1 I I rltrCHEl,RY CANi'IING FAC'.ilOhI" Building taken over 1r1 L9ZO W l&Henry Lumber Photo, courtesy Hobert Thot,rpson, re.):).'oouctr-oi. by iiuuy Brya-nt. cond.ucted. Co.< I Why llot Start the New Year by llaving Our Otfice Gheck Your lnsurance Govorage? It tlight Be to Your Advantage. by Charles rtChuckrt lflller' The d.elegates were instructed to cast their .ballots for Boy J. Solfisburg under the Unit iiule for noninee for Judge of the ventio", is to be helcr at the Scottish rtite Auditori-rm in lleeport on riiarch 21. The Suidcir Supreme Cortrt j}-stric,t. The con- selection of th: delega'bes anct alternates rnras made ity a coinmi-ttee anilointed $-,, Chairr:ran Charles i,{j.f] cr. CHOP SUEY 5 a EANL R. WALSH INSUNANCE AGE{CY tdlcnry ll2 E Elm SL Hrmburgrn ud Othor Snrekr Ph.; EV. U28l For Or&n Tc Oprn l0 A.fl. tc Trto Out. hrG,Lq*-g EU. EA00!J3 8 P-m. Clo-d lrlondryr louise's Snack Sho[ --