()\(‘ my uu>h THERS 'num'h 'i } r' hie Saiui‘de Belléw†um" Ih. HN‘A 6 and 27 I'm ’9 .TRE l\ 1) H 1| and 29 * :mmmh «..mmittee H If the plan for school hQUrs" will he ï¬made ‘ifies that‘:dis- (“LiJnatinn Ewin l~r work; the wt aeriously mum): of the .~' abusc-i for anId Lisle m1 U“ ,\' E I! he with ~~ \l_l~0n .m Steele n-ly volun- th to re- . r311 nut the xxmmhately. ‘ \Qu 2| nusiy than appealâ€" "“.. me ch am r. chair I), .nD“ 1201‘ u‘ 10? 101‘ L: 51‘ 20c 250 Ur 5c 5'0 'wmwr, Two with FflV ‘1 Archizwt H‘ B. Beers of Highland Hill Park has secured the contract fromgheffi tht'W-uard nf supervisors to prepare. .- piims And spa-mentions for the new! “‘ murt, His gem-r31 plan sketches 5gb- "hm LADY ELKS WILL Thu}. hymn 'l's-u Put will ba- closed .xli Iim Sun-lxy and (‘hristnms (13."- m- ‘1'. \\ (‘. A. cafeteria will be ‘ln-wl .‘xl. :ylny. Christmas day. Th! 1’ -' nrï¬u- will be open until ‘5: thy-n m ('hristmas morning, and fhv u‘ 31:. m- wnu mail delivery. ï¬lun- um- ~huuld be taken by per- mm mungmg litters and Christmas yards In «1‘ that stamps are on $0- run-ly am] that all letters are stampâ€" ml lezs “ill avoid a great delay in def l l ‘» r-ï¬' y In} BEERS T0 PLAN NEW . 0 COURT HOUSE WING POST OFFICE TO CLOSE AT 10:30 MONDAY Delightful Entertainment ‘ It Is unly to be wondered at, thonw that Mr. Evans has been able to! shape this group of ï¬fty or sixty} hu>ines\ men into an organization" capable uf pruducingr such pleasurable effects as they did on Sumlay. i l‘m- l'h‘umu Business Menk orches- 2m. m,“ but {Wu years (lld. composed of mu} {Mm all walks uf business life in (‘hjmgn and ~uburbs. led by Clar- mw. hum. furnished a delightfully intercqmg program fu- the sccond U,- t'nr vu'x‘hvstral mm‘ert seriv,‘ at the high whml last Sunday after- Nu mmhum of human expression talli- mnn- relentlessly for qualiï¬es of leadership an the one hand mad the mgr-gm): of diverse individualities intoa m-nrdinated and responsive whole. an the nther. than does the orchestra- .l. E. ROGERSON DIED \T ROCKFORD. DEC. 7 The well of the program wnrked xtsclf thruugh the sparkling and meludium "Ruy Bias" Overture of Slendvlssuhn. which began the after- nounl tn thx- Olympian heights nf the Fxfth Tsvhaikmvsky Symphdny. and H'untinuvd on Page 16) l'rges Towns to Adopt Plan of Burning Street Lights All Night n (H)! MAYOR WELSH BACKS LIGHT NIGHT MOVEMENT CONVERT IS APPRECIATED Delightful Entertainment Given Here Sunday Afternoon; Next Concert Is February 16 BUSINESS MEN’S ORCHESTRA FINE XL'MBER 4:; .‘:u u; 5 this FL) m3"! wsnwtvry rhnpcl, LIHL'UIX‘. Na. 1'1! A, I". A. .\|.. Mr. :w \\;h 11 member brim: in " (Pu w-rwnunix. Intvrnwnt (i ‘ Irvidl‘ui. Mr. RHKVX‘S‘JH with. Mrs. Pram-us Rogt'rstm MW and a hruthvr. Mr. Aspren or, nf I‘lvunston. \V k' hn â€fin? 1hr». but the ninjuriiy In ~ t..i'n off the street lights m. The :03! of kvoping \ burning all night is \‘t‘ry i as a safety movement, it '.tl\ proper that thc- ritics :upt this. ml. has already voted to ac- :ilan. hut tho)‘ are handicap- :: to the fact. that, tht-y are [my unit as Highland Park, lh'l‘; the lights are out here. mt have pnwer in Highvmml. ti. Highland Park In taki- tn furthm‘ this movemvnt. . the board at last week's no approved and he was in- to prncved. He will have N the construction of the h ~ .morVisur of contravmrs. :".,' vtvmmitta- ()f the cnunty -' mpnsml of William Oll’o. l’._nr\tuw and Thnmas 1:. Hi“ social club will riqmus party Saturday aft- thn-r u‘clock for childmn of M'x M‘ the club in Witten \ixal program will flamen- um and cake wil be . .r’n d~ :Id “i2! recoixe a H 11:11! A EVTERTAIN. SAT. Kugt‘wun paswx “('rvnfln‘l' 17th. in Hmkfnrd. H rv' [his gun: NH. We‘h‘h uf Highwaod Light Night" fur [to numb <hnrv. Sovura! mt u- guh't nu: yv'nrs. Ft“.‘("‘:ll npvmticuw‘ (‘l’h' th Tu-Nduy. twu 'nL'Ivuk at y rhnpcl, Linculn 17th. at the rd. lll. Ho The Highlann Park Press 1 w a _\' HI Highest" ‘Kyric (thaw-fold» ‘(Huria Tibi 'Grntiih Tibi â€mm" 4. “0 Hill '[ntl'uil Funeral 'l‘uda) I‘um'ml svrvu- 15 held :11 1; u'vlm'k NF Al‘zm‘nmm. at 5L .~\u;:u.\tim-'~ PT .»l.m.n| church. \Vllnwttn‘. {he {M Hula-r! “:n‘h‘tun nrï¬ciatnm. and Burial will be m Mq-muriul l‘urk ' 'metvry. ‘ The Highland Park ('nuncil of Rc‘lir giuus Education whivh Inst “Tick un- nnunced (‘1)Ul‘583 for younger children}, has sent cards In pan-Hts thruughv ut the city on which may ho indwau-d mum‘x uf «hfldz'vn um! parvntx‘. schtml. grudv, rhun-h atliliatinn or preference and flames prt-fvrrvd. The-.52 cards parents are urged to ï¬ll out 1nd R'- turn as sum) as powihle, in ordvr that t'm- mum'il may ht- infurmcd a: ‘tv the numfxr (Imri'u: instructiun The annual childn-n's party of the Highland Park Woman‘s club will lu- held in Witten hall, Friday afu‘rnmn, December 29th. (‘hildren under seven years of agr will be entertained with games frnm 3:30 to 1:30. while the children over seven yvan of am! W|ll be «nu-ruined by Miss Sherman {rum Blast" Recussional hymn, "It came upnn a Midnight Clear" All perxuns are t‘arncstly rcquw‘tvd to remain until the close of the wr- vice. CHILDREN‘S PARTY TO BE DECEMBER 29 ()fl'crtnry anthem Gounod vavn-fuld Amvn Staim‘r ('urulw‘W). Night. I’uawful and ll wns" 1 Hnly Offerings Red Sam-tm Rem-dictm qui Venn}; Svrviws at Trinity \‘hun'h ML Vhristmus ow and on (‘hristmas day [il’nmisc m M highly pleasing and upprnprimo to the spirit of the «up mn. (‘hristmax ow. Sunday Dec. 21, at 1 n'clu‘k. 1.x the children‘s t'urul eriu' and (‘hristmas tree. .A( Hzlï¬ [a m.. thv midnight feskival and 1:30 tn 3 :30 CHRISTMAS SERVICE AT TRINITY '(‘HI'RCH f'rvludo Wu i’rwsvwinnal hymn 7‘2 Rm “Advste Fidclwx" [ntruit »“(ila;r_\.’ to (End in thy He was :1 member of the Masonicl fraternity. of the Exmuur (‘ounlry‘ club. of tho l'niversity club and 01' the (hicauu Athletic association. in all uf which urganizutiuns he was; 11¢;in and :n-knuwledged learned. His:K «ll-nth is .lvplurod by a host of friends. whusv sympathy gm-s nut tn the heâ€" Programs (for Christmas Eve :.1 And (‘hristmas Day Are "' Announced He wri'wl :is (lirm‘trr of the High- land l’zu'k Stalc hunk until tho «loath of (‘roplcy (‘1' Phillips. whvn he. to- gethcr with J‘ M. Appel. purchased control of the institution, Mr. Baker assuming the presidency. which oï¬ce lw held continuously until his deoth. Oflcinl of Other Corporatio- Mr. Baker also was president of the First National bank of Wilmette, vicepresident of the Public Service company of Northern Illinois. vict- pri-sidem of ihc North Shore Electric railroad and viceâ€"president of the ('hirugo Suburban Light rompany‘ i'i-tm-d family, Sump years ago Mr. Bakvr hum u beautiful residenci- on Lake uvrnuv, Wilmette. which rum-v then has ix-vn tho: family home. Mr B'Ikt‘r is survn‘cd by his “it"- zinl twn i-hildrcii. A Mother linw in pr~' York. and Mi, Baker'~ inn-d i‘iitimr 11km is living :11 (hr :igv of lllslllallll ll|ll\ unau: Dunn nuu )IIUIII- mm â€mm: ur sen-r“! public mm, Fortyeighl Baskets and Alan Sanit'ar) Drain System an‘d New corporations. died at w “rm-k Mun- Gifts for Orphans wm “at" Extension: to (out day evening. at the family n-‘xdvnm- Be Included: Annual 516.000: Hearing "dd on Lake HV’t'nUc Wilmvttv. Death . . , ‘ ‘ J . . . . anuu 5 was due tu heart truublv Mr. Baker ( hl'dre" s l 8“) ’ wax ."vh' ywu's of man wax in" ywu's of flux Mr. Bilkt*l"\' business :u'tn‘inrs 111 Highland Park date bark many yrars and hc has ln-rn aim (0r many years prmninvnt in (hv businexs Ilfv Uflthr north shore. .w [hat his m‘quumtunm- was wide and his friends legion. Frank J. Baker, Prominent North Shore Business Man Dies Monday Frnnk J. Baker, prt-éidvm of flu Highland Park Stab.- bank and prom- DEATH SUMMONS STATE BANK HEAD U ARENTS ARE I'RGED TOSEND BACK CARDS Mmrht. (in (‘hnxtmm «My mun musir): a! 10 a. "1,. Holy unmunion and address. TEH- program of the Midnight Fw :11 Huchurifl. at Ht}?! n 111,. “w i~ :15 fnlI«m’~': in 0 Linh- Town 0f Beth- Rmhn K I' 1‘ «My. Mnndu)‘, Nu- m. HUI)“ ("Immuninn Sing. 0 Hon Adnma Tania Andn-ws Andrews Thu fr Redhead Wagner Rvmhng HUI) r MYSTH‘ WORKERS GIVE K (‘HILDREN'S PARTY .hmm â€urn-y Rulunfl-L. nuthnr uf "Tl‘m Mind In (he “Mung." will ~!u~'|k ur‘. "How to Make Knowledge h qnmlablc at the lilm I’lacv u‘huol nuditurium Tua-sday .mvnmg. Jun. 1.1.“: '-' 27- P, 'n .~\.’l r .l..h. l. 1.. l;- «ts at 'vlk‘ will ha on qlt- n! Gwll'n l’cnw's and Mum-Hand" Drug store:- 1‘. ,‘l‘ l~ 'Il .‘IL‘w'_ ll. P 1'): On Thursday evmnng. “(*H'mhl'Y H. Highland Pafk vamp No. 51301 Ruyal Neighbors fur the vnsumu vlm'tinn of uï¬im-rx {or the t-ruuim: year, Fullmung IITI’ (hv ofï¬wrs 010‘"th : .. TLV Myshc \Vnrk-‘rs Hf the “vorld held a ('hnutmns puny fur the Child- rrn on Monday rn-ning, in Masonic hall, A pruurum nf n-cnntiom and :nuwx M‘ lhv qhiqu-n \un given. and “hristmzn uumm \n-n- pluyc-Ilv Muï¬h ~rvdll is duo- thv mmnnttw. Mr-A .I..m-~.~, Mn. Winn-n, Mrs. H. Schm-x m-r. fur â€7(- [vurty \\.’.~ A mm: o-njny. uMc- :nanr 'I‘hv .\l_\‘~ln'~ nun-1mg nigh! In» Inn-n chunuml from Mummy m‘cnmg tn the’ wcunnl um! fuurth Friday r\'r- nH|K> «If mwh mnmh NOTED .\l'THOR WILL SPEAK AT ELM PLACE ROYAL NEIGHBORS ELECT NEW OFFICERS ‘v Hm. Irv-u- “"1 Ow wru'm: .xul mu,» v .mni J ‘. m! \H Tho-nth 9') Slum-i t .a n, whn H‘lhutt' mfh' prrM'Vudl} Th- â€1;: Hrntlzn r “mm Hh't‘ ywthxnu uminm Hm: “unh’. a» nu-rrum-n! of â€11' llle I‘m-s. Mr. l‘varl hm .‘hH-Uwi the Im- H-ry mnh'nufly um! hm 'hr \pm'iu] ï¬Hll, 1h" Uu- nf hl‘ um! â€19' H'I‘VII'O“ m’ 1er «yum I)†Hut {urn-t Hm Umr. l §thv «luy and In- \y .- mu! This your the lulte WI†«lintrihuttj 4H baskets of ('hristmu dinnen vnth' sï¬ï¬‚icien! foul for fumilk‘n of six, ru-v vn. eight 0" nine persons. and the. d'u- ‘ nihuliun will be made in Hithl-nd; Park. Lake Fun-st, Highwimd. Deer; ï¬eld. thlmx, (llvnmv, Shemwr-l vinl- and Lake mun- ' Gifts for (kph-n: In addition the Elk: will provider *mrkinkn. max and glnvw (or 12; (-hilllntn In (hr [)nrrn! hnmt- and I; plentiful supply nf {run fur tlw Lake Bluff orphanage ‘ This l‘hristmu-k «lulrxlum-m wf In“): ly [hr l-Tllu legc x‘ u yrarly l-u-nt and luring! lhc jays Hf the u‘anm In many u hunr flmlwull‘m'wiyv might ln‘ “itlmul (‘VlllfnUt' nf (lu- l‘hrutmnf ~pirit and cum llllllu! m-vr-ultws, and â€11' rrsul! N that tlu- Elks†n-pulatum fwr vhanluldrnr‘u awl lm-thq-rl; 1:.va .mlwzliiun :\ “‘l-lt'shn‘nvl 1H Tlh' Mu: lhnllu-r mnnmmm- of H l' i), H_ X... 1.â€.(22. hm ull-‘nrrnnur- ment~ mmlc fur the annual" :llstrIl-u- (mn u.’ l'hrh‘llmu lmr‘kl'b‘ unnl (Ilhl‘f rifle m the newly “f (hid and m‘lkh- lmrim: mnununitu-L Thi! ix m ucrunl- anu- with (lu- chmilnl‘lv prngrum of the Elks Ul'llQ'l‘ cvrrywhenu and nn- when is more van-fully plumml nor more efï¬ciently carried out than by the local lodge. . ELKS DISTRIBUTE 3COUNCIL PLANNING CHRISTMAS CHEER.i MORE IMPROVEMENT DINNERS FOR THE NEEDY'SEWBR AND WATER MAIN I)†Hut rid the «I hlldrrl‘ ames Harvey Robinilon to .-\p- pear on Jan. 16: Tickets Now on Sale n .\‘undu_\‘ H'n In Ida Burln-r. Oracle ' Anna Van Drrhlumc-n, \'in- ()rmlr Minnie l‘oulc'y, menk'r Jam- Mills. Ren-I’x‘rr. Emma Mentzer. (.‘hunn-lnr Mary Kuvhnv. lnm-r Somme! Zeda Redcc. ()ulvr Sn-mlm-l Edna \Vutkin~‘. Manhgl Th \ Fm “(NH-Yuk"! r w!‘ H’k< \Hil (ha Inunam-nu-I nmmitzw- nrl) m. L «i \UIIHHUI‘I') :mnkrh nurmm' \uth ‘4!me H'all' -v INA! 7hr) H'mt'n ~ '~' â€in HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS 'I'YIIYRSDAY. DECEMBER 2|. 1928 \nnual ('hildrrn'~ I'nrly H mm“. }‘ ufh-m \l A \.h â€I'll.“ ‘n .‘Alh, I'lnlmlnt' ‘(h run-rm." 1hr rm! link and annmg. ul‘. “PL "-1, u! (ht l-M J1! Flk‘ h{|\r ( u-f ‘ hrl-tmsu 'hl' Inâ€. 4130* IIHl'N mi (he .nmmllr n1 hxu ‘lnnau-«i nf hl‘ â€Ital“: unmmsL ww. the pim'r r and (MW 1hr rMnm~ putt} v- .uf. [WW Ullr â€a Bu: Brnlh- hc MM l hvur'.~ 1. 41H- ('hlut i llllllU lq'fl ; (‘om-Inwuou «( "In ml: rm.- ‘uuou In St. Johns awn!» (In: God" ’n-onur in Rug" William» Jenna n- ;nmnled cult. flWleO. : ('nnflrucliun u! a In.†min on- itemmn in St. John: Ivonne 1nd in N'umnhl‘k plum. from Roger Willhm saw-nut to Kim-Au! “not; "(ï¬nned (Nu-l. ‘KSWXJ‘O n rrnl . “hm The Jmm-r mfnrnu-I at l’owrï¬eldv Shlt‘hh hmh whm} “I†.l' hlld Fl"- du)‘ ahrrmun. lwmnmng u 2 o'clock am! (‘untxnmng to L30. (‘umnw un [hr MM du)’ «4 school “'40!" â€â€˜0 ‘Wu \u-rh "hm-Nuns \m'nHun, lhi! dune» EMU fete prmm‘r- ln hr UH hlrL’v-fl ..n.? mp3! (-935va «"11! of NW kind mrr "nun! a'. the Ii‘huul‘ A "lily. lme‘Suma Hum “‘13! he wry much In rwhnru- latrfl-uUnu mama. sxreavrnrr- nni ‘ {her arm-unrin Music um ‘(..’f n' g :m and it wall 2n music With A Eng “M" In". Punch will In Jl'N10R INFORMAL \‘v :97 About uht' hundh-d and ï¬fty mem- h-n nth-mini the meetlnu n! Lake- (V'unty Odd F1110“!- llmx‘intmn ht'ld .~n TUC“dl_\' «wrung It Odd Fellow: hull M-ny won pnunt from Ke- nmha. Wnukrnn Ind Lihertywllr. The fulluwmg “than {or the enâ€" ~umg your \n-n- elected: (‘ 1) Hr)- du-ken \K'uuku-gnn, pnni¢nh R. l’. St‘hnnrh‘k‘. Lulwrtyvillc. \‘in‘ preli- chznt; Ida H Ruhr-r. Highllnd Purl. ux‘rmnr); Rust Yuwvll. Hmhllnd l'nrk, trt-luuï¬'r. After the bunmu amnion. n program uu nndrwd ful- Lwrd I») vrfruhmrntl ()DD l'ElJ .OWS MEETING \\ El I. ATTENDED THl RS. \minlion Elected New Olliâ€" rers: Social Hour l'ollow- ed the Meeting hum nthnniauluv .nd I'lnllrnl [kl-y H< num- mmlwd the: r\hllut um! uh ut the Unit Tvrrun- Mhuul in“! hill“ of Hr!“ In mndr by the pupils of the whw‘! m â€4- nmnua! tummy depart.â€" mrn' and riu-xthcn The Intrh-p \urn flay-gr!) ~mt¢lulr fur ('hnstmnp’ g1ft~ n. guru! dunund NV (hr std-ndy ~lrruln uf viutun that umr mm! mm :sli ru-mng, «harmed “1th [hr ru-ant handm'mk phuwn 111 (hr many thugs oflrrvd Ind pleura-d II “It uncut-X rwulta of the truminx, helm: rum-wed by the pupih. The; prhu-rdï¬ of thr ule reunited 'm a; mm mm which will tr devoted to} thr fund fur the 01k Terrm Athh~‘ tu' | luh t Timâ€"PFHV. Raï¬â€"z: .1.â€" H._<.L 9:95.?» 1’: Sunday. .luhn (MM-«r! m In: In": [‘ltJUI'lwh, "In (‘uix’rflH \jllry"; Marni“). Tum Mn 1': “Ar-Pun," a 4») “hut \tlvrnhw “11h ernrln truth. Tutu!“ um! \Vnhmsdl). (Harm .\‘\\un\.n H "Thr InuusnMr Mn- erlc‘" x [-urwnn-un! pxctuN. Thur-Jr} nml 'Fndu). "Th1 hm Mud.†1);: “mm!“ m-ludrmn. of lmr â€n! H‘Hllx, Summing), \‘min ‘Hanx In g'n- Mmhu-U" Manure- bl 2 3" Sunday. “In (‘alvert‘n dey: 'I‘hursdn) and Friday. ‘f‘I‘he lmpmmible Mrs. Bellcw" 51d flaring In. 5 The (‘Ounfll ï¬xed "I d!!! for flu- puhlu- hearing on than propond im- provements fur Jun 5. 1923 The matter of ‘mmlruclwn of the prupmwi 'IYldfln on N07"! 3’50me rum! “l‘ (hN‘Uly-l‘d. but no (Ira?! m-[u um h.- lakt'n until «bu-clien- tn [hr ape-VIII I‘M“-nlt‘fltl are withdran. I! “I‘ rvpm'U-d Thrrt- in some proh- alulll)‘ (hut lhv many! many hr nettle-d unx-fuch-nl) A! n Inn-[mu nf [hr at) nunul th)‘ o-wmnx of In! “vi H " usu-l 'mhh 1.! «hump. “I! IHUWrd. and'un- nu} Inul Impn-u-Imntl won- unm- nuh-d Thr-r I'N'I- arc, unprovvmrnb (Hn-lmrhnn n! “mt-r) nun-r In St Jnhlu IVI nur, from (‘edll' avenu- 10 a pnlnl 30 («4 suulh of lb! north line u! lot 25. South “WNW I41“- liou; "(I'm-{rd rut. 85572.â€. NEXT WEEK‘S PROGRAM n AT PEARL “mums {if} 2U! tux†in INFORMAL ; HELD ON FRIDAY mfnrnu-I at “warm-1dr whm} “I†.l' h( It] Fl"- rrmwn. lwmnmng I! ‘2 o'clock “mum: to L30. (‘umnw un du)’ wf school Mforv- the HM 'hrn-mms \m-miun, Ihi! dune» r prmm‘r- In hr [hf hIL'L’V'I‘ ,9! (-935va «"11! of NW kind nun! a'. the Ii‘huul‘ A ndly.‘ um; Hum “‘13! hr wry much hnu- Marilyn"; tanking n nni ‘ ther a row-uric: Music! 1 n' : :m nr .d it wall 2n music M): "M" In". Punch W“! b! "lrnly hf it and In {bur "r ,'.l Ihn bruan.‘ m‘ Jmm-r hwh madr by v. )‘.p~'n '1‘" s howl hgauf 1N Mum . v V‘- ‘W'Iw‘ ' hurl lruulh. H Urn n-poru-d. Tm hmâ€) cum to Huzhhnd Park from (‘hltlgu Ibuul two und 000-th yarn 1n Nhnhmunl w 51 year! of an nnd n- nurnwd by M. “Mr. nu» d-ughlrn and I mm. The town! M". I'Kllll w-I- um tun held at noon Wtdnenhy. at the. fannly n-Mdrnn-. and Mari-l La. in (:Ylï¬â€˜ll'ld n-mq-u-ry. MOOSE 1‘0 EN'I‘ERTAIN ( HILDREN. SUNDAY " lhxhllnd l'urk Iodn l, U L: M nu (he - (hrimnu Inn and run†' “(mum to the children of i'u‘ff! when u Wimn had mu tin-1dr; aftermath. Dt-umh- r ink wrun111'v‘ 't'h'lAd Y- m MA «MI! V'; I {N n Izh‘w - t“? puo' Under the lulplu‘p 1! My Mom- mumty Scrvioe our-mutiny) I (‘hréal- mans enunninm‘m wxll h:- mven l-‘n- day evening of Um- “u'k In (hr MIL «'hool. with mu-ml urgamzmnm: supplying lhc- lnlvm. Iium‘infl by the» Y. W. (Y. A.. dumutu mumhvn b) â€,4: Bnye (-Iuh. mu-u H â€w high who“! â€cm-ma nnd mm! ringing annrmg will lx-Jn H #230 In UM- lu) ‘ gymnuiumv A Teal Santa l 3...): I’ll! be {valun- of th- ('hirst muv yufly for U1 l,’1i](i.1h,und a My 'u‘n-ndnncr i~ «ï¬g-Hui (‘n Thur'dny u'r .m: :‘rv :.-..A» LI) um flux (3 12m; 1 9‘! the AWNJIAHJ'J n ('IISv~ I'm ('vmmumty 1‘ n! - mi «4. --: '. myth-71'. . ' v "v , i- ,.:3\ {I .‘fgf :": ««‘.- . x:2:tunnf.l‘xi -H ,1 If}... ',r(,l"gg“‘ mfg-“v puo' «Ml! hâ€) '11 {I m I 1hr [i‘t hr Hrnry . Schuhmunn. ï¬rst mrmidvnl of the New Dunn! Re- ;M’Il’fh club, and nun-d {or hit numvr- tout ucienuï¬c contribution: w profu- iflilmll munflml. diod quite suddenly Sunday Mxhl. I! hi:- home, 32k North ‘Shrrldu! road. Drnlh w" due- (I- :hrnrt lruulvh. H Urn n-poru-d. The 'hmily cum lo Huzhhnd Park from £1Mfu Chum. of an nnd n- nurnwd by M. “Mr. nu» d-ughlrn and I mm. The town! up held at noon “who’d-y. at the fannly n-Mdrnn-. and Mari-l La. in (irnwl-nd n-mq-u-ry. All who pnrlirirvllfld «~nh-u-d inu‘ the Iplrnl u! U'K' m-rviw wnh wholu- hunted mun-H, \ch 1hr Raul! that «wry part unn- lpk‘ndldl)‘ handhd in bath tableaux. and [M service Wu urn-Hy c-njuyrd by the luv-m- aud- irnnn The «hunt: wan h-nutifufly dw- uruh-d vulh event-greens. and mulnx ovrr I havkgruund of whm. thu~ rnrrying on! the 1dr: 0! ‘hr "Whit: Fun! {07 the King." A wr} bonu- tiful and inspiring «Red W“ mven by I lunar nut. eleflï¬ully “thud. which "I! plnced than the center tm. The ubluux. Vi“) their M‘- vnmp-nimvnt «If Ipproprilu- music lu-autflul!) n-ndrrod by a special churn. nddod to the impiruuon-l churn-14w of the and" senior And charmed u“ who we" privxlvyed r nth-nd, DR. H. H. SCHUHMANN DIED SUNDAY NIGHT Program Sunday The Presbyterian (‘hurch ls Productive nut-rmululr loads of (10(hlllï¬' (11.1 toy» um taken Tucsda’ from â€11' Highland Park rhunh In - nmult of the "Whiu (hftp {or the King" struct- on Sunday Ift run-«m. The gift» uen' brought by thc rmmlrn of tht Mhlltl Ind \M‘re- [Iland In thc mangvr and on the plut- {urm at tht conclusion of the .‘pH'Ill t‘hrhlm-s prognm of table-u: and mun} Thr arttt'k‘: TV“. .ullH'U‘d wvrr 1:1,.“ n la thnv of the (‘hlcnxu Inhï¬tflw. lluwrll "nuu'. Garibaldi ln~tltut~ nhd (hula-I. whc-re they VHH ln‘ tnlmtvd lvy the nttlrrm'nt worh‘rs. The church wan lu-Iutifully dw- Afternoon at ’ Pruhytcrtun t d!~«' Mr. Manon especially c-xpresnrd hi! upprwiation of the work of thl- ï¬re ~rm-n. â€? mid they urnu-d before hr had I“ hil clothing on and Worked 1.0th1“)! to uw the house. hut ho man“ the flamer had rxu-ndvd upward 1through the frame partitions and xhnnlte out In new places at- fut a: the sdc-partmcnt had thé-m subdue-d m ut‘ltt'h the ï¬ght wuu a loam: (mc and thv tire h-d noon extruded throuzh tho plr‘tttium to the second floor and ‘thc roof. Thn- rmmd floor wln gutted (and the mo! practically burned off. .hut u peculiar future of the ï¬re w.» ithut thv ï¬rst floor rooms were In: wnously dun-med hy the notuul ï¬re. lthouyh flooded with tater. In the huement ï¬lm†left only churrod juttfll and Iuppurttng posts «(‘unttnued on page )3] Tvu. uulumululr loads of «1th1;- m..i my» um taken TDI‘Fda’ (:1me H..- Ihghlnnd Park Prubytrrwni rhunh In - nmul! u! {be "Whiu (hfh‘ fur the King" strun- on Sundn) If! 3 unmn.1‘he rifl» uen' brought M â€N 1m mhrn of ‘h( Mhllbl Ind \M‘rr‘ [Iland In lhc mangvr and on (he plub; Jn Annette Wuhbum Mex Fr-nm Taft Amy Florence Harri. Brlh Sanh Rind: Hum-h Pram-a Robhlm Mn. Mnï¬h Flown†Low“ Mr, Hmnkr Putnam HI" Laurie J, MCI-hill. Jr. Mr. Llurfnf‘r Mr. Stout Aum March Blink-(h Newborry My. March Alfmd Meme-u Prnf, thrr (Err-Id Frank This Irenrï¬! n- under 'hx- Inspire-I .0! HM‘ thl‘n’t. Sl'htm'. l’urc-nl-Trnrhvr Annmaflun. Mm Ruth meu. presi- (km. um! n. hmmv man-rm! by a sip» u:.l (ummiltm‘ rulflpzvm'd of Mrs. (inmm- A Hulrhinuon. Mn. (‘lnrfnm- Bullw, Mr» Hrm‘) MrKny. an Wil- irm 1.. \‘nmh‘nur, Mrs Hurry Puul «n4! .Mh Fuw" '1‘: h“ u! H J.“ uni $1.00 nun) In- pmrhuu-d {mm In)‘ of the ab u- named. Spain! mtorwt nacho w the prr- Ionne-I of flu- rompnny became iu member- are ull "pun-natives of well-known “milk: of nodal promin- enw Identiï¬ed with Chic-gm life. Fol. loving it the rust: INSI'IRING SERVICE AND LOADS 0F GIFTS J... Meg. Beth. Amy. Laurie laur- rm‘v Ind a]! thv mhrr beloved char-r- ’Mwn Rama“? on (Mtnl hr» {rum Louln Almu'n famoun hook { AVOIIIIC “mud WI!†“Liulv Women.†will he in Hithlnnd‘ . Park [H drlirht the young peuple- Andi l‘â€" "0-! Damaged. nun n up: at â€w Purl that" {or I; 0"“? rim val. ILIHYN‘!‘ performance, a! 2115‘ “'1'!HK Uh Friday. Jinan-y It. 1922, “LITTLE WOMEN" 10 BE PRESENTED HERE JAN. 5 Louis: Alec" Story to be Given at Pearl “at"; Lincoln l’. 'l'. A. In Chute IJlllt "aura Annette Wuhbum Fr-nm Taft Florence Harm Sanh Rind: "ma Imam IERE JAN. 55 _____-- {if l-xx‘s'il (‘HRISTM AS DINNER They "raped m their d‘ht cloth- ing. having no time to dun. Mr. H.- son. noting that tho ï¬lm had not ram-had the ï¬nd floor, relurhed through the smoke ï¬lled Iuirw-y to hi:- mom on the second floor and or» run-d the suit of doth?! he had been wuring and mhn Nothing and dresmi cm the (mid pun-h Some- of the boys“ (-Iuthzng ulm wan saved, but Mrs. Ms- r011 km! Ill'l'f hen. CluJifluWT ltmen In. Roll: and Fred: Hutu-r Had of [Autumn 1000 Island Dwain: Minu- Pie Plum Padang . Pumpkin Me New York IN (‘roum Asurrtrd Cake» (iruyen- Chem Ind ('ru-ken (‘oflve Tel Milk COMMUNITY SERVICE CHRISTMAS FEATURES Sernd from 12:80 until 3 p. me Price per cover 32.00 (‘elm _\' Radish“ (Hives Freuh Shrimp or Dyan-r (kx-kluil ()onwmm Royd Brofled Lake Superior Whiwï¬sh Rout Turkey, Chestnut Dre-suing Cranberry Slum . Broiled Tenderloin sunk (to nrdI-rl (‘undied Swot-t Putnam: About the sum: time In. I-on hard unusual noim And I!!! and her husband found (he house ï¬lled vith smoke As they started to invatw. Groping through the dense smoke, they manured In gather their pom together and the ï¬ve stumbled chokina down the stairway and an the {ML door to fresh Air and Inlay. Bumped II Night CI‘NI; Ro- Dhcovm Pin The ï¬n unwed nppu-cntly in the tooth"! corner a! the linement. perlupu from defect- ": . flue ex- landing to the Man hoot, though the exact aunt probably will never be known: 1).! the how 'u bum. in: m discovered by one of the m who was awaited by a cmcklin; sound. opened the door of hi: room to face don-e blllom uf smoke and round ll» ml of the family by No calls, fits-E 12:; as! 63.3» 3 9.6; an... in A»: it Is 1.. is... to: 8...: .80 I: so I... 3.- .vclul- bag :3: I! 3 «I. [3’53 :8: .26 v4. .3 .336! E i With Un- flame. (-rnckliw I“ uhout them and â€It huulw Mlod with blind» in: smoke, Mr‘ md Mr; H. E. Muun and three mm, ï¬nd from their home. 301 (Tamrul IVPIIDI‘, shortly hc-fure 6 o’vlock Tuesday murnlng, in one of UN» narrow"! "up" from ï¬re known be" m many yarn. Fl \‘E CALLS ANSWERED AT “GRAIN E HOTEL VOLUII u 5v