331.. inst: 311: ‘As for public ofï¬cials who have taken upon themselves the solemn and sacred‘obligation to protect life and property and liberty under the law. but who abdicate that function in fear of the lawless or in order to court the favor of that elementâ€"-â€"what words are strong enough to characterize their weakness and shame? A courageous law enforcement ofï¬cial true to the oath of ’ofï¬ce he has taken would be willing to die, and a cowardly one would resign, rather than betray his trust. If all those upon ‘whom the people of this country rely for the maintenance of order and the enforcement of law were to abandon their obliga- tions as completely as did those who abdicated their offices in the Illinois locality which has just been given world-wide odium. this ‘republic Would be plunged into the black chaos of wholesale mur- der and rapine. ,‘ It is high time that there should be an awakened sense of 'duty and responsibility among citizens and ofï¬cials throughout this country. Lawlessness, great and small, is increasing. We cannot go much farther along the road of disregard of law and contempt ‘of courts and preaching of class hatred and envy by open or s ret enemies of American institutions. without paying a fear- f price for our disregard of things fundamental in this republic. ;T§e Herrin massacre is an alarm bell ringing in the night: Well :itfwill be if it should arouse the sleeping loyalty of Americans to their priceless heritage of ordered liberty. ‘ NEED OF AMERICANIZATION i NUMBER ‘21 The Highlanh Park Prgss Published weekly by JOHN L. UDILL and PAUL L. UDELL. at Highland Park, Lake County, Illinois Entered as second class matter March 1, 1911, as the post ofï¬ce at High- land Park, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Lawlessness in a republic like ours, where laws are the handi- work of the people acting through their duly chosen represental tives, is treason: treason not only to statutory and constitutional law, but to all that America stands for. says the National Repub- lican. Those who engage in mob demonstrations, as Abraham Lincoln said, trample upon institutions which are the hope of humanity for liberty and progress. The man who apologizes for or condones such lawlessness is lacking in loyalty to the fundaâ€" mental principles of Americanism. I aL‘ 5 Need we look any further than to the recent census for the explanation of many conditions which distress and depress, Americans of the older blood strains, traditions and ideals? We? bid in 1920 nearly 361/2 millions of people in our country foreign! or of foreign parentage, an increase of 13 per cent since 1910. L T 'ey brought here Old World ways, predictions. practices which ware not our own. The less developed elements among them com: i mgit a very great proportion of our crimes. Most adults among‘ them are voters or expect to be, and enormously increase the difï¬culty of making our representative republican institution , a Success. The mass deterioration in our citizenship is no small part of our present troubles. USED ICE PICK AS DAGGER; PAYS $50 Ice Wagon Driver Fined for Jab- “ hing Contractor Farmer Monday Night {Adolph Baht. an ice wagon driver. hs ï¬ned $50 and costs Tuesday ulternoon by Justice James H. Duffy, for assailing E. E. Farmer. con- ti‘tctor on the new First street pave- went work. with en ice pick. Monday e nmg. It was Said that the in- fument struck Farmer’s leather It, but that it protruded into the ï¬sh. It was brought out thnt Harmer had traced Bnhr rather roughly {hen he found him driving across the road. which he: been exâ€" nvuted, and that: Inter Bohr waited for Farmer end ptruck et him with 1m.“ 1’“- g ; Federal-aid road projects totalling 663 miles in length were completed and 541 miles went under construction during May, bringing the total under construction to nearly 15,000 miles. and the mileage in completed projects to 17,038, according to the re- ports of the Burean of Public Roads, United States Depirtment of Agriculture. These ï¬gures indicate that the Federal Aid sys- tem grew at the rate of more than 20 miles per day on each work- ing day of the month. Allotments of funds to deï¬nite projects amounted to $7,828,000 during the month. MENACE OF LAWLESSNESS FEDERAL AID ROADS Jacques Gordon. Rsvinia Punk concert muster. and his wife were slightly injured hat Thursday After- noon when the car in which thy were riding to Ravinis Park ens into a truck. Nils Cltberilla Lytton, daughter of George W. who was driving the car was unhutt. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon were taken to the Highlmd Ptrk hos where X- -rny enmimhom were It was found that. an injuries «is not serious. I SLIGHTLY HURT IN ' AUTOMOBILE CRASH. Ravinia Park Musician and Wife Injured when! Car Hits . urday afternoons darling up back yard, might WA that}: all! 4. The reckless men who upend 8“- w-.. ,â€"â€"â€", â€"â€"â€"‘,.VV 7â€"-i- ~_.__ "‘7' let it alone perm flawâ€"I'D?“ do it. .. THURSDAY. JULY 20. 1922 l 5 Mr, and Mrs. R. T. Buchanan of Cin- cinnati. 0.. an: visiting their sum. .Mra. Burridge D. Butler. The ofï¬cers and dlmvpn of the | Park District Golf club are very anx- | ions to have you join the new club and lenjoy a game on the courao. , Maater Albert Wallace and Hill lLorralne M. Wallace of Chicago are {on their vacation at the home of their “grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. i Pierson. Mr. And Mrs. H. W. Lawrence 1+ {turned Sunday night from Ocon‘o, ï¬ws... where they accompanied the m 'mains of Mrs. Lawrence's sitter. {mm > Winnipeg, Can. r Father Garrity who hu recently been appointed to St Mary's church. Duvenport 18., in \isiting hit litter: jun Olkwood avenue. this week. ' Miss Nev. S. Csrllon of St. Louin. “Mn, Ind little sister. Doris. Ire via- }iting their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Pierson WNW!“ Charla Henry Guyot M on I rusty mil on the carnival m on West Park avenue hat Saturday we- nink. He is getting dong nicdy. The E. L. Schult {nmily u! expect- ed home in a few city: from the 0911:. when- they hive spent the put two weeks. Mr. Even-n L. Millard will spend twu weeks at the Minnesota State National Park. leaving here next week. Miss Margaret Beck who underwent an operation for appendicitin at the Evamton hospital..retumed home on Sunday. . Mr. Ralph llardacn- and daughter, Barbara. 0! Lu: Ann-lea, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hurd- acrv and Mrs. .\" ('omnturk. Mrs. Frwl Lmdhulm nnd sun. l’uul. “ill lcnve Sunday for 2: [Wu weeks' uutmx in Wisconsin. Mrs. Malcolm D. Vail ha 13 her house guest. Mrs. Margaret Kelthum of Cleveland. Mn. John Harmon left {or (hlifornin when she her mother. Mr. 1nd Mrs. (hrleton VI“ who spent I momh in the out have re- turned home. Mr. J. M. Bilharz and Mr. Frill Ruhr and mm. (‘arL left last Friday {or a wvvk-end ï¬shing: trip it Tom» hawk. Wis. Mrs. F. L. (10hr and two daughters are leaving for “'yuminx {or the re- mainder of the summvr, whm they will join Mr. (lohr. Mr. and Mrs. R. 1.. Erskine An- nnunce the birth of a (huxhter. born Sunday morning a! thx- Highland Park hospital. Join the Park District Golf club. i! you hive not nlreldy done I0. Mm Agniu Berk u! ('hehuhs. \\'a.~h., is vmtmg hvr mster, Miss Marthlt‘l [‘wrk nf thxs at): Mrs. Paul W. Blanchard has n her guests over the week end Sgt. J. E. McCormick. U. S. A. (retired) 1nd Mrs. McCormick and daughter, Emma, of Aurora. The supper that wax to be given by the Lady Elks at Sumac! Park. July 26. has been postponed. A regular meeting of the member: will be held in the club rooms on Wednes- day afternoon. July 26 inland. Mrs. (‘. (‘. Bullock bus as her guest. Mrs. Sidney Trevect. of Buffalo. N. Mrs. Puuline (‘low will serve a: Adah at the Punulphn chnpter in Hvanston, Thursday. July 20. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gillen motored with friends to 0th last week. Rev. nnd Mrs. C. G. Um: spam a few days with Mn. J. G. Fidder and hmily. They motored here from Dixon, 111. They brought with them Rev. A. Unlngat of Polo and “in (fleodn Unuigst. After spending several months with her sister, Mrs. J. G. Fidder; Mn. A. Wise returned to Dixon. [1].. Int Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Noerenberg 1nd two children Ire enjoying In extend- ed trip to Denver, Colo. Mr. and In. Elmer Stone and non. J unior, of Chicago, are wounding I few days wflh Mr. 1nd In. I. H. Goth rad. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hill. Mme: Helen and Ethel Hill and Bren John~ son spent Sunday in Chicugo visiting relatives. Mrs‘ Charles H. Sicklinx and Ilia Elizabeth Sickling of Rockville Cen- ter. L. 1., are the guests of In. L. B. Southorlund. Mrs. B. A. Hamilton 3nd children are spending the summer in Ion- t:gue, Mich. Min Enrica Carling in With: her cousin. Mia Hildnd Arnnnld. of Chiago, thin week. Have you joined the new Innkipd Golfelub? IfnoLdo-ontooce. Kan-11d Mn. A. I delc spent the week end n ‘he guest of Kr. and Mrs. Conwny of Hinsdlle. - Mrs. C. T. Boynton has as hat (and her mother. Mrs. H. Suzhou-Smith of New York. Mr. tnd In. Walter MW 1!. spending 1 few week: It Irvin's His: Gel-amino Fm- who w‘ thc put two weeks in Male, N. W. n- tumed home Sunday. Mr, and In. T. H. Dacha- hnd It. MEMPAIIMMPM Int week will Visit Hyouun'thcnpinoonthtbpd tbchill 1nxnbil‘htvalhyâ€"Mh Tumuubmboathddod ‘ mun; Ettbmhlfmaa'tbntrp. [tyouctn’tbolbuh ho- had worn- Smhkhnytohoppiunnh; ‘umun'tbenunukie.wluth Mn. Steele. St, who but been on the sick hi! {or the put week in 1‘- covering. honn 00k Croat. , Ir. Undo-Indium!“- Oak Son bu and: neat uh. of lot.- in Black's m subdivision (N. E. cor. Wade and B“ In.) Bonn D Whiu, 00 m [ad- I’. m 90“. mdLRouHmvdtflfl... who will build horn.- in an. putty spot. Hr. Bluk ha. jun WM (Wu Iix- room house. on the "vine. nndy {or oecupuu‘y. Cod. I SCI are the aunts. In. Loui- Lamn of North Chi- ago Vinita! (ï¬ends in Highland Pnrk Saturday. J. C. Rhinehan in starting an era:- tion of a modern 6 room bunnlov on the corner of Vine and Onwoauh ug- nus. on the lot punhnud Inst wok from Paul L. Udell. The Min-u largo-rite And Alice Quinn of Kenouhn were the val and guest- of In. A. C. Alien. mu Marx-re! 13mm of Ema-m was the week end run! of the lines Domthy'and Henrietta Lung. Ir. nnd Mn. Auras! Johnson tad daughter. Aims. an visiting friend: in Minneapolh {or I in: days; On their return home they will Vii“ ml- “in! in Iilhville, Win. lil- John- non expect: to rennin in Ilnneoou for I few weeks. lino Hildnd Arm‘mld of Ravens- wood who visited her cousin “than Curling lut took hu returned ‘0 her home, Mr. ()sur Lindbloom is Ipnding two week» \‘ltltwn vmu'n‘ fit-ad. in Gmn Buy and Stern-on Bay. Wk. AV H Van Swhmck and flu. A. B. Mu (‘nuxhey '1†be the mu 0! Mn. (‘hnu-r Allen of Konodn at luncheon m honor of Mn: Kimball tumorrow. -l’I. W AV. www- â€". .uâ€"q Rattan and W. ltrjprh h" ('hiagu: rrThe radio hu become .1 medium for innlrucuon of emu-j a:- to how m SIIQ'I) imes! their uv-‘ inn. the (it) Hull rudio 31le be- lng used fur broudcudmg. "The broader consideration now be- ‘ in; xiven the public utilities my»; tion 0! the countr) and the deeper ,‘nd increasing conï¬dence in the» nun-j till: of modern existence bu placed] the efficiently nun-(ed public service. company in an enviable position in; the mind of the public. 1 RADIO TELLS ALL ABOUT INVESTMENTS Rndio fans within a rndiul of I thnusnnd nnkm of Chicago are Minx their Investment (mum with Harry G. Saw-rt u! H. M. Byllonby ‘1 (‘41., us their inltructm’. Pmm “out of (he clouda" I few nights Ago came - discoura- on "curiâ€" tivs of pubhc utility comp-mu. The mesh" uid In partzr "Electric light and power con. Dim. (u. ukphono and electric railway no I (router factor in com- munity development "an Any oust busineu enterprine. “Utility compnnin enjoy (mm freedom from invemory prom than concern- 0! any other brunch of industry. They couultuu at only producing concern: what: product l0 no¢ mnulactured until men in n d» mndforitundwhlch inlaid W moment it in producod. Utllldu tho In singularly {m from Ida-n. lshor condiuom. “This has served to stimulate in- terest in ihc securities of the utility compnniu which IN being relied on more thnn ever (or content-tin in- vextmmu. “haul-tiara: throuzh count-dons in forty-two sum of the m. u well u the rum und m conditions of the utility cannula. in an ndded protection to th- inc-w. A: to the May of invutmt. it maybepm'nudoutlhutbutflky compnnin nnk natly «all to (h nuional bank- in mini-mu rid a! “flare." , Mn. (it-um: Lyman. In. Georg! Muon. Mn. Arthur Jemnn. In. Bflmuvdiuthuulnunhh. Wocu’tsllhcuphinmmm whom; Thero'n matting {or nlloluhn Ml bi: work to do. and M'- And tSTs'a'K' mu do b 6- If you an’t ho a highway. thus 1‘ htï¬hu‘dwhkmmm Is Medium of blunt-“on for Citizen: In “his Vicinity ha a m E 3 m h- f§| EARL W. GSELL ma (â€WIS . W ELECTRIC FANS HOOVER --7VOWHIO â€" EUREKA â€" HAM IL’I‘ON BEACH VACUUM CLEANERS Special $1.10 per dazen EXPERT REPAIRS NB ALL APPLIANCES Soap Ironing Machines AnGmtnthorSavuuanhq- SIX LEADING MAKES “Mllhln. "â€me A. B. C. SIMPOLEX ; (D17 AGE HORTON “a u, . KEYSTONE SPECIAL OFFER Wohvocnlcdwuhthmyum mm‘dmfllfl‘q- A PM .0†Cutbututriletoopentemdbï¬nxa confetti-(humonhotdm Tms wsnx's SPECIAL Guaranteed Curling Iron $3.85 HUBER ELECTRIC SHOP “tulahIAnn-o DEGKER. HUBER 35c and $1.00 Bath Sprays , ,g. $2.00 and $5.00 Bath ; Soap an can-I Am’lflfl«Mï¬ï¬‚- DIJJLMQD. BANDIIONANDMIS‘I‘WICE MTuude 92li'1‘35 « an or man MG-udAw-u