Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 18 Jan 1923, p. 6

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p When the “Honk, Honk" of wild geese was heard scross the city last Sunday old residents and amateur weather prophets began to predict an early spring as several belts of mi- grating geese were seen winging their way northward, and it is believed this is one of the earliest northward flighu in many years. Another un- usual westher feature was the bright lightning and loud thunder Saturday night, which is exceptional at this season. PAGE SIX “Better than ‘The Rafâ€"as full of tricks as Houdiniâ€"and a genuine sur- prise.” So wrote Ashton Stevens, the eminent dramatic critic of the Chi- cago Herald-Examiner. Sheppard Butler in the Tribune. said: “Here. folks, is the spookiest of all thrillersâ€" filled with excitementâ€"shudders and miles!) galore." The Daily News said: “You bet it's a thriller. Go and then send your neighbor." WILD GEESE AND “Best cast ever seen in a mystery play"â€"wrote O. L. Hall, dramatic cri- tic of the Chicago Journal, and pre- dicted a “whirlwind success." The all-star cast includes such Chicago favorites as Effie Shannon, George Nash. James Crane. George Probefi. Ned A. Sparks, Helen Gill and other: â€"-without question, the finest cast ever assembled for any mystery play. “Zeno” wil} find you an evnning of thrills. excitemant and laughs such as you have never experienced in the thettre. The play wns written by Joseph F. Rinn, an authority on pay- chic research and is presented by Lee Knee]. Popular priced matinee: ne given both ‘Wednesdnys and Satur- dQs. Scoring-~uccnrding to the dramatic critics of the Chicago dailies#a big- ger hit than the far-famed “Bat." a new mystery thriller, titled “Zeno," has soared into immense popularity at the Great Northern Theatre. Spir- itualism, the occult, radio, trick scen- ery and weird lighting effects all combine with a gripping plot to mys- tify and enchant the audience, Thrill after thrill folIOWs until the capping climax at the fall of the final curtain. "Who is the mysterious Zeno" is al- ready a by-word on the streets of Chicago. The Highlanh Park Preggigfg: “Zeno" with Brilliant Cast. Reg- isters Instantaneous Hit at Great Northern Published weekly by The Udell Printing ('u. at llighlunri l'urk. [ lllinois~ NEW MYSTERY PLAY TALK OF (‘HICAGOI NI'MBER IT Entered as second Class matter March 1. 1911. at the post ntfive a! High and ‘Park. Illinoi<. undvr [1'9 Av! of Marr'h 3. 1379, Ledgers, Journals, Cash Books, Day Books, Columnar Books “and Bookkeeping Supplies” ALBERT LARSON THUNDER STORM Phone 5‘7 Formerly the inquiring American people wanted to learn whzt make- the wheels go round. but now the prin- cipal need is to stop those that are going around in the heads of the visionaries. So {at Mother has not demanded time and a half for overtime spent in darning the chiidrcn's stockings. V The Y. W. C. A. girls are forming one of the mm; in the map of phy- ers being omniud by the Com- mumty Service. Any girl interested cm join by calling the Y. W. C A. lmfledintely. , The program wu fumighed by Clan Hollnnd nnd Mu. Clyde Hu- fek. Light refreshments were served. . Bukot Ball Send init least one iitem of new: a week and increase tire interest in your home paper. Mrs. Wm. Bowden bus the sincere thunks of the Y. W. C. A. girls for the generous‘contributions of splendid records {or the new Victrola. lolheru' Club The Mother’s clnb gave a very en- joyable pnrty Friday afternoon in, honor of Mn. Henry Edwards. The Neighborhood club who were responsible for the gift of the Vic- troln to the Y. W. C. A. give I din- nér to the hmbands. wives and {Ami- liu Sunday evening, January 7th. at“ Mm n . The Friendship club gnve a dinner Sunday evening. January Nth. that was greatly enjoyed by ull. The millinery class will probably not begin .uuu‘l February 5th. Any- one wishing to enter these clust- mul‘l gull g9 fly XKW. C. A. An excellent program is being pro- purml consisting of yearly report: from each of the clubs. which is al- ways listened to with a great deal of interest as they are a resume of so- cial. educational and service activities put on by the young women Ind girls of the Y. W. C. A. Aside from this there will be spe- cial music and dancing by the junior members. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to the public ‘to attend this meeting and hear what thg Y. “C (‘ A. is doing in your midst Clam The dancing classes the gymna- sium and Home“ have all re- sumed work since Christmas. Annual Heeling The annual met-ting of the: Y. W. ( l A. will be held Turmluy evening Jan 30th at H o'clock in the Community (‘t-ntor. ‘ THL‘RSUA Y, J;\ Nl'A RY Stationer v County .\h‘~. Julm ,‘.‘l lhnnmu n qwndlnx '~Q~vl’.‘tl “wk at I'nsmh-n... I'uhf Thru “X” be u nun-hug «If (hv Exv ptuuu- ‘KIhlrliflf lllrw~tuhlf1hv N1“ ‘.-\nn-n'cu Shay: m n Mvndn)‘ In Room 1'2! Fmv Auk Iluxldmu. (‘hlcagn 'Thn hound Inc-«L Uu- :thmi and I {fourth filwluiay~ u,‘ u-zul‘ m! m! 1Mr A. lrsln- Mrl’hvrmn hu~ I'v- Huzm-d Kn Highland Pmk .«(h-r spt'lld- in“: ilx “ex-Lu \nlh hh fnmli)’ "1 R1- 3 Mr. and Mn n. « {return m-xl Sumlu} In ilfi‘n wm-l-u Mt At‘anlir (' $«nd In 511 10nd Uh“ Do you know of a new: lum of in- terest? If so why not telephone the Highland Park Press uflice, and help make your local pnpvr a more lnur- esting paper. Mr. Francis (X Bn.wn in confined to his~ hume suflenng from I fracture of the right k-g as the rum" of a {all down the front stop:- of his home. I “cc-k am». Sunday. He- is getting along nin-l)‘. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. (‘nrney of Lake Forest an- tlfl‘ happy pnrvnu of I baby girl born Salurdny ll the Alice home hospiul. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. McPherwn leave next Week {or Florida whom thy will spend seven] weal". Do you like to rend news? I! you In: willing to gin- new: it will in- temnt others in reading 1nd giving news. Our telephone is 557. Let us hear from you. am- willing to gin- nvwn it will in-} WhikI counting down Prairie Avenue tetwt others in rendinu Ind tiVinK‘Mond-y evening. Jan. fl, llu Julia news. Our telephone is 557. Let U! i Kline collided with some trees. injur- hdll’ from you ‘ inz her buck and tide rather udoualy. Miss Binphum of “UllN'Pll'l’; Vt. “‘IShe i: now under the cure Of Dr. I): guest of Mrs. Irving Randi” lGrndy. ,Mr, Fri-d 1). PM!" '9" Sunday {0" Mr. and Mrs. ('lu'em L. Holt spent Florida where' he will spend I mul‘k‘ ' n {ow day: with "wit com-inn. the Ar- Of Wfl'ki- fthur (l Mcl’hermnn. on (heir way Mn. J. W. Rider of Knnu.‘ (‘ltyJwflq frnm New York City. . Mu. Wfl.‘ the gut‘fit ('1 Mr. Ilrnry K-' Becinninz It 10 o'clock on Sunr- (Soak and family for Wu d-w 'mhny, Jan. 20, the Womnn'n Christina week. _ lTempornm union will have a home Mr. Juhn “my: left Tuesday un a I bakery ale .( "fin-M" h.rdw.rf I‘uk. She i. getting elm nicely. In. Martha K. Church of South 'nden avenue. hu arrived in New ork from Bum. An lllinl informal dance will be ven at the Edger-tor Beach hotel. ego. Fridey. February 2. Ben- n'e Super Orchestr- wfll furnish t musk Fix-service men may um procure plicstion blank: for the bonus at Community Center. The Mystic Workers 0! the World ve churned their moth; night the first end third loudly at month to the second and fourth uredlyeof each month. Through en error last week the Mr. John Wimn left Tuesday un a um days trip to Ten». Mr. 'Adoléh (Tu-em: left for New Ybrk when he will spend About tun dtys. Wmmm Sum Holt-n wmm h-n Monday Sllrux (' .‘h' “in h- md uf Mrs. Kyushu}. Mr. nnd'Mn. Georg! W" Childn. 850 Sheridun road, left yesterday (Wednesday) for New York. On Sat- urday they go to the Bermudu for thm mks. 'Mr.» Sidney Uurridgr and hrr: moth-r have gnm- n. Arilunuy'hrrr' [My will I“ the gum-yin of Mn, Ame-u l A number 0! the Pylhlan Sum-r members of (hi: city uth-ndcd mndfi latiun of omens a! RIVI-thnod uni : Ir. J. W. Bacon and funny luv. taken the George um" house on Sin-rim rand. {or the mind" a! the winter. , Mn. R. E. Winter. who bu bun i minor Christan: in improving vly. Min Dorothy anht of Cleveland. No, he returned 14: mum her tie- in music. She is with In. W. . Sanderson. A number n! the members of {hill city Iatiun of omcvrs a! Mnndu)‘ vvomng Mn, Graham Taylor loft Mnndn)‘ night fur l’mmlum. (‘ullf., when- she will spend thv n-nminder of tho win- tqr. Dr. Tnylir “ill rv_min h'u wife lh‘rr in a fur wax-ks Mr. und Mrs. Taylur haw lu-rn n-sidmg in R-vinia for lhv past fr“ 1m n1h~ Mls. l'llllv K. \Vrrm-r of ()shkxmh. Wu. «pm! two day: lhl: “wk wilh Mr. and .\lr~ lxu Al l'rn-lru nf Suulh Shrrldun Imul ‘ ' Mr. and Mn, Robert E. Smith. 338 inple avenue. left Monday {or a week in New York. They will go from there to Bermudn for (hm mks. the Ansun (‘. Murgnn n‘ndrnm I Mn. (Hm Beardsley rlsl. Mrs. J J. Fiddrr and um mumer to Dixon, “L. {or n week-end vigil. They were the guest; of Rev. and Mrs. George (‘. G. l'nnngst, former residents of Highland Park. Mrs. Edwin Pure who is in Susan. Bah-mu. will be there until April. film! In hl‘ hunn- \n'h u M-u-n‘ cmu Mr. (Dunn Parker m m the High- llnd l'nrk hmpiul \u'hq-n- hr lmdcr- Wrnt an nporution hm “‘N‘k Hr will be in the hospiul for seven! wmkn, Mrs. Jnh_n F L ('un mg sumo limn- in Florida n \n-t-k nxnl nun-1w your honu- paw-T Th :.n hr“: llrms Mr» Julm ,‘.‘l lhnn In. George Lynon will be in L- olln. (71L. until Jan. 20. Mn. George Wlllhm la in the inn-ton hospital‘vben she under- want an operation for tom-g last Ime of Ward W. Wilma vu inal- emmly omitted from tho lint of utter: elected for flu ensuing ear at the maul mating 0! stock )Idenpf the Highland Pith TM ad Saving: hunk hold My. In. Miu Irene Want 0! Flaunt mdu)‘ vvvnlng Mr. G Arthur Huh] huts purchnwd' M r \\ nun. who W a oration the Pmbyurhn Mn! Chit-m THE HIGHLAND Pm nus. HIGHLAND PAIL do ahf is BrmLâ€"lnnl Emu hulm- wi'h n F" ('unis Lu spend ruxn .‘| \IFH U! ('uy. .\" J. 1‘ Hum of “I‘W'Y‘ 1hr mien-‘1 In ~n- H n ‘ (harm- “‘N‘k ’1? “'1“ sever-l wmkn, I! mm in the gm: I~ ('un u M-u'n‘ Cold I‘NI'H Au' it “I“ fur lhr | Ir. Arthut a. Van Sch-id u- ?rim hm Sunday tron New York to 1505!! hi: Idle. who hu- boon VWM {friends in thin city for a couple of Week. They returned to New York * Mn. Robert (‘ Willi-ml is in New: H'nrk buying uprmx models for the3 'Wincamnn nhnp, , ' Mn Adolph nun", who 1.12 twn‘ wowlh am; today (Thursdn)! Ind! Ehruko (Wu ham-s ‘n hcr leg. ii impmv-f ;inx nlowly. ; upbyo. inflkdlc Nut-balm! which Mr. Bream" did In I “RIM vu held m the Cook county (and? jury load-y. on a dull! of Ian- slauhhr in Am sill!“ em.‘ saw in and t upon. which? wu (uni-M. 8 yesterday Captain and In. 0. H. Morgan will entertain a number of Unit 0” {riendn on Friday evening. comm- monting their flfly-ninth wedding nnniverury. Baha’- sm Haven gum; dolidquthr Incl-lac Cub. ‘lon' Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Armstrong will home an (heir guest: the latter part of mi.- wwk their pun-nu, Dr. and Mn. J. M. Armstrong of ()ttumwn, lawn. 1-150 Woman’n (‘jvk duh o! Ravin'u n" a card may WM} m. Instruction in road-dd and populu‘m'm-‘im by n on- mth-gwufv‘ahlq- noon. In. Albert G." will uni-t the hostess. HOLD CHAUFI'IUB Mr. and Mn. Loner S. ()lwn In- 1hr happy parents M I um. Brandt Karyn-V Olson. hum “'cdnmdly. Janu- ary :i. Mr. (Hum x.- pmprietor of the Ola-on I’rintery. Eliubelh and (‘arl Booth. Jr,, an ill with dfiphtberin. Tbc Ladies' Aid node-u of Iho Once I. E. church will mad with In. Evuu on Skokie Ava. Friday after- Mrv Higmnn of Seattle, Wait, 1! vimtinu his nah-r. Mn. Thom" Wilder. Mrzund Mn Edward Nevins, 6“; (wind Aw, llr lhv happy pun-nu? nf n had-y My [mm Jun 13 9 s Mr. and Mn. M-rtin lmull and duughu-r Mum Vlrflinil an- in Florida. Mn. B. D. Bulk-r left for New York today (Thursday) She nil: for the Mediterrlnun on Feb. 10. Mr. and Mn. Waltrr June: have left for the much whrrv ”my wxll spend "worn! mocks. (Pu-l Arnsw-M «sf (‘hiruru upon: (3w u‘wkeml. Jan. 6 and T, wnh hi. fuller, William Amnnld. Ruth and John Bemum nf R‘vinin, uhu haw bum I” with scarlet fever for (hr [Inst Huh! “(Q-kt. Irv nuw honor and expect to be out o! qunr‘ amine this week Mr‘ and Mn (‘Ari H. Booth hn'e re- turned from - hm “(q-In' May in New York. buli- Bul‘nn who in Amending “unmet" spot“ the week-end in Highland Put. Mr. Dudley n-tunwd Mundny from n (“u wet-lu' husmo-n trip to Flundl AUCTION moan IN All“) SLAYINGII {on “The .- wfll re- nt havin‘ .5. world. ,1» b. no- Ieh the «pd FREE ATTN You Send, Or We Will Send your orders to us by any means con. venient to yourself. It matters not to us whether you send the youngster with or without a note, send an order by post card 0; letter, or telephone. Anything we have we will gladly send to you on receipt of order. We will send for and deliver prescriptions, too. Earl W. Gsell 86 Co. Do I wash!" with it. find out through actual use lat what It h. I! for any mu- it does not neat with you um“! .91}! I_I_Ick tid-yy 33990:. In no 0th! 1n, ,‘A-A) AA --_- _‘ -l'r-‘v m- - __-._ cu ”Cobain (to math: rally and In your gum-Cu. umtwtn M EXPERT REPAIRS FOR ALL “AXES Washing Machines you OLD Infilma TAKEN 1x TRADE EIGHT LEADING MAKES. $5 Places One in i ° Your Home CANDY SPECIAL SEE THEM ALL UNDER ONE ROOF DECKER 7HUBE-R 1 We Rush Emergency English Cream Tofi‘ee, 59c lb. or Accident Needs PHARMACISTS 562*. a VACUUI (LEAN- Telephone 23 ISMSIJOHI AW A particularly powerful m withnrodlycfldcntmury M150“: 1m. month only with flat: Goldloihl ‘1 SUPERIOR GAIN A Di! UP‘I’ON J UDD

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