal Amman. will xiv: I ha! pix-n}: {or member-n and their fl‘ in out Wednuduy afternoon. on Robin Hood and Rh Ion De? Lullaby mm and Ihofl be I N: I Elks id 1M nu- mu of the Q m be the ma‘ Hundreds ”tended. Th' unwed field a: at" inn-1'6 unx Men's cl ‘ honed with players, and d

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