Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 23 Nov 1922, p. 1

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'l V ;\ LE‘H' v Hut '1”. Lnrn um \u’ (It hi ‘ff‘ivnn an 'Lr'mmm If"? ' ;v<m “Hmong quknf ‘h ”,A'u am :11": '1 I: m: "'2' Through an investment in the 1 [per cent preferred stock of the North Shnte Ga: cumpany. residents of the territory are nth-red an investment. fivith an unusual security and merit. Beszdes makmg an investment that is strong in itself the investor is sup- pIyin'; means for the expansion of the company. which helps providc ade« quate emncmic service for an indus- trial and social necessity resultin‘ in the treat improvement. of his own Community. Thaw man's may be obtained It the'Nurth Shore GM company m #7 South St. Johns avenue. Highllné Pnrk, Ilh’nois, cash or payment plan of $5.0) down and $5.00 per month. The company would be glad to uni] The ladies '0! the EW Lutheran church will hold a ale tad Chici‘cn upper this .ftemoon and ev- mlnt. SW, ‘13. in the Assembly mom of the chum»): on the corner of Cen~ "'11 IVenue and McGovern street. The norms Sewing circle will have I booth. rEpresenting a country store. 5003?. on this stock to tny one m- Cert-stead. CHICKEN SUPPER TONIGHT AT LUTHERAN CHURCH OFFERS PREFERRED STOCK OF GAS C0. 74:7:‘1‘:7 ' Highland Park Elk: club has schedâ€" any“; .-' 311,,- Woolley. “5. Kiwi wwral i-nu-r'mrtmcnts for thi- Th? 54’ a; Err of. F. L. \V'mlley of Highland. Winter season. and qthers will be an- Pagk. “a; he“ \Vedfiegday gafteymnn ".nunw'il later. TWO this month and 3: (ilencrr. Death was due to an ac- ‘ one next include a bunco and card cidem l!‘. which Miss “Volley suffered 5' fatty. with‘dancing’, held last evening. fracture ”f 1hr skull when thrownfanil which proved a fine success. and from a hon» which she was riding in . a Thanksgiving dance for Elks and Missiuufl. when she was employedftheir friends. to be. held the evening Thefof Nov. 29. On Dec. ‘! a smoker and is a leather in a high school. ("it is gin-dialed {or mem- ucidem «urn-d several days ago,§entertainm “313 The l'ul)‘ arrived at the hmilygbefl- flow in Ulem‘ae Tuesday. The fun-r 'EW COLUMN OPENED Hy hznu the deep sympathy of theirflfl many fru-ruli In their sudden beware-g 1'0 INTEREST WOMEN men: Sis s!er of F. L. “oolley Is \ictim5 ‘ of Riding Accident ' in Missouri MISS WOOLLEY THROWN FROM HORSE AND DIES ‘t‘f‘icé we$Zr rr: W m D J h 3‘ m Overture. “T" «- .‘fvrry Wire-i of Wind. '9!" ' Nicalo: Pflifé 3513': Debus<y {3) En Bntvau . Ibl Carma»; pnvxicgm program: Poion‘abe Manh~ “Th ‘vmphmf.’ \ . . . H menfiirtuw': qasâ€"-. Uve of xiv s 1 number 'H n‘ ta“; ‘ (1w 9y Given Monday Afternoon And Night: Little Symphony Orchestra Delights ' (‘uming Events 3‘ )2T3YY,~ Wider? Two I’LEASING CONCERTS A ORCHESTRA SERIES ‘ OPENING SUCCESS xtMBER {Lu :1ka l'nmin'z Numbers u pc. \ t'h-rntmn Features f'ut'ln. “ H ()hph'de" Intermission Hqsinws .‘1?inl\' orches- The attraction and the: Feb. 16, with the Sorth- 'eFity, orchestra. These Stun- gmzi Stripcs Fur- ' Sousa 3.; A great audience guru? for mare than an xviv'rful pmâ€"rfurmance of ‘hc<!m and its taYented crtamch. and holh unnâ€" .\:~fm1 ivy all who were Evur {ht'VYL The evrninz Mar'h (mm The Ru: n> B ”tthf‘flrn \ Midsummer nghtk _ Mendvlssuhn 51:12er Min! move; Mozart Bm-cherini le‘flnh‘” tTht‘ Eugene Dan-gm" Tschaikuwsky nphrm rnu-rt fur children :u:_\' Inf the pupils t-‘r‘ mwnshlps and xxarvnh‘ and was nf‘. Thr m‘wm x3!) 'rxm: 0!» Vienna Strauss Beethuvenâ€" Tel! The Spinning SJmt-Savns i duhk’htful an» tom‘rrts and melting hit!) SUhI‘IOL Tbt Hiflblzmb Park Prtfifi v vpenmg zed under p when , A new column “Faxorite Recipes" ‘has been opened in the Pnss for the fwomen of Highland Park and will be ,found cn page four of this paper. ‘The column is to be conducted by lcxal women, and 0‘ en women in this city who is the poswssor of one or more favorite m: pes which she is willing to pass on to her neighbor is Easked to contributr, This column will ‘he run every week. providing that ienouzh local women are intcmfid. iKindly send all recipes to the Pm The bazaar under the‘ auspices of the Pythinn Sisters u! Hirhvood will open tomorrow in Sum" hall. High- wood. md will hut two days. dosing rm Monday evening. Nov. 2‘1, with n dance. Every one is invited to “tend. EOne Last Night Is Success. andéTHANKSGIVlNG DINNER ' Two Others to be AT MORAINE HOTEL ’ Held Later % _V- A bmu' and bakery sale will be held Sunni-y It the Comma” Center under the auspices of the La- dies' Aid caddy o! the Ebena' chnrth. lhny suiuble gifts fur Christian till he on snle. The pub- lic is cordially immed to Attend. week PIA-9cm: that {Mum han- again . ,been loohmz Nonhwestem mlmmh ”rt-i2?! .ah near Park menutj wa‘ :‘isu-ve-ywi a few days am) . huntU q" I." “nut virimty. wh‘ fuund tvw ":‘szw lrvkvn ”pen and umtainimz [h-‘m‘ sh‘milcs “our“! with quantities A." x ,. 1. »n yarn. prohahlv bcinz ‘hip- I" 1 to pume manufmturer nf hum ur vn 1’4"“ nnv hf the spimnfii Was; ‘rw '1' n. pu‘fiw headquar‘vrh. arr? "3-“ Harriney notified the raflruzut' {‘Jvi. who invesuvated the mat-v ., 2w. ,- ‘h- firét m’ the \vm’k. hut Sn far ‘ .‘ F::.~ not hm-n 19:1!me how extemiw 4v w» the- thefh. h F hvlit-n‘d that the "iatr- riding L.» train had thrown ’"m - ‘er bdirn'in': th-‘v vnn'aine‘f Qc'fio‘w'. ;:mi it i< prubukiv fhat thé- loot 5Â¥m-!t!-'.c~! uase< of «\ther kinds of merg PYTBIAN SISTERS OPEN BAZAAR TOMORROW i (‘hahv § when HOLD BAZAAR SATURDAY AT COMMUNITY CENTER E! K\' ('Ll'B GlVlNG SEVERAL {PARTIES \ EGGS [001‘ TRAIN: l BAY E YARN BEHIND hum: Randall, Mrs. T. ("l Williams. Mrs. Wulqu Kimball, MIX J. Bf) I .‘xf‘rl. Mr» U00. ”alt. Mrs. Wm. Rufl- m-r. filrafl-‘rul l‘rrstun. Mn. E. H.’ Eltcll M14. Sellar Bullartl. Mrs, Rnl-g lam-l Huflxngs. Mrs. Wm. Peter and: Mr M. D; Vail. Mr‘. B as am pleased to report a total num- ber of 3“ garments and $85 in nwm'y ‘aken m. The tarmvnm haw Pu-vn rinnirvi‘. _1'!H;N»Itinr‘..n¢â€"I}'. totwm-n the Hmuiami Park huspital. the- vuiung !,1i!“\'\. 1an “unkn- “urnr and NW Lakv Hiufi‘ or; 'hunané. and t'rm Mum-5‘ will iw «pen! \‘u L_;_\' mun- urn-l»; for . um _\ mmrl'vat‘L in thb causr. “V Thr 'Hln'ih'\ “7‘ 'ko- urgnnizaxiunflmr :uo: Mum szmbeth vaner, Mrs. Ed- ; ”'4‘! Ward .Vnn‘xus‘. Mrs. John Harmon.,’5‘rl‘ ,\[:-â€". 3mm §‘«-I!;xr‘.~h~c, Mrs. Everettiball 3211mm. Mr~ mmm Van schaick,‘!iul , Th» Highland Park branch ut’ m:- Net’dlewurk Guild of America ha; mmpleted its annual (Mia-tum nf :arments in this city. and the directâ€" Local Branch of Society Makes Sud-cps of the Annual Collection 'astw (‘nntaining Spindles Are Found Near Park Avenue By Hunters NEEDLEWORK GUILD COLLEC’I’S 544 GARMENTS vrtumty h 3w )wsidos the yarn. hm Ihat the handits din-aver"! the char‘ hf the yarn .thipments they left whim} any! rezw-vwl the re<t of under 'Lj: truck Mr~ Guam! Van Schaick,‘!ll!l€ ‘;n§<.'.z.‘.\‘ Egan. Mi~u Hmmg‘spots Mn. H. T. Juhnsun. Jr‘, MIX: 'rrlL’h. MM. Frx-doru'k Ntwn-m' U“ H“. Um. R_ Rubvrts. MP5. ' night R; 3.11, Hrs. T. (" \Villialns. “JUN .\ . tram lam than-Monday of each (L r~ “N‘ 1.. mko xm~ up» hank ail ’hnsc win: in «mru'xmuu‘. in thi: causr. .n “7‘ 'ko- unmnizaxiun The Elm Flu-e P. T. A. will hold an iewninz meeting tonight at 7:” io'clrxk in the school M. It is ‘Ieldum um he {nth-n af the sail. iron at m opportunity to nee m On Monday muting, 31m 27. the Royal Amman will catch-uh their 35th anniversary. A Ml program has born phnned which fill interest cmyone. Grand council ‘â€" eer: will be prntnL All ”kn und their “milieu are invihd Io (Ml meeting. d the school Vocurma » this pub- mm is pinned to and this nod. The PWAVm W" [WP-“’7. .0 ELM PLACE P. T. A. MEETS THIS EVENING “hi the cm reasonable but ROYAL ARCANUM '10 CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY Thr Moraine hotel wxll seru- a «pm-5a] Thanksgwimr dinner next Thursday. The menu 1: as followur , L‘ek‘r)‘ Radish” ()liven Frvsh'Shnmp Cu-kl'l Oyster (‘ockt'l Cream of Tomato (‘unsomme Brunei: Rum! Turkeyâ€"Chestnut “rinsing Cranberry Sauce Broiled Tenderloin Steak 4(‘ookod to orderâ€"15 minutes) ('ro-amed Carrots. th String Beam Candied Sweet Potatoes . Rolls and Butur Hen-9 Lettuce Sal-($4000 Inland Pumpkin Pie Hot Mince Pie New York he Pram. Plum Pudding (‘uuembert Cheese and (‘ncken i‘offee Ten Milk Pnrv £2.00 Why ”F use; in the Kitchen" All Day? Eat Turkey at the “amine Hotel hurt Train Nils Truck \lunday mnrnin: about U u'vl-l'kl a limigm tram “:1 (h North Shorr‘ hm- struck a Main-9'! trurL on Ii prim!» crossing Knuth o! Hm Hana: summing a “how! of the truxk nnd’ nth: wan-u- Inmuging the car. Th». ‘2“:rr, 3 mm; {rm Dwrfiv-l-l whuse‘ :‘rv pwh e- 4214! nut lrnr'z, )umprd} Bidet “Mlh “WI-Ion Aiex Dennison u! (‘hu‘lgo backed hh air through a large plate gin" wmdow in the McPherson Kluge Thursdny afternoon of but “wk. He we: unoflui and mud n finr of 8200 '3 r drnuzn: a maur u-hn-h' whilc m- !uxzz-aw! In addmun he ,must puy frr :"r hrukvn “1min“, $196. the Young Woman [aimed ~ Mus Mnry Ply, “ho Wis ndmg \nth .‘fr, Larsen. was thrown out und_ un-im the uvertumed var, which had; m be rnued to n-leue her. She \I'u bruised and scratched. but suffered. no serious injury. ' l. K Grant's touring ur and an laundry trunk cnthed about 2: £0 Sun- din). r. (‘emnl 3nd Pairs! Ind both um: vimazod. Nubody was hurt wax bruised and rweived some M-mtrhes. Because of a strained liza- mcnt one nrm was m a slung !or a few days. The accident 1s believed tn have been unlvuidable. h occurrui n the mrner of (in-en Bay rnad 1nd Oak- wo-«i tun-hue. Llnyd Lima [hm Uuyct Lanen wax mjured Saturday night when hi.- Furd sedan met in r'nHisiun with a Mmhen touring cur, driven by Marcus Hum-n. 50x Roger William; avrnma Both can wen- cun- ~idrraHy damaged. Larsen was burned to the hospital. ?u( was xhnrt- 1y aflt‘r‘anrds Able to go home He 11;“ v rrpurt Fummm 'GENUmBINmAN ‘ mmmm'rz' mum .hi‘v‘t‘ clrm ~Irvr 'l‘wo-Year~0ld Son Geo. Bowden (0|!!ka COP) of SIG“ “it! Struck Crossing Street Bu! ‘ of the Buckie“ Set up Not Badly Injured: One on School Grounds Driver Fined ' In l'niqne «- - Banquet at Pressman (1am -â€"~ CHILI) HAS CLOSE SHAVE ELM run-z HAS FEAWBE WWMMW- momsmon as [woman It HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1922 Drming “11‘ un adv truth. With that exception. m nu shay- claud Want-43y *5 noon- thrmz‘hom 1hr )‘ur Purl “at" will prawn: the {ol- lowing pvt-mm next week; Shirk}. Pun-ill: Dun m ”Under Two FM”; Ilondny 3nd Tuesday. Georgr Piu. mnunce pnxiucnon with Bdly (‘o-p- Don and Bert Lyle!) :1: “To Haw uni to Hold’; Wainaday and “My, “The Sin Hand." dimud by Funk Lloyd I’d {running Helm CW. inch-rd Dix, Jame. Kirkwood. Ralph Lewis. Hownrd*Dl\'iu Ind WU)” al.1110014, duo Buster Keaton in “The Capt": wddI5'. To. III in “Jon 1")”; Way. Shirk-y I.“ h “The No- Tnchcr." lath. u 2'.” of this paper 810838 OPEN NEXT WEDN-DAY ALL DAY 1- a nwphvn .,{ Bu)‘¢'ho~1.l) Ibo- II). and Mn “(Ber :3 Jam. Wilhurd Schuhz. (be huh-d nuthnr u! Ilnrfl‘r-Uf .lltv amunn Hu- BluHmR Indium. Mr *Svhuhr himn-H was the" during the ‘planlmg a" xhu trpu- and ad md Mr Sml'h m 6h pn-rmr-(mn Full Putin-cal Thor «quipmc'm hf 1hr {4-ng n rludc-r fiw hark yrsh uhxh Mr Smith pur- rhased from Juhn-‘Mks-inJhr-‘IW nnd n drum which In Indian 90“ to Mr Luring. Th:- dnft dud-A. flhy {(14 lung .‘hu'h lino- tbe up". hm n‘a yet eri\rd‘ 11:: bring decor-ted by Boy (3hr! who 1.; unnx mndrnu n! uar and the chant w {mm-h hit them. When [hr drlfl cloth "I in pine. - fl": cam he kindled m up uqxv :nd \he smukc “in curl out through the “carp" at the tap. Th: 12px is elzhu-en feet in diameter nnd large enough in house one or.nunv fumiin. Indian fuhion. WM n It" tanned skins to throw on the flour and“ um ur thru- "pnrflethn" or kllhtr‘ can" or burn Ln bold trinket: lndl food. the "pt! I!” bI' mdy far (15‘ CUPIHC)’ 5 TOM MIX. FRIDAY. Monday uni My. “Po Have and To Hold": Sat-flay. (‘m Wanna Aid- A ("IN- ‘unun with (hr and u! .- Bllckfm'! ‘umnn M'W(~d (hr wpw rvnrr nnd Buy ('hlrf up pfl\lllrd upur. In pum 1t, U‘Infl the- nmv do- .nxne In ”34â€".- ‘n in. man “nmhrim” Mir Urne “I". a wry [mum-m: lyrdunn aunt. vhv‘ hm] ll uudxu M (Hm-arr I‘ark Hm summrt. tank nn .‘;l(l\l' '1 2.1.4 1'! [hr \Mur‘ Hi Mantr- ‘ l‘wi 'h\ :i-xnrJLv :1 nf ”w t"'\!! "e 1- a nwphi 1:! Buy (ho-1, l) Ibo- II). pm! ‘ummér uhllr I! \II} wt up near (Hutu-r Park dulmn Mr Jenn L Smuh plum"! 1hr purrhnq u! a up“. fur the N‘htwl whllr an I \161- [ion tnp up (”arrow Park and uncured the co-oprutmn u! dulled Indium In M connrunmn ()ne of hi! (fluids. Mxkr Shlnnun‘ - nuh'd xuldv and hnrwmun of that remun, hu rnrrwd out (hr phm “uh rnthuurm Ind 1hr ruull l~ my aulhumr 10;“ of hlptnrh'nl valm- H)’ n hnpp) rumrnirm'r. Harmd Lonny. Hturvr un Indian ruutumr. and h- (nun ”in: wmpnmvn. n Sioux lndun_ Brnw Eagle hy hum. rum.- (hut «wt-rung in h- rrnd)‘ {nr (ht m-n day.‘~ engagvnwm but. and Hruw I'L-gh- pet up the- {rm-«i by candle hxht. Tht (unnulng munnnx the "per .101 lb [Minn-(1 ruurr :dlrlflrd mUlh Alâ€" lrnlh n Ind rflwlnnly mlwrhn-d Mr lmnngK lecturr (‘opy 0! Sacred ladle The up": u argue-d after on:- 0! (hr 014?“! u! lhr lured 1011‘" hf the Blackfun! Indium. known u [hr Bufluln Ludgv. The unmm} lodge is uwnni by 80} (th x [31311me In- dian wu-nty yrnri of ngr. who oc- cupn-d n with hlS {amxlp dorm; (hr Thr tong-th-d»fur lr-dhn \epn‘ In which lbw: Elm l'lnw pupil: have been [nu-fling wlm- u! lhvlr spat: :nnngx Inn-ed Tun-Max u: m: week. n ind" mmh- 2hr Mu (up from (Hm-n" Park. M‘ntnnl, by {rug-H \Thr row-r n'md‘ the "luck n-U‘" \nmv m a lull, hm? {hr mnrtwn in“. fluxghl h-pov [wk-y, '24 {Ht 3n‘_ uv'h' plmpl)‘ “ind lu- Kl-Lhtr. Huh p111: la. n ungltf 14in» ym'r firm It" and "I! rut Ind‘ «in-used [W a Hurtfum Indun n»; pl‘fll“) fur "In It“? | New IN “JUST TONY" ' hwphim- Paul! I: m char-re of the «ammu- Mr Ham 0. hum. pup nmd Hunk-mun! nf I“ ‘hurrh nwhoul. till Eu *1): 'unslmlflPYJ I r»- rum- ., 7 V- a“! A (bk-kn lop- hmfi h mun. Tho “I.“ In M - , WWW h i h cap-d M m V I Mm“) a“ wflhwhm uni-1M Whine. “mu-Hunted. bow mm cum nun mam wm the work." for the Sixth m" r.“ a! the American N-tkmnl led ('ruu, who have m nlmdy “mod "I (bur ran-rd turd! Ind contribu bum roll-fled m the drive pint-e do no ’5“ lat" than thc 27th of Now-labor to (Mr Rod ( mu chair an. “n. 1‘"th ”or “can, 274 [Aurel In. in order that all contri- buuou uay hr at the Chm” hund- qumn with": the mm time ”In“. won AN'S cum *0 now ‘ HOLIDAY SALE. DEC. 2 POUR DAY BAZAAR OPENED YESTERDAY Tho Want Rim Gun club "“1 hold their regular Thank-rm live “I! IN. Sand-y. Nbvmbrr am. all the Knunhorh place two mile. vat of Highland Ptrk. M will hr plenty of m and theta. The shout Irill commence I! aim o‘clock And will lul All day. Vlnwn will he I't-lromg. Hot doc: and rodeo will hr mm {m of charge RED C8088 mucnons SHOULD MAKE REPORT cm um: 70 now rummcwmp snoorr Thr Hurhhnd Plrl quln'lrclu‘ In” In M n huhdn) uh, «1-!!!th 7. In Iheâ€" (mm mm of Purd lurch"! +u~ Mn. Paul (‘hlpfl'lln Ii” havr durur of the 1mm: he and fancy work table; Mn. John Wank”, the uprom; Mn. Henry McKay ilk bukrry and armed [00th: and Mn. )1. Eisen- stu-d! the rhfldm’: books. indict. toys. doll-I, doll doth“ And many tube-r thin” In" be on sale. 'hq- . mfrlrm‘r u! "4119mm! worker: In Lnndcm. Hr? Iiul )w‘! ”mum hr um» a! [nil inn-ml. 1hr ‘hhldl 4 Iub VI" mm! next M- d-y ufu-rnmn with Harv Ic- (k-vwll an the specter. She will "and. u." "The Ritht In [Ii-um." Sh Mu "wun!!\' n-mrned 1mm Euro,» “'brrl- *hr wyu 1’)! I'll"! 0' PM“ Huuark of («who Shvlkm. Ind uH-vr sho- um mm In I drier-(t to noun Advrnurn 3nd those who have nun fur 151’ Pro“ next nod u! vvrvrd In [H their copy in «fly in Oh: ml to mum: publication in next we-cl': iuur, which will be printed st M ARV McDOWEl I. m ADDRESS OSSOIJ CLUB: Hnnuu- Thursday, Nov 30. 'n Thank-chm: um] I national holndA). 1hr Hmhhmi Park Pm. will he Hun-d I'wxl I‘m-k Al mum (ll WM“- day. Nov 29 All new: And udvenh» mg for mu week's issue must M- for be m the I‘m: oflm on ”and-y and Touch-y 'nmnd-y 1hr PHI. «Mm- Ix“ be dated 20 permit in m- ploy-H In our“? ”If holiday. . n, -,-.rm “uh-d.) In Holiday; a“ “11;..- heat left . . . ‘uw pmpcny Ad‘ertmnl and N0“ jmtnm m 8‘ Col" h My widened hr ni ‘ Y wrll Afr-III. PRINT PRESS NEXT _ Tm addition '1. nicely laid out. with “WEEK ON WEDNESDAY :ulmu corresponding with (hr gener- n-.-“ :1! city I’ltfln, 1nd I 40 (00‘ 8M Tumomm mum, at 6:30. at the par- i :3): hon-c o! the Pmbytcnan rhunh.‘ lhcu- will hr 1 Father and Son huh quot {or the boy: of the Junior, m "man-h- nnd Idiot deputmenu of the «hun’h su'lkx-L and ”heir fathers. Thur "1” hr I (hurt! of 3. NM! I. I" pillo- Thru- of the My! And {our of , Stun m {MM-n nu gnu rhm m'n b. Shel urn-r11 murirll ~defliom by the “‘1 «hunh "n‘htm‘ arch-[HI “iCh “I "1-)"! H Amr my”; I“! ma Mn. '1‘. m. ‘ I “Illa-nu, n mrmher n! [he nenn krill" I v .ummxuh n! lht “'umnn'u Xeluur mi)!“ of nmrh Mrs H D anon in chair. mun. u m rh-Iyr of tho dinner Mill ' in h “mans AND 3088 $ HOLD curâ€"160mm: Wainnd-y. Nov. 8 week 01 January. DEATH OF INFANT HONDAY EVENING I’mMOIISo-dhlr...‘ Ian Til-pd. but Inc-a- old so. a! It In. Hut! le. Br. “I W “moo. dbd “My m m 1 than Ina-u. Th been! in. hold "my 4“” noon and halal 1m in the lemon“ Put m. Em. ' "lethal Purl: in the chimm Ihip of the new. North Chic.” 0! the jail, VIM!) City Club 0! the HM Work. Antioch a! the Road. Ind Brut“. Libertyvilk 0f an Pout Fun. "In": of up Kw ptul mm. 01!)" committees Blcfi and Zion Cfly. Tha- eon-m." vin nah - run "Imam.“ the gill mart but to Mt mm can-luau so am the you: W the county "II! he inform-U it)”. Thu an Mn: o! Ill (“0" up!“ I'm h during uu first achdwotmoitbcoounty,m chairmanship. being divided am the «film: mum. niches m appointed to other this iguana-“on. «ch combines being compound of Rpm-tentative. from The cwmn of Us. Luke County Public Wolhn Commit!“ of ch. Waning“: Wodul'l club. mu In, Hutch". wu ”do claim": 0! "so Probation Work committee. } Count. 7R Aen- The 1nd conuim thou! 73 am.‘ and an oIchl plat must be filed by the city with th county recorder ‘un‘uain on any. uur an election. This 'will he done. nud the m nubdivision will be M {or home buyer: in I j who!“ that. In. Cdn, madden! of the High- l-nd Park Woman'u club. In. em churn-n. and In. Luther of High- l-nd Put; actuary. This cumming, It is explained, is not-polificdbodyhltwuformd primarily a [an information n to a» variou- lim of work whining Thr firm renal-r meeting of the Lake (bunny Public Wall." tour mine-e. compound of rcpnunudm from the Women: clubu and civic emanation: 0! Luke county. VI! held at the Parish Home, in Wan- kmn Lu! vent. and the organization WOMEN ARE on‘GANIZING Mrs. Cain of Highland Put 1: ( lair-u; Sub-(biannu- Nlhd (0 Have Chan: 0! Activities PUBUCWEFAIE so situated that all {admin sir mi 1” availuble. tides . modern. my unsavfiion. arranged to the best admin“ and hu hem left D‘OHK the rut fine of 1M pmpcny vhh‘h will furn'uh In entrant-c m Sum! Wood’s And may be widened by similar dedication of a strip on the omik side by Mn, am, if deemed Gamble h then. It also open- In avenue non}: from Conan] to Pui avenue. Elmtmmtobephnudbofm apart mm the mm o! the addition. ”to m phn dunk.“- dleyn and in every way tho ,an pro- 0f u wul nf 96 vote: um. 83 were in favor of amt-don And three opp-med. lmmodilu Item an be'uw (alum to place the lot: on the mrkd and than plan it tn extend city inl- pmvmlenu, water, sewer and likhl far lull'r n noon u fumble Wmmmnon r' orsmnmmcr In the IM;|J via-mm!) held hat Saturday, the propontfnn to annex (he Shmhen tract. ,m be 1mm 1: Sun not Torr-tor. w” nppmvufl by a mnjunly of lhe VO'I‘I out. Il‘houlh m. mu vuu nu-odmfly liflm no urxumzvd uppontum h. the plan hur- iny upwind Light You Saturday in Cfly ,aâ€" Well Arr-uni The nddmon is nicely laid out. with Given 93 Votes; Only hm 0pm to [Alu- Fun-a, [Ah VOLUII I!

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