SEMl'MONTHLY PlcroRlAL;N-tW5LLt I ct< xw*%& OPEi'== IEOW MCH}NRY JAYCi{!]S CO}IhIUNITY DEVEIOPMENT SUflVEY ^RESULTS Commun:ity Developmcnt Corun:ittee of the McHenry Jr.urior Chamber cf Comeree. Th:is Thiei survey rcpresents the work of the REYffiANN'5 BAI(ERY and DELICATESSEil Open Tuerday and Thursday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturdays 9 a.m. to I I p.m. Sundayr til 6 P.m. Comrninity Developncnt p rogran. fhat 'phasc being, the comprehcnsive publle group, eonprised of Henry Helse, progran director; B.eymond. Sehqitt, Sunrey Chalrman; Thomas Lardre, Acti.on Chal::man, Lee Hiller and Dcr:nis Juetcn, hag nol finishcd. the fiist phaae of their planned ASK ABOUT OUR TIISS MUFFIN CONTEST You ltay Win Hundredr of Dollarr 3(X) XteHenry Road, % Mile We:i on Route I20 in Prizes of MeHcnry PHONE EV. 5-302t opinion surrey , distributed to Mc,Ecnry residents by a systematic sampling tcchniquc to producc the most accurate rcsults, plus a further written and oral qpery of those individ.uals rith Mcllenrlrf s problens. AII of this information, rhen conpiled, produced. over J0 points of general public intercst pcrtaining to the betterment of the corununity. Puollshcd herc are some of tb.e highlights of their findings. Eecb point shows both thc enswers and opinions of the people of MclienrXr, coupled witb thc exact percentagcs of those o pinions. Save For Your Tomorrouvs SAVE where your a,ccounts are insured and availalrle' - Today is rendered ! qAVF whero experlenced and coneervatlve ma,nsgev'lvhmentprevaile. SAVE [H;.':1I#HI #X""*::#shest rate or' SAVE rvhere servree with preasure. lnstitutlon and help maintaln SAVE il,J;H,,',Tr your community. 2OG W. EIm Streot MeHenry, Ill. Phone EVergreen 5-3{nO