sEmLmoilTltrY PICTOBIAL.N[IryS[ITTIB Jilrm 15, t96o ,,6 ey W *-v)4d,,&8 *{r @ l0 Cents Per Copy - voi,. L, No. 2c .?, a, 1% \'+ ,* & * t,:. # i' gr." i, N0 I&AN },[ANY IS GOOD B!.]CAUSE ILIS ARAl'iDFtttti.qd ti,&S. PUBLIC SCHOOL CLASS, pICTUp"]' TAIUN ABOUT GOOD LtAI'll{ERS A AND SOFT l,OitDS i{AV}t BjloUCfIT DIFFICIII,T THING TO PASS. Jeepr, Stotiorr Wogpnr T!:!:x?.ffi Hil ond Truckg ]lith P. tliller, 600 nOm Owner lle Senice lll tales of Uehicles Phone EV. 5-0403 Snffi flcllttllY, ll'L Voeltz ard Agnes l,{athens. Second Row: trfarian llathoirsl F]ances $citale Henry Nl-eke1s, Ruth Bacone rrilli-e Sinpson, Katie Ttru:nve1l, (Unlorovrn), I{ary Zlnr reruran(?), j:rnst Karntroltzl i:,hna f[sgh, Ff-orence Kamholtzr Levr-is LicComber. lrd Rour: 2 Boys Unknom, Lora ifuauser(t) Herbes, Elfleda Blodr, La.urence i.lJ-IIer, Etta Meyers, Carl Paynel }i1la lbsch. l+th Rorv: Iouis Stoffcl, Leona perkins, Clarcnce Fossr Ruth Croos, a.nd I.:lrrtle ,,,attles, Teacirer. (l.ho';o Courtes;/ Louis Stoffel, 'iccro:luced b; fr,udy B:ry'ant. ) I'lanes courtcs..' <;f -tances V-.-ci_.,a'i . .,entrvorth, (Un-lmoim), ;Uen Sp<:r cer, Lester P.rge, lrdna I'lordstrom, L,eonard fbettr uorottly Lungren, Geo" ildvrj-::ria Crook, 1911. Ilom leftl First rid'rin Boyle, Varina Ror: