.,, : = UC,[E![TY JAYCEES oY Comercc hag launchcd its ncmbership : c'inpa.ign for the year 1951; [enbcrstrip in thc Jayi:ees, one of llc,Hcnqrtg nost activc civic organizations offcrg nangr banefits to young nen be- , trccn tbc ages of 2I e^d ,r, rho arc '" C-A!4PAfCN. tElitxtSlrla'tl}tEllonlil.'NEw5lflltR. .---.-LlUtrCA MEffBERSHIP ship, thcy t&e positive action to train The l,rcHcnry Junior Chanbcr Ieaders. Perhaps tbe id.eals of the Jaycces could best be susmed up by the Jaycee creed, ririch statbsr WE m[JEyE: lltat falth in God g:.ves nea^ning and purpose to bunan lifc; That the bro{ihe.rhood of man tra^nscend.s the sovcpigrty of nations; That econonic Justice can best be won by frec nen through free cnterprise; That goverzrment should be of laws rattrer than of nen; I'hat carthts And r intcrcstcd in scnring thcir co4rni.ty. Througb the local oivlc rorts that .the Jrycccs pc-r{o::u, a nenber cm irprovc essune edrninistrativc lcadcrship outaidc bls business or Job. Otber plus fceturcg of Jayccc ectivities includ.cr the expericncc ln buman relatlons gaincd through tbc supervisi6n of other young nen on a nolurteer basis, and. a ohancc to tblrtk on an administretive Ierrel, s lrportant :tquisitc to prourotion in nodcrm_ day busl.ness. Stil1 anothcr 1mportcnt facct of Jaycee nernbcrship, ig thc opportunity to oerz? out cxeellcrrt ptrblic rclations for bia cnploycr throu4h clvic participation. Thc . aycccs donft just talk leader- his contacte rith brusinegs and corurunitSr Icrdera vhilc bcing $ivcu thc chane to great treasurc lies in husran persorrllt;r; thet servicc t o hununlty is thc t' bcgt nork of Life. lflre l,{cHcnry organization, a group of for,.ard looklng youDg nea, fired rith Ghdc rAV ?I.UCTI3IL Biltcr Sm trllair Hf-Crre-f'&F rL l, }l frf I- ., Il5 SHOP AT ilcHEt{RY'S tilRGEST t SED GAR SATES CEHTER t96O ilERCURY SEDAN, A Boruty rt lzlrs sl la5 t959 D6DGE ROYAL SEOAN, Roduced ro 11825 I9Ot FORD 9 PASSENGEN WAGON, r A Brrgrln rt 1957 CHRYSLER HARDTOP, t959 PIYIIOUTH cusToll wAGoN, A Rol Buy rl 1958 FORD TUOOR, Don'l Pu lt Up 1958 DODGE ROYAL LANCER, $1"25 lor $805 195 Rorl Lurury lor troa5 Borutifu! Crr rl 1957 PLYIIOUTH CUSTOffI WAGON, Hrd Spocia! Cerc for t95/. RAmELER CUSTOilI WAGON, Economy Plur rt only ll s895 $595 1957 RENAULT SEDAN, Economy DtLuxo for ts.5 0therc froil S75.(l up BLAKE'S SATES CENTER McHonry, lllinoir Routo 120 OPEN EVENINGS E EV 5.3tm TILL 9 _ SUNOAY MORNING