sEMl-rro^{rEl:Y PlcToRIAL-NEwsltIT B -"'%k ,1 CUSTOffi TU TOPIGS RUilONS AilD FAGTS SaffVffy Pastor - ry rls rlorship Serrices - 8:0O and 11:0o $und.ey scbootr - 9zL) and llr@ "STTPS TO A CAJ/,}F'IiIE'I S!]RI{ON TOPTC be t5c tbid scrmon ILq.RCti 1. This rill in the series, "StePs to thc Croeg! being prcscntcd. at t he nid-week Lentcn services on Wednesday 6venings at 7s41. IUTiiSr?*{$ G{URCE OF llOlIDE-t LAKE rle'rr" -brrrton Schrpeder BILL POLKEY a presidential campaigr as interesting as the. one we just came through. It'll tJre evening eerricc. probably be a long time before we see invited' Thc meet af,ter riII Evangelisn comnitt ae Dveryonc is weLcomc and PiiOGiESSTTE PAtrTY MESTS the little stories and rumors you hear party telling about the other. Apd there's For me, the most interesting highlights are one one On Monday evening, r'ebnrary 20, thc P:'ogressive Party of the Village o f liceullorr, Lake held a meetinE to discuss rumor 'Mro. Kennedy spends too, much molley on clothes' that got stafted. This wasn't the other party though. !t was Mr. Kennedy. And the folks around town who are saying nice things about the fine television services at CUSTOTUI TV are not spreading rumorc. 'They're faets from their experiences. After all, most of our business comes from 'word of mouth"; our customers tell their friends about us. Phone EV 5"3757 today or visit our fine shop and store. '!Oa E. Elm 3rtrei GUSTOT W McHrnry, llllnolr A lrst of lrogresslve larty Cer.o.t.oates i'ollorsr Plesident - Jorrn '['. Boylcl i'illage Clerk - Loie Parenti; Police Mrtgistrate - Yictor ilowel Trusteos ichultz, {oger r". Kinsey and Arthur jtuh].i'eier. FoLiee h{ggistrate and three Trustees. A platform was selected to be presente*i tc the votors for thej.r approval. It was ciaciueci the slogant"Continucd Progress Xith The Prtgreseivc Party't would oe aciopted. the coming Village election. This April l8th efection ! s for thc prrrposc of seleetlng a lresioent, Clerk, Petor t. Iuston & Son Frronl tlro ffieffiwcrym"ffi3 e8ouxD ?!tt Lox OXY6EH EQIjIF7ES Arnbulance Sctrice am W. E.lrrr 3rroot f,tHonrY, ltlraoir