elcToRlAL.NEWSLtrrtR IYffi PROgI,A$IIED May 7 througb. llay 1l has been proclai-med Nationel Hospital Week to focus attention on the partnership between 'the hospital and tbe people it serveg. In ad.dition to .provid.ing eround-tbeclock patient carc, hospitals stand ready to help meet an;r comrnunity &isaster, Hosprtals also educete hearttt persorrnel ar:.o the;- corrduct reseaxch in an effort to constantly amprove their NATIONAT EOSPITAI Budd.ies were pallbearers. An iionor Guard fro& .P..eerican Legion Post 491 stood at attention at the George R. Justen & Son Funeral Homeo rf otnrfl tr m mil E llm m$ ouilsn8 i{cHenry -}iospital lnrrtes the comnunrty to fearra bow rt rs served. by thc hosp1tal a nd hor the comrmrnity may serrrc l,ihws 0l'YmarS-'iS 03 'I/ORLD WAn i '.t'be regular nonthly meetin4 gervicag. the hospital. ji*eiIenry =arrac<s of' the Yeterans of 'florld ,Tar I of the P. BOI.GTR Thursd.ay evening, iiay 4, 7961 at B P.M, at the Arnerican Legion Home. Tbe r.tist:ict ]ieeting, for which we are to be hosts, w.ili be held at the American J,egion i:cue, iiay 28, L)51 at 2 P.?o{. this p&eetlng w-i1l be the election of }istrict lOfficers ana we are very much interested. ]in nomirating anc eleeting several of I oi the U.S,A. was he1d. on ry* EV. 5,-15[0 llcllort CUSTOM TV lour close -s,:<iaies to office. I As uslr..I we wil} have a very fine dinrner gerved by the Legion Auxiliary and. prepared. urder the d.i-rect guidance of T0Ptcs sltl- polrgv }IU$BAND AI{D G}IILDRGII FINDER Auxiiiaries of the listrict riII also holo. t b,eir neeting at this time. MAKE YOU't PLti-,S ]'10;i, fJ ATTE'ID THIS MffiI{[he ING AliD B.I.E.iG IT{E LADY OI' YOUH CEOICT]. Pagt Comnanoers pins were given to &rdd.;Les Hanford and Gruenfeld and. members -Eu&ciies present. Budriy Tom $rraes passed away Thursday, our Comman,ter. :. Iapel pins were given to all of the April 20, soon a fter he returrred home from i{ines iiospital. .P-bout }0 o1' our Buddies atterrl-red the wake, and other. that is attached to liv-estock, and periodically' transmits a beep sound to the receiver in the f armer's dwelling, letting him know where his, herds are. Tluo idea ought to go well in the vast plains and valleys of .our western states. ' .Iust about the tirne.iwe think that electronic gadgets inventing has slqwed down, out comes anothq idea. This one is an clectronic 'gizmo' Gircle Bafter Shop RAY PLUGtN3fl, Sutch Prdrlrr you could use it as a husband and children finder. Just think of the possibilities; yOu couldsneak it in the lining of a coat, and keep a pretty good check on a person's meanderings. We'll include this 'gizmo' in Our line with television, radio, hi'fi and so on. Phory EV ,U3757 for proppt and guaranteed serviceF. Maybe we'll stock this item at CI|STOM TV. nr. 120 lA Dlct E.d - Crr Cut - FLc ToP d !r*r; 3413 cusrom W. Elm Street w MiHepry, lllinois