IamaveteranofWorldWarllanilholdtherankofCommanderintheUBited StatesNavalEeserve.Ihavebeenassoclatedwitha,NavalResorveactivityalmost .constantlysincebeingreleasedtoirractivedutyaxterthewar.fgrsrxyearsllYa"s Law Unit 9'1 in Chicago' tho CommanAing Otiicer of volunteer Navai Reserve themembersoftheUnitarealllawyerswhoalsoareNavalR,eserveofficers.I a,nstillassociatedwiththeNavalRoservoPrograrnr.Inlg6slshallhavoaccumu. Program' the last t-on years as a lated twenty yur* of accredited servico ln the legal specia,list. as the Village Attorney for *ho have not previously helil public offlce except Lakemoor' Villages of McCullorn La'ke, Sunnysldo and publlc offlco The follotwtng ero rny Many people wonder why anyone seoks a'm dedioated' thoughts about it and the poti"io to lvhloh I I in a professiona'l fiel4 is a First: fo be olected to public office, parflcularly great responsibllity to the comgreat honor antl carries with it a corrospondingly I lvill Second: The abilities, experience and .letermination and voting supporthg by in me will justify the contiilei". voo have reposed apply munitY. to tho offic,o for me' Third:onooftheprimarydutiesofyourSta,tosAttorneyistoadvisea,llof such actlons as they may tlecide tho county boartls antl offices of the legaliff of a progr&rn of public eervice office the within oreate upon, anal to this eJ I rvil tlesignedtosatisfytheever.increasingneettforlegala{lvlceandasslstaneetothg other County Officials and boards' Withregardtomyseconilpolnt,Ibringtotheoffice20velrsofsuccessfulcourt .Atto"rruy roomtrialexperienceinallpha.sesoflitigation,bothcivilandcriminal.Ittsoften is responsible for atlvising tho other count'y overlooked that the state,s offieersantlworkingcloselywithttrom.Eachofflcehasitsownparticularprob. consldered, scholarly and practieal lemt and my office irm n. reaay to furntsi well legal advic,e to any Official at any time' following: As to the third point, I am determined to do tho to meet tho increaoing assistants professional ablo 1. To seek o:""rili"a and Communtty' gtowing load of legal servioei roquired by our rapiilly .s,IoassistactivelytheCorrntyCourtandJudgetherooninitsfunct,lonag tho com' to" enrl that flre rlghts of oh,ildren, their parents, and , r"*ilv ".;;;; be protected and enlorcod' munlty shall tftnes' rvith qualified personnel in attendanco at a'll roasonable spont this time wtth Dlo 8rr'l In conclusion, then, rn^ay I thank you for hal'lng to tho poople ol Mc. ronded shali I electe'l' and -tmpartla,t, I pleilgo to you, U nominatea legal sorvloes' aggree*lvo ond rronry county and its elected officors fotr, SinoerolY submitted, - g. Io available to the Public make the Office of Stoter's Attornoy oper erd I