C&',I'*lpAA, rri',fi-R]-CA'\i LEcl,Olrle is shcr'nnt r:resenting a check Hosl,ita-l to Je":tes Lennonl Oha.irman of the fund-rai-sing drive 1ir6 addition the l,,{eilenr;r Hospital. 'itrayor Oeorge Freund. observes i;he (i.obe:'t i{cndriclrs Photo ) proceedrngs. HAERY 3,{IIELLffi,e for for },,tc}Iearl,' ffi ruff.ITY tr fiN HllRT B our 8t$I na'ced. -i,he ',-ieeli llnmlHm Safiscribe ,SEMG SYSIEilS Nor patrons to provide suitable nail recept-aclese erected anct ma1rltained for easy arrd safe aceessibil-itvr and presenting a neat appearanceranci affor-ling the best' protection to thc nrail- The follorring Tire irost Of{ice .-re::art-,tet:t ha.s riesigof Iay to-Z1. as Liail Box ftnnrovc:rent :eeL, The department rrishes to encourage POST OFIfCE i:lP,r"l1Ti:jjf iT PAOCl"{]r 'rl LtIl-, BO:i IJ:PRCIIS,,IIi}IT liliEli'r 6 tld EIESTMG SEWER RODI]IG Jeeps, Stotion Wogpns ond Trucks Y:{:x.e;K: fitlil We Service AII ilakes ]lick P. tliller, EIilER AtR 406 W. John Owner Uehicles. GLOSSOil 3tnor COmPRESSOn mcHENRy, tLLtNOtS phooo EV woRr of ttg50 ' Phone EV. 5-0403 : 600 fn0m SIRttI trtclttltty, ltL