IAT.NEWSLETTER TUCNNVAI' JAYCEUS SPONSOR OOOKINC DH{ON+ 'SttUftOU. th6me of thG icooking d.emongtretion Bpoacorcd by thc McHcnry Jeyoces on Mny 2. The tlcnonstretion riI1 be hcld in thc V.F.f,. Hall, at izJO P.M., and the 'rPlsln end i.anoyfl rill bc thc public is cordielly invited to attend. Mrg. Jearr Cooney and Mrss Judy Ingrrerisen, home service advlso rs for Norther:r Illi.noi.s Gas Co., w'ilI co:tCuct the cookI ing Cgl]lonstr3,'l;i (1r1. ' Colorful, eaoy to preparc foods w'iII T,llAIf,A"IC NEW ltrA,s NAT'GE BY Astouishingly Difereurt! BriIEa!*, d*tetg aew or.nameutal etresd Coovenience-tewl, extsal capacity ovens. Soft Suoses@Dtb Ustiogt Dramatically Beauffi{! So reu6so different, eo dramatically exciting, ifs tho instad focal point ofaoy kitcheol Superbly hcticatr OnIy {0, wicle. AII cooking done iu the onfort-zone, No uore seoopf,ng oE bduding. Eye-level ba&ing aail broitiqgt pernit at a.glanm e4emlEim. Carey Appliance, lnc. orE TOI'AY Itg S. Green St. Mcllenty, Ill. EV Phone: 5-5500