SEM I. MONTHLY PiCTORIAL NEW5LE I I LI.I highlights of the progran are most important: 1. Neatness in appearance 2. Suttabtllir,z"or ?rotectlon of mail 3. Names of box cr"'Trlers should be inscribed on side of box uislble to the carrier as he approaehes, or on tioes lfovr A leot Hrmburgerc end Ph.: EV. Homrrfrlodc Soue cPr7-26[,7 / il*ffirP lrrd ( I children that tamering',rith the nail is a federal offense afi prrriishable by 1aw. NATNTTTT EV{!{GEIICAI TLNIT,]EIIN ffiURGi where bo:<es a:.e grouped. il. Box nueber or street address,also should be shown en nailbox. 5. Boxes should be erected [2tt16 ]r[*tt from the ground, Parerrbs should also caution thelr (weLcaaa9 (we Lcoaat 'T.?:'e;'" 'i.?:'e;'" Opcn l0 A-ll. ro N Cloccd lllond;ryr ffil'H:Jl FF==(n :#i;T{#T Sil gl0? -.\l t0GfS ffnod of the United Lutheran Chureh in Anerica ';g-i11 'oe hel_d in St. Louis fuoin I,lay 16-1S. Pastor Schroeder and. ],tr" ?ed lackbanci, lay delegate to the con* ventlon, ,rri11 atiend. Cne of the prin* ci-pal orders o-f business wi]-l be the adoptj on of ti::, nery con-stitut:.rn for the merger of the ii-n1+,ed, Lutheran Church with three other j,utheran bcciies, bringing together three n-i'l-iion Lutherans lTonder lke, Illinois The annual neeting of HffiM* IErEt tHrg b -rf;" rr1t*E.:r ilil Rambier- the lll_j-nois (*lTn-rooa,usDl frAIE,tr/NEI,USD MAfifiBEERS o p-.= Tctrl a into one church. cWmthr Eno emnrlr o Singh U- nit C,onstructiau I,ICHXMY JAY0EES PLAN BfCYCLE SAFII?Y Bieycl-e r:-ders lti-ll- rveicome the oi-)n*y* tun-tty to eonpete in lhe Drogram pla::r:cii PROJECI? by the }.{ci{enry The .Ia.','cees for $atwday; June ti. School playgro",-rn1. Time 1s 1:C0 Flil" Com.* plete inspection of bicycles -lr11l- be p,.1"* formed, and riciers rri11 be checlied to se* ii rroper s:-gnai s a::,i liqh'rs a:e useo..ii.eflective tape, sil-rer for f?ont, and reri. for the rear of the brclrcles rrill be in..;ta}led. b;,, mcnbers of 'bhe iricHcruTr Ju:lir:r' Chan'::er of Gorrnerce, Riders of al-i. ag,::: are inv^it,,.i '.c nartiei_pate in the rr.o;:::..,1 ,l moyies on bipycie safetl- w:"l-L aiso i.: si_ri::;,m l[r.ani1 ]{r';. leon Han-n* la.ft:r +,hcir sojo"-rn into t,lrc soltlt",csi thi s ',r::rtcr. , A special mceting of -;ha Cullon-iuroll rr;e'lcone bacli i,{CCLT.I,Ciri J, l.}r-- P;\l:\GQitPilS proje';t u"iil- be held at Edgebroai< Rambler American 2-Door Wagon, '59 Heater and Standard Drive .oBodinim6 fieatr oLryrqut uplep 59 Rannhler &ffi*or. Sedan, Radio and Heater and S*andard Drive 59 Ra*tbler 2-Doer Sedan, American, Radio and l'laater and Overdrive 59 Ferd 2-Door Sedan, 6 Cyl., Heater and Siandard Drive E3re Heating and Veurtitrating 58 Rambler 4-Door Wagon, Radio and Heater and Overdrive, etc. '56 Ford VB 4-Door Wagon, Radio and Heaier and Slandard Drive 56 Olds 88 4-Door Sedan, Autornaiic, Heater, etc. ON OF THESE CARS NO DOWN '\AOST PAYMENT NEEDED. to ilH$sH::ffi tl(ls W. Elm Strcct SEIBEL MOTORS SALES PHONE EV 5-5361; EV 54387 , McHcnry, lllinoir lAsscciation, Thui"scray, lta;' 9 ai 8:CO FY