fling wattle. F! f .5! i. "it, ’ua Building and Repairing Time is Almost Here Sole Agents for Ford Cars Organist and director of Trinity Episcopal Church and sup- ervisor of music in High School, announces that he will ac- cept a limited number of pupils for the study of voice, piano and harmony. Mr. Dietch will also be available for coaching or repertoire, etc. Telephone “'5- W 'aanud'iinShla Painting; Paper Hanging, Calcimining etc. i 204 Homewood Avenue Studios: 12 Erskine Bank Bldg. and 609 F ine Arts Bldg. For ferms and appointments Phone Highland Park 412 North Shore Auto Transportation Co. LEUER “08.. Axed: for KISSEI. and FORD CARS - Telephone 67 Lumber Lime ' Cement Cinders Gravel‘ Torpedo Sewer Pipe A Drain Tile and in fact everything in "f North Shore Fuel Supply Co. in East and West Deon-field Township Out of town Moving with Auto Truck Sidney Arno Dietch 'Also dealers in Coal ind Feed Wecarry a complete line of Ernest H. Kuehne the Building Line (Paris 1909-191 (1) Robert Greenslade 134NorthSooondSt. V l‘ ' Capone: And Building Cour-dot 318 Green Bay Rd†Highland Park Estimates gladly finished on all work and Fixtures Your Home? If $0,] am ready to give you the right estimates in ï¬guring your plum Tel. 828~R Estimate. Fumiuhed Joseph J. Berube Are you going to do anyremodeling on 230 N. St. Johns Ave. We; Keep the Best that Money can Buy We also handle all kinds of Building Material Highland Park Fuel Co. HERMAN DENZEL. Put. 102 N. Fir“ St. Telephonc 335 Give us a trial order and be convinced Repamng' ' 1‘ Highland Park lam-mm Furnished mu Park B. Bastin' s residence Wednesday, March ’ 25 and decided Io make compliInentary to the public Dr R. A. Whites stifling, glecture on “The Land of the Midnighb Sun" Through Mrs. Frank L. Wean1 t'Ie \ssociation has been offered this ï¬nel opportunity to secure Dr. White‘ and" they have engaged Mr. Cade with; his! double dissolving lantern to come out1 from the city and assist Dr, White in the stereopticon part. The president named 1 M. R. L. Sandwick Mrs Charles Baku: ‘ and Miss White of Elm Place as nominat- I Ling committee to ï¬ll the oIï¬ces oi presi- I Tdent. secretary and treasurer for next; year. Those to serve on the committee i appointed to revise the constitution are' as followzs Mrs. Bowen W. Schmuacher,‘ Mrs H. V1 Bacon Mrs. ThomasClementsfl' .Mrs. William French, Mrs. Ross]. Batty; Mrs. Robert Seyiarth Mrs. Charlenl ‘ Drake and Mrs Charles Baker -The last regular meeting of the Club this season was held in the3¢ltth rooms Thunday afternoon. March 1;. Mr. Wilhelm Mueller of the Univ ity of Illinois gave a most interesting j eon ttcon lecture on “Garden, Howe and Shrubs." The attendance was i and there was a number «gentlemen tit to gain helpful points and an“) _ as from this well informed speaker. 'He explained how and where plan and shrubs should be planted to brink: the best results and gave views sh proper and improper ways of plan' m private grounds. Mn. Fyffe. p dent of the club, announced the annual l h- eon for members only and the clot of oflicers to be held at the Highland Park Club house next Thursday. 32pm 2nd. Luncheon will be served at o’clock. The hostesses for the aftqun ooh were Mesdames J. L. Fearing. George A. Mason. H. L. Glidden. James M. ’l‘goxel, E. M. Watkins, F A Watkins A P. Van Schaick, George A Schoï¬eld and Georg McBean. The program at the club _last Tueadsy alternoon was opened with a group bi contraito solos entitled â€A Boat 8mgâ€. by Harriet Ware, "Dearesr". by William Henley. and "A Little Pink Rose". by Carrie Jacobs Bond. They were sung by Miss Ruth Pinkerton of the Trinity church choir. Miss Victoria Pong]! was th accompanist. The “Berceuaeâ€. from Jocelyn was given as a violin solo by Miss Dorothy Bastin with Miss Bertha Harbaugh at the piano. Mrs. Abbie B. Bastin. who had this day in charge. chose as her subject "George Eliot and her Novels". Mrs. Ross J. Beatty read â€The Choir Invisible". by George Eliot. In conclusion Miss Dorothy Bastin played "Melodie". by Massanet with Miss Hur- baugh ec :ompanying. Refrï¬hmentawere served by the following hostesses: Mrs. C. P. Woodcock, chairman, assisted-by Mesdames J. S. Glidden. T. C. Williams; Otis L. Beardsley, C. A. Smith. E. M. Watkins, and Walter Wardrop. At the next regular meeting April 7th, Mr. William Jones Smith, architect, who is a graduate of Beaux Arts in Paris, gill spegk on "How to Plan for a ‘Club The Domestic Science club was royally entertained by the Chaï¬ng Dish club of the Lake Forest Y. W. C. A. on Monday evening. Covers were laid for twenty- eight and a delicious four course dinner was served. The rooms were prettily decorated in flowers and presented a summery appearance, pink and laven- der being the prevailing colors. Partners were changed with each course so that all had an opportunity to become ac- quainted with each other. After music and singing all returned to their homes voting the Lake Forest people charming hostesses. ' l v: Hon-'2." The Blue Eagle Camp Fire, enjoyed a supper in the Y. W. C. A. room: Friday evening. lvl‘. 0‘ vav.\'vv. The Thnrsdav club gave a very pretty; After a week’s freedom “mother" St. Patncks party the "em“ 9' March; Jones is agaln a prisoner in the Wal- 19. The decorations were all In honor! “mm“, (‘01.. coal strlke “mm of the patron saint of Ireland. Music; on. m." w“ km": and three In- was furnished bv Mm Leonard and Mrs. lured in an explosion in (he Cleveland Buck. Light refreshments we're serVedl Brewing company‘s plant at (‘lewe- and all spent a very enjoyable evening. ' I‘M. Mrs. Benjamin E. Page will apeds' on "Needed Legislation in Illinois" at the last regular meeting of the study class to be held this morning at 10:30 o’clock} (in Thursday evening. April 91h, at the Elm Place school. Dr. R. A. White etchi- cago, will give one of his famed siqténpâ€" ticon lectures. This will be oné 0!: .the large annual affairs given by the General Parents and Teachers' Association. :1 : The Executive Board of the Pagans and Teachers' Association met at M“. A. Parents and Teachers’ Association “ 65Eu PHONE 23 Y. W. C..A. News â€"â€"'â€"T Woman’s Club Ossoli Club Elm Place School Prelident Wilton, in talk to nova? rape! men. resented the description:- 01 himselt as a cold, removed perm? without emotion. He did not recap: nize himself frrm the descriptions. he said and M "WM! mnr- neurly "- ambled a bubbling \olcano. _‘ \'., found in Chicago. She had eioped but the man deserted her within on hour of (‘hicaxo Robert Lansing. of Wnunown. N. Y., is the successor to John Basutt Moore at Washington. President Wil- son aiao has chosen Cone Johnson, of Texas, as soiiCitor for the depart- ment. succeeding Joseph W. Folk. Thu Jerome Howe Banking House. of Wenona. 111., has {one into bank- ruptcy. It carries deposits of $180; 000 ï¬nd its liabimies will reach $300.» “00. Attorney General Mcï¬oymwo has entered suit against the Lehixh Val- ley Railroad company at New York for violaticn or the Sherman anti- trust law. One hundred person. were routed from their homés in a ï¬re that de- stroyed a factory building in Girard street. t‘htcago. Property loss amt-unt- ed to $30,000. Goneral Huerta has uked for I conference with John Lind. President Wilson's perqonal representative. It I: thought he means to ask interven- tion by the I'nited States. Florence Gray. eighteenâ€"year-old school girl uh) was unsung from a boarding school at New Rochelle, R. Commander Edward R. G. R. E\ ans. second in command of the Scott south bole expedition. arrited in America to deliver lectures In this country and Canada. He went to Washington. where he dined with the British am- bassador. (‘omnmnder Emu: was captain of the Terra Nova during the explorations. He was forced to re- turn to England to recover irtm Scurvy. whit-h attat'lvzed him after he left the main body of pole seekers “hen ehey were within 130 miles oi their destination, on Jan. 4. Ifâ€? Commander Dana is thirty years oi age and is one of the youngest of hi: rank in the British na\ y. He was pro- moted immediately after his return. from the antarietlv. There is shown Also the Terra Nova. Walter Karant. Chicago jeweler. hurled acid in the face of his wife when she spurned a reconvilintlon with" him and later committed suicide. A lone robber held up the apron mesyenger on the Snnta Fe railroad, near Beaumont. Tex, and is reported tn hive got $14,000. A new peace treaty bu bean uigned between the I‘nlted States and \‘en ezuela. It is the fourteenth of Sec- retary Bryan‘s peace treaties. The ofï¬cial report of the death In Mexico of W. S. Benton ls said to contain evidence mat the. Britisher was slain in Villa's private ofï¬ce. United 8th!“ soldier. ï¬red on Hu- ertalsts “ho crossed the American line. Five of the Mexicans were killed. Gru‘ Britain has “backed dawn" Ii) her eflort to force acceptance of home rule in Ulster. A compromise ls expected. Roben Thelen, German aviator. has bruken the altitude record. carrying three passengers 12,303-feet at J0 hannislhal. Germany. V'Vilnr'aciroycd four bushel. block. in the city of Sidney, 0.. causing 1 10“ of 3200.000. Four women were killed In an ex- plosion of gas at Ardmore, Okla. The Invanory of tho Adolphus Busch estate shows a valuation of 917,000,900. Explorer Lectures In America: ship Which He Command“. Photos by American Preu Association SHGRT CUTS T0 THE NEWS g EDWARD EVANS Will Establish Shading Preach/I. SAV’ANNA. ILL. â€" The Stun In Rod and Gun club has purchased 100 acres of land a few miles south of_ this clty and will establish a shoot- ing preserve. conductor Killed Undor Train. GALESBURG. ILL. â€" o. L Brockwny, one of the oldest Chime. Burlington Ind Quincy unto-d cow (utters, tell from 1 car 3nd was un- Moon (0 Build Lodge. SAVANNA, ILL. -â€" Hams hr 1 combined clubhouse and lodgerooma are under xonsiderntlon by the local lodge, Loyal] Order 9! Mcoae. The building will cost'nbout $20,000. Smallpox Clo-u school. MOI'NT MORRIS, ILL. â€" As the result of twelve cases of mull- :on horn an srhm‘lfl. rhurohes and other public meeting ylaces have been closed lndeï¬nilely. .\I( at of the use: are of a mild ch'aructer. - * 'gm 0mm Abuh Pastor. 4;. $ Annual“. 11.1.. .-1; Rev. G. 3,; Gibson, pastor of the scotch Kirk My Wheatlund, neu- Auron; was shock“? on spin; to MI m9}! bq'x at the my wuo um Plutnflold crow-roads] when? he enc‘ounterod two young women hi" men's pve‘ralls and lumber: m up; road dancing the Highubd fling; ' The girls, Dally Gllmore. slxteen years‘ old. a lumen“: dnughter. and Helen Rogers. seventeen yenrs old bl Aurora were not washed. “Oh, you “Eat Side" Editor Get: Job. SPRINNGFIELD, ILL. â€" L. H Sea, "East Side" edhor of the SI Louis Republic, East St. Louis. was appointed by Governor Dunne execu (Ive secretary of the San Franciam exocsitkn ctmmission, with head quarters in (‘hiragm Court of chor Convene; SPRINGFIELD. ILL. -â€" The es tablishment u! an old toll-13' home and tuberculosis sanitarium w“ ndvo cated in an address by Supreme (‘han cellor A. 1.. Hereford at the state con- vention of the court of honor. gre all hypocrites," one-aid. The, telephoned the Aura" police ad on. leaning they‘ weren't “able to urea: repeatod the he: the next dly and promised a dafly'perfomnnce at the cross-roads. '- CHAMPION ILL. â€" A do] egstiun o! I'nh‘ersity of Iiiinoir [.roieuors will attend the banquet re ception to be given Professor in 0 Bnkor of the College of Engineerinr in Chic-go in honox of the comple non of forty years of continuous ser- Vice at the university. President Jumes will attend‘ Cant. Robert Beck Din. ROFKFORD, ILL. â€"-- (‘nptlin Robert Beck. for two terms a mem her of the, lower house of the Illinois legislature, and for sixteen year:- custodian of the statehouse, Spring- ï¬eld, died at his home in Harvard, 111., aged shty-lwo. Henry Miller, nigh! Watchman at the plant and the only man’ known to have been within a mile 01, the mill at the time of the explosion. is believed to have been killed. The explosion occurred at 6:30 at night and won after reports of earthquake shocks be- an coming in from Decï¬tur, Assump‘ tlon Orleans, and Centnlia_ Ill. Famous Horseman Is Dead. PANA, ILL. â€" Thomas Rid ler. sixtyone years, prominem stock man and horse-'race promoter. for twenty years connected with the H! nois state fair and other circuits, din of injuries sustained in n runaway accident near Nc-komis. Ridler was one of the omanizers 01 the Central Illinois Fur usociation. BI‘RLINGTON, IA. â€"- The body of Juhn H. Janke of Gerrard .1)., was found flailing In the river here. The remains were Identiï¬ed by papers found on the body. Janka dis uppeared Nov. 24, 1913. He was a member of the Eules' kdge of Mo Hue, Ill. Expluion I. lea an Erika-«aka. ST. LOUIS, mo. â€"- An ex- plosion at the Equitable. Powder com pany's plum at Alton, 111., shook tar-9 ritory in Illinois for a dhtnnce of 100; miles. The effect of the explosion, however, did not cross the Mississip- pi that into Missouri- Sunshine Club Head Diet. 'ROCKFORD, lLi.. â€"â€" Miss Anna Risberg, {ounder of the Sunshine club a national organization for invalid: Jied here after being prostrate ï¬fteen :enrs of spinal trouble. Eocapcd Convict; Bought. ST. LOWS. ~â€"- The police. of St. Louis were asked to assist in the search for two prisoners who escaped from the penitentiary at Chester, 111. Sunday night or Monday morning The request was made by William G Erwin, a prison guard, who said thy men who escaped are John Doian, un der ï¬fteen years' sentence {or 531‘, robbery. and Albert ‘Keilcm, under life sentence for the murder of the sheriff of Edwards county. During this time Miss RisLerg had been spreading sunshine to other abut-ins. She had written thonnndr (if ienera and fashioned mnny hun dreds of remembrance. ,for other in \aiids whose friendship she made through her letters. ‘ Mining Man's Body Found. To Honor Prohuor Baker. a H «mum “Time,“ Ofd For Rent “1* 9. 15¢ â€a 1.: Mankiei “I...“ Min-1.14m 5-an and Engineering, Typo- MyL-ndmpond Cm tic-Wed. 2(1th in. Surveying and Construction. Don't “mummy. Vaudevifli I’m Act. of $0 ' t ch“. VIM obtain-bk. ed 51 “OWOMVMAuod-ï¬u Yuwifldnnï¬-d-(oodubv uttboWP-ï¬mm Chas. E. Russell mmm West Central Ave. mum PICTURES And Vaudeville We have discontinued Vaudevilb on Wednesdays but will run large features by the famous players. ‘ March 3lst Wewfl mile SE whim, Yelliâ€" 724' 231MB.“ CROPLEY G. PHILLIPS Opposite North Western g“ comer Central Ave. and. P“; Sunny moms. single or en i hard wood floors. steam he“ 3 mil coid water. Decorated mod. '2! The that opportunity tore-t“ elm ofï¬ces on the Went Suï¬, Favor-bl. Rue. 14$.F‘mt3t. AbZroo-oiaduB-y. Teiephone G32 New Evans wmmmmii FRED SCHAEFER PLUMBING 11.6.5.va in which to put yOur SAVINGSâ€" Its cash is counted and its Securities Scrutinized by the State Authorities periodically. (th publishes a sworn statement of its condition in this newspaper from time to time. is a SAFE BANK A. C. MORGAN 0. NELSON C. F. GRANT \'icz-Ptcsndcm Prcsnde m Ccshwr in the [3 JOHN L w For Comm/swmer Imtrm buying ï¬ubhc. 250.000 purchas great lxglzts and When a manui show Just the l lessâ€"then ms 0 It is a 513m _t_hat Here you have plete stock fro: one. Also a In all 88mm p12 Machine:E and standards of m Southwhut For Assn'am Su‘ FOf Assistant w] For Tum r. 0er For Tow r. p .a For Assess: vr For Jusm (- In PC; nified b accident home wl family i: Much w01 hind if ch frequently‘ disturbanc happens t1 A tclcphom on a jourm reach the demand. 132 Md yox er mghlar Supï¬ By Pdit'y Use