I I x.# I i !;,r I !r .t i.i l,r t: f ri B' # a IOX RfVER poST 4500 & IADIES AUIOILIARY FLAG PRESm[fAfloN. LORRAINE L{IIRPEr, A}mRICA}I*{ C,T{A];i},{AN AND DATSY SIi.{ITH, PR3SI)IX\M OE IADI]S AUTILIIARY OI.\rI1[ IOX NTVM POST 45OO P,1EsB\ITED A 6TX1OI 5O-STAR FI,AG A}M AN INDOOR FIAG, STAF}'A}ID STAIfD [0 TEE WQNDE;1 LA.KE FIfrE DmARTl,m{T. ACgtrfI}TG THII FLAGS"ARE G$RGE GUTZ},[A],, Hffi CTIIEF AND PhOtO COUTICSy KOIAIiK StUdiO JOI-{N KIINE, ASSISTAI{T ruFE TIEF. 1rFW NATIY TY EVAIIGEIICAI I,UTHERAN CEURSE l'ioNlER r,AKE, rrJ,rNors. Pastor - Rev. Burton Sclrroeder ?{orship Services - B:0O and 11:00 Swro.ay School - 9rL5 and 1I:0O A-LL ABJ f1].]l,00ME to our wo rship ser'rices where in the ooserYarrce of the church The first meeting of the year Evangelism committee w iI1 be +Tednesd.ay evening, Feb. l, at B P.M. for the held on year, through worship and study, eaeh can fj-nd hls place in Godr s plan fcr him. Goi.ng to church is not a rltual or a habit, it musr, be a way of life - a life with Chrlst as the center. CHUi?.CH P-iE5I1{TED N}',nl n'i,AGS. lYe wish to express our tharks to t he },,{cHenry VFW Post for the; Ohristtar, arfi. A:lerican flags tha.c were presented to the chu:reh on Jan. 15. Their ceaut;, and syribolism will stand as c onstant reminders of our duty to ]od and courrtry. 'IHr:l $/":\l'11[r.] S.t,l CLlij]rlJTT-I'ltl TO ]lIE[ Fg-9.'I roster of the lnter-Church baskethall J,eague. The other four teams are from the Greenwood., rti:ngwood and lr{clienry triethod.ist churches ar:d liativity l,utherari Church. the teams play every hionoay evening at llarrisoa ichool, and we have see n some rea-Lly fine playing. A trophy fur:ri is no"'r bein: started. by asking a l5-cent donation from the spectators who come to see the two games played every I,{oni-ay. The trophlr will be presented to t he winr:"irg team at the banquet ir the Spring. Come and encourae-.e the .ooys in Christian sportsmanshi-p and fair . INTE.1.Sil'RCH BASKI'TBAIL LEAGUI] AD'S NEW Ti!Ax,I. The team from the First Methodist Churcir in Wood.stock has been ad'Ced to the