EICTORIAL.NEWTLETTTR iiATIVITY .LuTtldrLAi'i CI1UIIC,TI lidWs Rev. George tlhrich - Supply Pastor Worship Servicesl B:O0 a:io 11:0O A.M. Sunday School - 9tL) arid 11:0O A.1'{. Tbe mornir messae will oe rleh-vered by the Rev. G.eorge Ehrich, our Supp1y A}YO][E fI\TT]']ESTED ]N TEACtifi'IG YACATION CTlU,tr.iIi SC,HOOI, TTIIS YflAfi? Pastor. THOffIAS P. BO1GTT THC lrcHCXIY DilrGl$ feifrf Phorlr EU. 54500 $m.00Becm!&0tLr5 Ir SbEt Yrn.Errd Or l% O! E rEh 8Ntlgp lmlr S The arurual Vaoation Cburch School will be held this year, the first two weeks in Augustr md teachers are aeeded. bad1y. Anyone interested in teachirr or ec3tarialr or as a helper for Yacation Chr:rch Scbobl, please contact iirs. I'.{argaret Rose, lTonder Lare 70i], evenings. If you feel you are - not treined to teach, traiair:g Classes rrill be beld. for aJryorre wishing' to p articipate. IlOiY Millionr of Amcricans Srp. l)hrieh, our SuPPIY ?astor, will a&ninister Holy Com.nrwrioa i-n observarrce of the season cf Trinity' All members are encouraed- to atter:d iil?il COMji{LII\ION 113 BE ,iSriI'ilS?ERFD Ag Hev. George The';ilILSilIP SEiIYICES MAY 28 7l Billiom of Dollars le tad trylrrr l^rdellc either Commuaion Service. cll0f ;t lilli iiA,itsALS Senior Choir - 1'hursday ever:-inge 7 z3O rTwrior Choir - Saturday mornings ]0:@ SAVIIfiS AYAITABI.IIV YOUR SAVINGS havc always becn ACCESSIBLE . . . . IVITHDRAWABLE AT ONCE upon your roquest. (I)xla\tfsst tlot'lllt t}.lt | .r . I >r. - rUfns t }r. C|rri At D.,, fofdrgr Subscrihe Now T}iE VE-IEI{ANS OI' VJORLD ,liAR I, U.S.A. I INC., iiiltll'IllY Ult(}E ALL I,VOR.L0 WAl' MTEITANS '1'O JOIN A.}iD SUPITITT THI.;IR IOCA.L }tARitA.XS. t tr fiurmrnruE OUNffiTOTBIffi 36Il W. Elm Street - '?IAYIIE W *ztf,a ll.: Urrlrrl tG.]2nr Lll-rt . ED lllD..-'OlYl3 OOAD 37ll W. Maple Avrnuo ltlgHrnty, lltlnoir. rr:: r,lc:lv - tlrxrtE 761AGE UM nmBsol TIEE SErmCr rErcYAt