With a view to establishing and maintaining a permanent memorial to the citizens of Highland Park who served in the World War. Dunmresq Spencer post of the American Legion. is circulating a petition. which is hw: in: largely signed. asking the city: council to set, aside for memorial pun l poses the triangular park, bounded by" Linden. Laurel and Prospect avenues, the property of the city, and whichl the post regards as a suitable and central lm-atinn for the planned memorial If this HI‘UUH is taken by the munâ€" cil. of which there seems to he little‘ 1‘0 AWEND Al l'MNAF doubt, it is planned ï¬rst (.f :11! m . ‘ ‘ , 1V ‘ erect then-on the hizhvst ï¬ausmï¬' in MEETING IN E‘ "N‘TON these parts. Later the Lemon posh ‘ . will father other projects along the? ML“- (190. Deyden Entertained same line, and eventually it i4 hoped] (‘ommittes for Four Col- that a mnnument or a memorial build ing to he usrd as a social (enter may be erected on the plot in question. CHRYSANTHEML’M SHOW IS NOV. 11 AND 12 Thy annual Chrysanthemum shuw will b0 held NM" 11 and ll. :lcrnrd- um: to annuunvement by the Nurxh Show Hmtn'uhural \Ul'it‘ty. which nu-t 1n rogumr wwi‘n in thv Andermn hall, [.uke- [’0er Mnmluy vn-nimz, and :xmu'uwd the prize TEL John EL limit \I‘x» e‘w-‘ml W'emlvnt and F. I‘nJInmL-h .itu-yl‘x'sldan .\1‘ at 1.31%. Legiun Post Starts Move to 5 Aside City Property for That Purpose Held at Lake Forest by North Shore Horticultural Society PETITION REQUESTS ‘ CHILDREN'S TAG DAY PARK FOR MEMORIAL‘ TO BE OBSERVED 0(‘1‘. The friends of Great Lakes do not wish to wait for such an eventuality as its closure before exerting their efforts to save this ï¬ne training station for the Navy and for the Middle West. It’s achievements in the past and its present and future poten- tial value are such as to merit in this crisis the Stallnt'h's‘llppol’t of the section of the country it represents. The cost of operating a training' station 4h large as (ireat Lakes for such a relatively small number as 500 men 5.0!- cessive. if not prohibitive. Unless more men can be placed under instruction at this training station. as would be the ('me if gen- eral recruit trainingnvere resumed. the opinion has been ex- pressed by persons well informed that it i< only a question of time until Great Lakes will be closed entirely. The gradual eur- tailment of its activities can have but one significance. It means that this spléndid institution is slowly. but nevertheless surely. undergoing strangulation. At present the activities of the Great Lake< Naval Training Station are conï¬ned to the operation of tWo relatively small trade schools, which together accommodate about sou men. It is desired to have the work of these two trade schools simple- mented by a resumption of general recruit training which “as discontinued during the past year. A movement is being started by friends of the Great Lakes Naval Training Station to enlarge upon the scope of the activi- ties of that institution so that they may at least be made equal to those in progress prior to the war. The success of this move depends entirely upon how it is received by the people of the Middle West, as represented by their commercial. industrial. civic and other organizations. and the effort they put forth in developing the force of public opinion in its favor. . "Cw . (mm 3\ 7 WMMWE The Highlanh Park Press NUMBER l‘uhllshed wvokly by Th0 l'ilQll Printing ('0, 111 llxzhlanul lml llllnui< Entered as second Class Hutu-r Marvh 1, 1911. .12 [hp pm! laml Park. Illinois, unulvr tlc Act â€1' March 3:. 1379, PAGE SIX HIGHLAND PARK 5 TRUST 8c SAVINGS BANK g Harlan R. Mm or I'm-widen! t‘ :1 I‘MUIKK’I Arthii1vn~ Somehow we all respect the man who has “money in the bank." Your pass hook is ready. That dollar in your hand may be the father of your fortune â€" and its chil- dren may be working for you when you have to stop. The easy spender may be a "good fel- low." but he is a foolish man and ev- “THE BANK OF PERSONAL SEIU WE" SAVE THE TRAINING STATION .md BANK "IT rk i1i7..u mu (wuruv I" \ in"- Sp: Set Chicago Children's Charities Beneï¬t. l'rge Co-opcralion of All Citizens Three hundred alumna:- nf (hmcher: Vassar. Welleslc’ and Wells, met toâ€" m‘ther in Mrs. Geo. B. Dryden's hall. ltlll Ridgv aux, Evanston. on Wed- nemlay aftz-rnnon of this week a hour in dvtuil the intern-sting plans for Petticoat Lane. the mnmmuth en- tertainment and zlalu to he held the 1001 and 11th of November. to en- rich the enduwmcnts of these fuur women's colleges. Mrs, Robert Wynoss Mlllur, chairman of the cm- :umv commltrm- outlinvd the Sk'ht‘mt‘ fur tranq‘nrming the. (‘ountry ('luh .f Kvanilnn mtu lhv likenrnr nf tho- l'aanh ï¬rm-t fair of Lundnp's East End. (’hzurmzm of the varluus stalls 'lhitunt zmnnum-uuomn The meeting ‘llV*('(l “ill: :I short tnlk ln Mrs. ;\1uln-\\ .\l:nl.¢-i~h. 01' Glt-nuw. «.m- .f \‘msan' lug-5:, knuwn alummw \lr- '{MMI .\' lh-(lulycr prvsidul. Open yuur hunt to thv k‘hllJFQ‘Hl ()t‘tnlwi‘ 16th is thv aullmrizml tdL’ (luy fur (hr (‘hivagu ('hildrvn'x Hymn ti! [,1'2lEllQ‘. ('hildron's rhxntim‘ in and ulmut (‘hlf‘illrfl will lw'm-ti' l‘y tl.» px‘m'omls. Highland Park has always ~shnwn its goiwrusity in this charity as in all others. Thuso whu will hnvu charm- of the tagging in Highland Park an». Miss Marion Mun-Ivy. Mn. Wallace Kimball. ~Miss Elizabeth Shlt‘llls. Miss Elizabeth Buckley, Miss ('umlinc “'illitts and Mn, (‘harles ll. ('hzimllvr. rt'.‘ TIH'RSDAY. (N‘TOHHR 12. 11):! Huudnuu «Ill «I llxghlanul hack. Lukn- (‘umz'ly lege Beneï¬ts r hunt to thv vhxlfln-n? 6th is thv aulhnrizml tdL’ (‘hivagu ('hiMrl‘n'S Hrnw ('hildron's rhxntim‘ in hl1"d|"0 “‘iH hém-ti' by H.» Harm l'.|ui (:uhu-r ("H ¢ H 1H] \'(‘ »n- â€â€™1 14) \ll\- 'Mi 'l) funny “hi. ~|le lhr [MN m.- wu'lw' 1H lh-nu‘r‘ (Vila, has H'llll’Y‘lril hnim- .‘lr‘. .‘lililr ll â€Hill†has Nilil lu'r ll‘~IIlvliIv .‘ll fl“- 5 5!. Juli!» avv, l0 Mi. 1' l} Si‘liml of RUKrr~ l‘urk \h'hu \lill nzun- ll!!! uilli lll,‘ family nlmul .\'n\ 1 Mr, and Mry Kenneth (C llunnvll whu have been living With Mrs. limiin haw purchased the F. (I. Blm‘k n-Nidt-ncv "('rnwu stt" nn "ury and “MT Sll'flf'l.‘ Mr» ll W, Bull and gmnddnughu-r .lcannu Will lvuu» Thurmk)’ for full- furiim whq-u- {hm will spend the Win- H-r ï¬liï¬ZMW' Ham: fur .\«-w (Mic-u .AMvmi 3hr n-hmm! \_~'~ In An ernn .\Ir~ CWHKV 1“ Fr In ‘ I. ~n-TII “Hy I'm? huquml for H uhnrwi )mnw m L'u-Ktmg ulnnu niu-I ; I LOCAL I Mr. E. F fthe ire (-rel :duflud by I Y viously by} ‘ The Wum mot yosu-n ‘ Inge huuma Humihun u fuily rendei Mr. and Ni is .UIH‘ the Sunduy (It‘uruv Tl‘x‘ Mrs. (I T (Ins. Miss Even-It MI! 'from their Rm. S I! kind Ru: W “inn- \14ilul G. Fldder ll Mr, and 3 ‘o-«m. “H h. and Mrm l- }:irin- hut v I'ruf. and I'm nun nm‘ nf HHmMm qt \!v~ \?» hu- 1w vntl} 'hx‘ Fury! w) \rrsltv HY. ‘ ‘nv. I'MJ \‘ Mr. nml Mr» (Ponrgv .‘lrllugh nml' :lmmhtt-r Mmlulim- and sun (h-nrgv. of (Mk l'nrk \u-ro thv Sunday cunts of Mrs. Alm- Turnfl er‘ John Sho-ahrn had an her Sun -ln_\‘ uumt.‘ Mn Hunnh-n and Mr! lllll'ht‘ Hf (.hlt .1350 ' MN. A. W. Jn-rwms hu n-tumul from Whm- Sulphur Spnmzs. lml. “ht-n- ~hv spc-nt the past two weekn‘ Mr. and Mrs. ('lltfnnl Moran are re-' mvinL' mnuxatulatluns on the birth of a son, h’orn Tuesday at the Highland Park hospital Mr. and Mn. llvnry l". (‘luw attvnul. ml the ret'eption u! the Grand Mntnm and Grand l‘atrnn of the Onler of the Eastern Star held last Mondly evr- ning in the Tun-r room of the Hotel Shannan. “Y n! IN "UhhM r-rl idly by W Art of AI- )2!"an John l. lion-1'. und llllhhnd Purl. “1th â€natural “Nu" Full 1 l‘uvL “Mm- "mun-u Mun-1n Pin! 1. Pull L'hnub I‘uhlbhrrn, TM: 115“ Fun l-nd Pul ind lake h-n-ot nursnu I! - «wont-mm and thr man... u! Harlin) prvrrnt 0r murr u! [M lu‘nl II I?†I'A'll Pnntmt Company and lair ion-l Jun. 1. Hon P-ul L I'd four. Hhhhnd Purl “Mum. Kym-n WNW", murk- u-rurll) "nut". built-l I I! --( tntnl aux-uni .I bulb, an“ murhh’ Imam!" Um I! W N-flmu Sch "bun Sutton-I Hank lgkr hml I *‘mn u. Ind uni-rub! hot 4:) 0' (Haiti. lâ€! WAN" Co... I II) nan-bio. ophw How NOT! Tub nun-nu :- A.._n-_._ --J L45 __A.. A. Mr. and Mn. George Dunsmmb I" leaving Saturday for n month'n tnp to (‘alifumil ' Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ball and two childn‘n of l-Ivumtnn were the Sun- day run-st.- nf Mr Ind Mrs. Hdznr Ball. Mr. Ind Mrs Winï¬eld Zimmer haw mow-d from “H S, Green 81y rum! to [hr Hvrdklutl Hi! It 26 S. (in-en Bay rme Mrs H I‘Z. Kent of Oakland, ('31.. flanker}; Suprï¬ne Flnvurl will qu-nL the past ten days with Mn. R‘ mnkr your (Ida and Fruiting! L. Sandwich. 53'! Fomt uve. She n- Simply delicious. Al nll [merry turned hnnw “Him-«11y I-wmng Fturfï¬ Adv Mn “(-“1' Allnn nf (hIchn u ~*pcndim: this week With her dullflhlcr m-luw. er. James Edward Align. The Arthur Dmiy fumily have nold ,thmr n-mum- on Linden awn. and un- moving tn l‘urtlund, Una. "he-n- !hry wxl! muko Ihvxr {utun- hunlr. Juhnmv Bell who has been quaran- tined {or [hr plut few weeks with «uric-t fuwr n nut of uu-runhma Mr and Mn. Willi-m Morton u! Burlinuumcu Palm. an- lhc happy parents u{ u um born. September 15. Mr. and Mr» â€cargo XII-Hugh and .\Ir~ Wmtin-M turm-nl {rum ()1. \h-~ forum. nn- qwnnllng u H“ Whvkp with Mrs. Hormnm HIM-k . MI" ()su'nr Nm'rrnlwrg Ind chlld- I u-n whu qwnt {hr pas! (“0 mnnfln‘ wnh l‘l'hfllVIN hn'lu' hn- xvmrmv‘. in hc-r hmm- HI IA“ Ann-Ira, (‘uhf ‘ MT‘ H S Ulll)’ huii k~ ho'r L'UI‘F'E‘ [Mr .1 13-» x!n)~ Un- VHw-k. Mr. and‘ Mn “'Illlum Hull If M! t'lun’r. .\' u \nl ‘huu‘h urn 511ml; n-ncv n.’ {hr [um-Aha. R.. |\ Min-huhâ€: tho m-m-ru Drllnll. Mith MM! (‘nlho-nm- Lu!†ï¬eld, (Hun, I! â€w gnu-l L'zlrt't Mld'lugiwy fur Hum Mn fie-mgr l‘unnonM-rgm, wlm ;"P Lu " ~n-rlu “FLY I" I“ â€11‘ Highland I'm? huquml fur Rhe mu! few \AN-kn, uhnrwi )mnw my Fndny Ind I1 un-Ktmg “lung niu-l) .S‘hr Mu ln-«n m (hr huspnlnl unrr Aug 331% “mm M :luuuhh'x was born â€1‘ [In-hr) 1 In“ nth-huh"! lhv {nth H“~iuh «If lhq- yrmhl \hupu-r nf thv Knflrrv- SIM hc-M m 1'hl4'nun hut Tun-win}, thuw‘altn and Thm-dn}. Rm Hwy} “mum-l n! Nuprrnllu \Hl! Inqu H: [hr l'mtui Hump-h- cul dunrh urn Sumiu) u: the II:- n-ncv n.’ {hr [um-Army. Rm Krnxlt'. Ihu |\ Mn-miim: tho m-no-ru! "unfrn-m: at Mrs, H. M ilwauluw Hun SHIM~ \HH Emu: \‘a'unirn' run nzm: fur Xx-w (Mic-uh.- \shn'rr lhr)‘ “I†.Ath-mi th nulmvm! «mu-Junâ€: Hf Hm burn and \r!’sl!\'- or†t'hn mm. ‘nto l'ru-f Suhxlmn .“l'hillr (‘ohh H Mr. and Mrs. Jack (‘hnlnu-rs Ind ,\Ii:.~ .UIH- “Vt-NU.“ nf (‘hk‘ago Wen' the Sunduy guests nf MI. and Mrs. (It‘uruv Tl‘x‘h‘l‘ Mr. E. E. Larson hu taken ova the ire cream business lecently cun- duflod by Mr. A. Johnston and pm viously by Mr. F. B. Green. Mrs. (‘. T. Boynmn and her daugh- im. Miss Edith Rnynton .n Mm Even-It Millard. hnu- rvturm homt' from their trip cut. The Woman's (‘ivic club of [inï¬ni- mct yesterday afternoon a! (he vil- lage huuma A pinnu recital by Ira Humihun uf Winm-tkn was «lrlirhb- fuily ranch-fed. Inn: W \h Mr and MI â€1" m monumn pm and. mom nu. m \\ Mr n- th him 1:“ M thu \Vnmm ho-rmr LmHUu u! Spnnw )5 Nu- xuu-l u! Mu: Mar» 'quhvy fur .1 {r‘ "ï¬ll. Applo- and Mn.- Apple of “hm arr .n mun: h- ('IIL- qwnnllmz 2. (MA chkp .\.urvnlwru uxH enh-r u-vn Inmu- rhmrm-n ox vpzn'nxrnl uf [hr [VI-A- l“','n_ ~uHm-nhnu â€I. r! \ «ll Ii humw mm“! â€1H5: [mum-r Lukr. “Us month nw nnd nmurnlul- «Immh'rv ..n hnnplUU hul‘ll‘ {hm ha} . whvrl‘ vismm: nll'lL'l H “I John I. l'doll I‘uul L I'd-4|, .M dev four. Hhhhnd Purl “Mum. Knu-n Whom-n, mum-3". and m arr-uh) hunt". built-l I pt “Q d m .1 mu! aux-sun .I Ina-Au, m. n aha murhh- Hutu-ml" [AM (gammy. I l'rges (‘o-opernlion Between (ommunltiex and Army l'nul L UMI *‘mn u. Ind .aI-rllhtd Mon .0 uh I“ d1) 0' (Haiti. in! Want Con. than mu- :ly «nu-bio. opin- Nmbv 1, Nil.) NOT! Thh nah-nu no! I. und- .- depth-ab u“ how uph- Oolwnl H .0 “NI-h" In the tat-um, who MI 3.4 on my In tho ï¬N Mt Put-on. M «[thbu a Chan-“nub. Wuh- Inm. D C And min the no." In the a» Hazel Ive. Just! arrived. nun Mouton. new model: in Jc-rn-y Ind Point hull. Heather mixlun- cull Ive-tr". {up mat: with and wilhum fur. I» l'd'll Pnnnnt Camps-m HUM-M Purl and lair ion-l nursznx u . mum-nun. .m m rai- uml lhr madman u! Handheld-r- how I prvrrnl 0r murr u! [M lu‘nl any.“ 0' It? >0 ~ REA LTY (‘0. OPENS General Moseley denim that the local commumuen louk at Sheridan .1 their army pan and ‘1“ mnko- o-Vrry «Nun h: make It an. d m.» .‘um-r-Mp, mun-mt flrwhfloa (or .4 TM MUM-ad Purl I'm, "bu-Md wail) by W Arl of AI- 14. "I! ’14"an John L lion-1'. and Paul I. l‘drll‘ Hllhhnd Purl. numb M-mflnh “Nu" Full 1 I‘d-II, "kid-M l‘uvL “Mm- "nun-u Inn-l" l'lul I. I'd-H Nflhhnd l'url L'hnub The pool will be made .- utmtnvr as possible and man- uu will b!- made of n by mrmben- u! the Nuioml Guard. Orgmiml Korma. Boy Scouts and nmnlu org-munch: I‘uhlbhrrl, TM: 115“ Pvlnlln. ('4. Mkh l-nd Pul ind Lalo hurt-H llllnoh . In the coum of ('nnvnulmn (hr (h-nrrnl sun-d that Although (he Ivu-ruitwn had born grinned (he ym'rmmem wnhnu! n-ntnxhum no arxnmm would he (lfï¬ï¬â€™ on lhu wq-rr nul m nmuni With the Van-he- of the people of tha- rommumnn Id- )mmng A wreckage company In no! du- mnntlmg the building: on the old plrldt‘ ghmnd A! noun M com- pleted the purldc- Will he law-lad nnd frequent military (Tn-mom" and other evenu will he mheduled lo whlrh the public will be invm-d. (, ;.j.r, 1..“ \ H AiluthI), V'Aln mnmimu “ï¬ver uf Fun Shc-ruhn, und umr (hr latter part u! Su-plrmlwr in unmvmmd uf (hr Suxh l'mpp An-u. unlit-:1 ur‘ V-ynr Snmur! M. Hulmx- 3! [hr N-ymmng uf (hr week. un'unr pnnwd by members: 0! hut “I" GEN. MOSEIJ'JY CALLS l'l’ON MAYOR HASTINGS (rill-IL ax: “flirt m HIK‘hlII’Id Purl. “hr“ thry h-d MW 1. number uf year. ngn lm'vvuung hunlllt‘» in â€In cu) hm prnmmrd Hw- ym-ua (hr ï¬rm In nuunw- (ht‘ uhn JI-n‘ Id 1 Mcuum 0n. prummrnl nunh ~hn-vr rr-l (mtg-Ir ï¬rm. with headquar- lc-n a! 69 We“ “‘nihihflnn flmt. (‘hunmu And branch "M: In urn-r11 Nulth Shut Inwnr. hlVl‘ dN‘IdFd to hm l-r-n muting hm mu‘r, Mn- lhmlc-p Unï¬t, 241:9. Elm l'l-vr My! Agnew Guldrn MN! daugmu burnth), who ape-m 1hr put wed \‘mlmx Mm ( (3. Maria II W-u h-unn. hur rrtunmd humr Mn Mark» “I. forum-11y Ml" Hurrnrr Slmuwn of lhlh MP; Mu- Mlldurd (inn-m: u! Rnumn, .. ~1udv-H! .I Hllnuu Inn been «tn-cu n- .m u-f lhr lurlu- rhunrlrn III “Ruéhvn \VxM 0.1." (0 hr {urn I! (hr “hm-1‘ ('ullflre Ham-coming. {or uhnh f-uv hundwd mud fl“) Mu- .irm- [Ho-d nu! Muldnfl Gurhu pl.)- ui n. "Sun" In! yr“. and mm lhr mdnnlunl rup m the» Hun! nhnu Mu kn-Huv and Mn Sulnmun, who haw hen-n Humâ€: It the home n! \In F I) I’ve-n41, h-H- unm- u. â€19 hw\\ Y'n-‘lvyh'lmn hunu nl I’lvnnrhm RM and Mn‘ ( (i [Tmrngul and Mn- A “in mumrc-d hm: hum lhum. l.‘ n wn-k nun “Mm-.4.) Th1 wrvr Hu- L'urrl~ uf Mn J (i l‘nMrv and lumnl) Mn- ". H, Ruben:- and “nut. Ml" Brown. In mndmg him week- In Virginil Miss kllhryn anllry of Sam Fun» ('nu‘n hn hwn vmhnx Minn (Brun- Andn-wu {01 {he poll few (hyn. Mm Mur)‘ Tnmhlr u! I'ltulrurxh I! the xunl 0! Min Edith Fyï¬e Mr John Bell of Nrw Richmond. Wu. ll qx-ndmg n (rw duyr wuh hn- pun-nu Mr Ind Mn. .1 3 Br“, Mr. Granu- E. Millard n! S. Sheri- dun mud n It home nftcr underrolnl an open-hon at the Highland Park honpiul. A number of Highland M M‘- dmu an in Europa for an curl! winter. among them being Ir. Ind Mrs. Henry Glidduu 1nd Wm. Mr. 1nd In. Theodore Bun, Ir. and Mrs. George Moon. In. Hurry P. Pnym- tnd Min Muriel Fume and Mn. Willi-m R. Tum-er and lhm duughlcn. whn plnn !0 hr abroad A 3113‘ erxr Willi-ma emulumwd the “‘«ineuhy afternoon «wink rluh this week. Mus Lillian Antes spent the \vrckv and win: Mina Pearl Pen-nun of Doerï¬eld. yu r THE WINl‘ANTON SHOP. 180 V, [w “A ITATIIIN? Mulmuu u! I’l â€it! Fun! I I‘d-II, "kid-M OFFICE IN (‘ITY '(‘uu Adv pd II \UIL Mr:- lAL’B‘ERT LAISISON Just the thing to interest the kiddies these rainy days NEW PICTURE BOOKS THE HUBER ELECTRIC COMPANY‘ Mariel Square lake Fore-t Telephone 1.. F. 150 We have ham {Mun-l; in nbuinin; the Npm‘m ol the \0(‘AI'H().\‘E and an no. prop-red lo dam-l: um renurhhk null-mural riflu in your 0‘. hour. ll your convenient-t. Make your appointment. at once. by telephoning Muululund by John Hm I (0.. Non York. VOCAI’HONE nou- ur mot-ind nu rowan-min; the gran-u! nd\lnro- in window fbe very beginner rnll operate then. pet the) are through], pro- !onbnnnl inutrn-entr. luring until MN“ hen nude exrluuively for the Hosernmt- at the l'nitd Stntnn. Great Britain. Fran", Italy and «then. Since August lint the public ha been pemittrd to par- wilt-III not“. at Ibo nanny-not a! drain 0“" (an; out. Your child"- In) now have the hulk-“Id (hr very rich have he. abh- to â€VH9. the Wmfl of exquisite non-d. min I. n..- thmfl (ho Aunt-tuning Ruth-Mme yd Mainland white you it in your favorite chair. beside your an ï¬rst) “He wilt-III not“. at Ibo nanny-neg a! dry-"I: pp {gr [‘0‘ out. _ And the Best Thought, the Finest Artistry of All the World Will Come to You! Telephone 23 guaranteee $1.35 value, at exactly 00D news to housewives and buyers of rubber items. Rubber prices have recently been reduced to' us and we have accordingly reduced prices to our trade. This weék only. Two- SpeCIal quart Hot Water Bottle. All Rubber Prices Low'er EARL W. GSELL ll South It. Joh- An. Pin. 1“ EXPERT REPAIRS FOR ALL MAKES EIGHT LEADING MAKES $5 PlacesOnein ° Your Home Donia-Mn. with“. Hdmwmghuudmj-t vial“ in. U for “yuan-uhâ€! not with you ammmummmm. [Irwin mthh-ï¬mflyâ€"imun‘rn- ulna-u. Washing Machines SEE THEM ALL UNDER ONE ROOF DECKER HUBER NOW THE VOCAPHONE TURN A KNOB RADIO DEPARTM ENT Lots of nice Pharmacist 94 Cents ;. Illinoi- 589 Canal Avenue Telephone H. P. 150 15 S. St. Johns Ave. SUPERIOR NIAGARA Hixhhnd Part 3 bone H. P. 150 Stationer