mpany 235 C0. 5!} HER? II? Te L. _\ oth- nothing ju~t as 5 taken “ BKOTL‘ pamnz and 'utru it" ftln Milk 3H 11 the scorching drivers are deter- W a, go into the ditch, it would be .dvisable to pick out a spot where they won't have to roll over three or {our times before reaching bottom. 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr. "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|||II||||IIIIIIIIIII___LL§ ¥fllflflflllllflllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllll|lIllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE illillllllllllflllllllllIlllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllll|IllllllIIllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllll'i? 515 Central Ave. Green and Wax Beans. qt. _.. .. .. . Extra Fancy (auliflower _ . Fancy Iceberg Lettuce- . . Beets and Carrots, bunch Spinach peck. Cabbage. the lb. 5c; three lbs. for Tomatoes lb. .. .. % Fancy Potatoes the peck Onions. the lb. 5¢z 6 lbs. for Spaniah Onions, the lb. (veorgia Sweet Potatoes. the lb. 101 Radishes. the bunch 8c; two bunch Cucumbers at ..... _. telery. the bunch Green Peppers. ( elerv t" abbaze. lb. Cranberries, the qt. W FRUITS Extra Fancy Johnathan Apples dozen . Johnathan Apples. 3 lbs. ........... Jonathan Apples. per box ,, . __ Grapefruit. 10c; 3 for 25¢; H Extra fancy Sunkist Valencia Oranges (alifornia Pears the baSket H V . Green and Red Grapes, 18¢; 2 lbs. for , Bananas, the doz. ., Snow Apples 4 lbs. p. 31 Pippin Apples, 3 lbs. lemons. the doz. .. . , Florida Oranges, the doz. SPECIAL Sure Heat Oil Burner SAVE FUEL IN THIS MILD WEATHER with burners, feed tank and two loo-gallon storage tanks 15 South St. Johns Avenue Telephone 201 Highland 'Park, Illinois Gent’s Furnishings 393 Central Av enue Tel H. P. 331 Men’s Fancy Wool - Hose 75c to $1.25 per pair Cooper Klosed Krptch Uï¬ion Suits $1.50 to $5.00 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SALE . H. DECKER CO. Fancy Fruits, . PRICE ON CAN GOODS BY THE CASE RICHELIEU and SAVOY BRANDS ,7. SCHNEIDER $150.00 C6mplete at our Store VEGETABLES See the Vegetables and Groceries Lhéhlb'.10¢: 4lbs. for two bunches . . . From the wny speeding motor-1m tear around the streets in some places, one might think they were observing the hunting season by trying to bug the pedestrinns. hflWv M 9 10¢, 15¢: Tel. H. P. 429 15¢ 8: 35¢. Q-.- .549 40¢ ._...,.10¢ .254- 25¢, 39¢ 50¢, 60¢ 152.90 ,1 5;“ 35¢ 15¢ 15¢ 40¢ 301‘ 25¢ E The pastor had the privilege of ‘being present at the Armlgtiee Dn)’ Ecelebrltion at Deerï¬eld-Shk-ldn high juchoob; last Fridn)’. To have seen 1that splendid company of students lmareh into the nuembly room to the ‘music of the band, heard those recita- ‘tions by members of the clan in public speaking. and the various ‘aongs in which I“ joined heartily w..- ;an experience not soon to be forgot~ vten. The climax of the hour was the ishowing'of slides from photon-pm of :interestinx plnces on the buttle ï¬elds :in l-‘nnce. taken by Prof. Snndwick . last summer. The whole exercise in: {one that should hnve been enjoyed ‘by I" patrons and friends of the {school It WA: A moat inspiring occa- ; lion. Corner North avenue and Lana-(ta Plate, William E. Groac, Pastor. Preparations are already underway for Christmas. Nearly every class in the Sunday school has planned to take part. and ihere will he a spirit 0! friendly rivalry as to who will lead in quality and interest. Our be‘inners drpnrtment in the Sunday school is keeping up a ï¬ne record of nttendnnce and interest. Mrs. Comm-n. the superintendent and her corps of tenchers Ire doing most excelk‘nt work. In thin department rests the hope of the Sundny MW and éhurch for. the future. The Ladies’ Aid society will med at the home of Mn. R. S. Blnck, corner Beech and bog-n streets. Fri- day afternoon, Nov. 17. All mem- bers and friends nn- urged to at- tend_ The Woman! Foreign quionnry society will hold ‘heir November meétinz at the home 0! Mrs. Thomp- son. on Waukegnn avenue next Tues- dty afternoon. Next Sunday mornlng ind evening the pastor will give u continuation of the series. 0! sermons on lounhln Top Experiences. In the morning we will visit Mount Earth. and in the evening Mount Sinil. You will be welcome I: both of the“ urvlcel. Remember 10:30 a. m. an?! 7:30 p. m. The Epworth Leann unflcc next Sunday evening will be led by Him- Mints McGnth‘ 6:30 is the hour. All young people are urged to al- bend. WOMAN WANDERER I’ICKED UP HERE Margaret Curry of Chicago Is Found on Street Mentally Deranged Last week the pollu- pwkld up I woman on the urn-t who ap- peared to be mentally deranged. She curriv-d u Hunky! nnd “In!" under hr mm and was poorly dropped. Among other munu shr gnn- “Murâ€" znn-t (‘urr)", said she was 47 and lLlll left hq-r hnmc- m l'hicngn becuuso hvr husband abused her. A! one lmn ~hc «in-mu! hunnu any relative! and at nnnlhrr clmmrd ~he- was on the “uy 1‘ Karim “In-n- yho had frkvnxh and rehtinu. Um» 3hr snid <ho (in! not can- \Iht‘rr she nu goâ€" ing _hor “ha! lx-cunu of her. Tht poliu- (-nmmummh-d with the Chin- K“ unlhoritinw‘ and In ï¬rsv it wu “upward that the woman might br [hr Margaux! Vunry known to medi- cal authorities in that city as a typhoid gt-rm carrier. but ‘his proved not to he the use. an the woman's husband was lac-ted and clme to Highland Park later and took her back to Chicago. He.- uid she bud been absent from home for a week. THREE YOUNG MEN START FOR COAST started on Monday, November 6. bound for Les Angel“ by the “flivver rmrtn-". They were George Bohr. son of Fritz Ruhr; Hermln Hart. son of John Hart and Harold Hart. a nephew. They loaded the ï¬ve passenger Ford with a vuried “sun.~ mont of accessories, including u cook- ing outï¬t. and started 0n the long trail to tho southwwt at 6 a. m. They 20 by the Linmln highway ‘arth rou-iwd h) n‘lutlve.‘ say the boys ad rmrhod Tnmdad. (‘olu., Int Sunday. nhd the) rxprvtcd tn be in New .\I(‘\i"r by th:- middle of the week. Highland Park Boys on Long Motor Trip to (fly of The Angels ..... “l-Ilh-ctin-ncs~ of “Mora-men: is shown by the rcsuh in curtailing the sourru of >upply of thu-y {or medi~ cinal usu and grain alcohol for in- dustrial and drug purposes, such cur- tailment being reflected in the reduc- tion of tax paid withdrawals of nlcm he] 88 monsurvd in tax gallcns†said Federal I’rnhlhitinn ('umniissiuncr Hnym's a day or so ugu “In the year ending Jum- 30, 1921. withdrmxaL n gallvu‘n and In gall: h‘. Iliui h gall: m. I’lul lxqu‘ r ux'hdrnwals have lm-n rctlurwl {rum 11,300,000 gallons in'lii‘lï¬ tn an [Ntlmult' of alum! 2.000.- 000 (\r thl.‘ cu‘mndm your. "(‘oncumrahun «If lwnded supplivs in a few contrnhzxd wnrehoum will also make for curtailment, and 3130 result in an annual saving of 8300,- Threv “1;:than I‘nrkryuung men ll1vv BEING ENFORCED nugn‘uuto-d nmy 103,300,503} l'hdrnwals have "300,000 gallons pf abuut 2.000,- 362753305 a week.‘ Notwithstanding thnt tho hand- of jthe Russian government In not In ssympntby with Anerknn tutituuom [)0_\ST!d¢-mocrncy. Lenin and Trotsky In" mulled on two American: to journey 'm fur-away Rush and Inply Yan- BIG PLANT DISCOVERED What in believed to hIVt‘ bat-n the lug-at plant ever “ambled in the United State: for thc printlng of counfelt physiciam' whlukey punt-rip tion blank: bu just been wind in Chicago and with lt were taken halibâ€" ed fraudulent blunt- to tho “he of govern! hundred thouusd dollars. In ï¬nished product. Ilene. 100.000 boob wen taken. Th2 "caution book con- sists o! 100 blnnh and the null-dun {cc charged by phy-kiun for ï¬lling than: out in 83 which nuan- thlt in flnhhcd product the plant raw up $300,000. n privnk- home n 1141 Semi)! street. thin city. When the ï¬remen 3:11th may found a compkuly oqulppad printing plum net up in the hour but hd no idea that it I'M being over Ih’d for an illn-i! purpooc. Lama! Outï¬t of the Kind 1.? Located Accidentally by ‘ Government Agents Ind Med Much of thr ï¬ninhed product "A: thrown from the window: mad I num- hcr o! the pmriplkon blank: fell into the hind! of Richard. 7 you old ml: of Agent David R. Edhldt. from Dimwr of Prohibition Onm'u uflin'. The book, upon wbkh the small boy urn doing . ubool mobkm. {all an- der the eye of Agent Edhm, he question“ his ooh. nu bold who?! he htd pkhod it up Ind the raid by alt-nu from Director Gmry'l 0G0! followed. Accidentally Din-0v“ The discovery of the counurfemnx plum. I‘ll brought about m a most unusual mum-r. A ï¬re lurch out in Pill 80.. M When the mail ranch“ the boom tiny found it widely (lo-crud but (be mnwrleiuu machinery, eon- sistin‘ of dam Parka printing pm... plain {or ii! making of the blanks and [rent quantities of raw muck were {amid~ In the priming the blnnh bud to be pu! lhmu‘h nix pronoun and the work was so thoroughly done that even the ma! expert government Inna could not dilunguhh the coun- urhit blanks from that printed by the gowrnmrm. The most "lurk- “it part 0! Use 9min prucna In the putting of (M paper manufutur- rr'u wan-r mark into the paper. "A. having [nu-n ncazmphdwd through the un- o! I printing pl-u. Inn! being rmpl‘ryrd on "w pron, inland of xnk. : ..â€". 7.... ney Hillmnn. pntident of the Ami- sumntod Clothing Workers of Amor- iiu who is nid 10 have the conï¬dence I'n! both Lenin and Trotsky. 3nd in .duc to rcmrn to Ennston within the mo“ fortnight While Mr. Hillmln ha.- hm-n instructmx Russian cloth- Scol- ('o-Iuddu-n Agvnu from Director (in-pr)": "Moo an- novr conducting a march for the owner: and operator! of Lbr ruunu-rfeiung plum and I! is uï¬d (hut "RN in c-xu-lk-nl rruon {or he- Irving that (My mll he plnoed under I"!!! within a slhurt limo. Th‘ lhrir array. will man the Innding In («k-r.) prikon of one o! the mac! ex- h-nqive gang! of counterfeiun op"- Mm;P in the l'niu-d Sam. the" in no dnubt among nwnuc opt-run". ï¬bu-n «um-ting c-ï¬echvc ruunN-l on the ‘ï¬nnnviul “d1" , A rem-m n'port from nbrund which lhnu just ruched Evunntun in to the feflmt (hut thr Nurthwvnu’m profu- :wr hu Ibout compleu-d his putt 0! Who wurk and thnt Mr‘ Hillmun MI H ELI'ING ORG ANIZE RUSSIAN BUSINESS Prof. Howard of North's“!- Ooulpletu Minion in kee butineu melhodl (o the unnu- hcure of clothing. Om- u! M man is Prof. Earl Dean How-rd. pro- fessor of economics at Northwestern l'nivenity, who has horn promimt. on ‘he mmomir and ï¬nancial tide, in organizing thc clothing industry 0! America, Prd. Howard want to Russia nveu! wet-h 1:0 with Sid- ihx Wot-ken and nun-gnu respecting detailn d inside opera-hon (If a mod- crn clothing pl-nt. Prof. Howard bu been equally nucï¬-uful All (hing; Hut grow! and hurt do not hnvc {our 1.1:. ; Annie-nun and Gin-lo Bond†no" he!“ 0 lhtd Ivy on “he" of III! )‘rlr' riï¬ (can It Non-ho .mhrnUni'Ky.0mdum JIM: punch 0! IN. only that ‘glrhrhocmhw uhut’lbwifl .bepomimdponwtthemm irity. Boaidu cxpm with tho rlflc u- orn am will again of new when mu: amt of ling for not or far â€Ilia; “It: and than" 0! W The lollowln‘ rind tun- have hen an: a circular r by an Northmv girl. nun; t the m h! or uhlhbd at It 1mg- anel lu . Philadelphia; Ow! [on Anita! Conan; KW ark-aha"! Cornell Univer- sity; Knox :Uflwnfly a! 954i h‘- Agrkuhur-l Y ; Cornell Univer- sity; Knox ; University at Ill? no“; Uatwrdu o! Georg“; on» hon.- Agriculp n1 colbgc; Unleash! of Wuhlnad: Sync-no Unimdty; Lam-“n- Univcroky; Univ.» my of Nichw; Dc Pu- Univer- Iity end the University of Vermont. LIGHT BILLS GROW [N W SEASON u-l char-k WNWfl-f’nfl “cannula-mum‘s. puny “I! w our} you and tho staple enhance to that u.»- iu hour: w. 0m bull um-nmmmmhtm tho- fot Nova-hr will he that an: Odour. ht nub. 3â€"- ber of what we all “Minn com on in M. 1- Jam?! tho number W and that pro- mlniium in mind. “In June at am at ofehctrk Fell Brothers Pavlova Boot You will ï¬nd here distinctive jewelry and correct silverware. I. well n unusunl and tasteful novel. ties in delightful veriay. Price. accord with value. mm' â€'JJM' " "as; 358W " s34». tine-thou if eokeneof friendship and eee'uan must be far above the WW. “Many of these people have expreued their appreciation of our more an the home 0! desirable gifts. You are cordially invited to pay a visit to out were and View our collection before the rush of Quinâ€" Sec them at Highland Putin'- Leading Shoe Shop FELL BROTHERS Cornell Univer- Unfunflty «(“1254 m until Juno when u- sin- in W!!! WIFPLW '- A}- Winn- Bock 5-4 on. has Joh- ,Cclhhua. and lath AM dim bum In" Mr bill’s. Th: fact should tannin-i ltthhwbduflmltth other (net that than no but ban of dayllgm now than in w 3nd will be {ant yd. and! an ode b- (im in "mutton." ' Anasce'uoahcseahumw mcumnotthc my. Suk'n Attorney A. V. puced on the trial all fat (by eleven crimind cues. of Double Punch, 01 M Inn 1% it?! ELEVEN CASES 0N CRIMINAL noun? Cull-II Had-gum 0100;â€de vï¬ththmnduofC.P.IIr-.d OhmJIueoud. 1"!!in hummmuuvmm uuu PabrAdn-I,hbmh thirdoathelbt. f dJ'h-Iol mm} mi 2N- 08â€" perk“. For all kinds 0! water and all oc- Charles E GRAVES â€Cult-IA“ CHICAGO