SEMI.MONTHLY PICTORIAL NEWSLL I i tlt This Coupon Good for FREE DRINK with EASTER DINNER ai CHAPEL HILL COUNTRY CLUB Bring Coupon Faid On All Safug3 DGDGits MclttsiRY JAYCEdS SEC0},ll YOUTH BOWLIIIG BANQIIET. Advance notice of the date on. for participants in the second lLicllenry Jaycees Y outh Bowling Tcurnament will be he1d, was given this week, in order to ailow the parents of the young oorvlers s'.fficient ti me to p lan on The banquet will be held Sunoay, Apr1l 9, at j P,M. in tiie American l,egion 11a11. Trophy and speaial awards presentations rvil-I oe made at this time Cther featureg plarrned ior the program inc-Lude a noted. guest speak.el plus other special enterwhich the banquet tainment. tlcHenry $tate Bank SGHENRY, lLLliSOts Soning Sincr lS{ trmbrr cl F.D.!.C. aiien ?tarrta PLAN SPRING PLANTING FRESH STOCK &r funa#l& ?ltcVur,ry ?haal fi . W: CROUCH, Prop. PHONE EV. 5.(N04 Slore and Greenhourer, Mile South of McHenry on lllinoir Route 3l @