pillow hofd.ir6 our Ladyr e cro]f,rrr Actirg as flower girls and holdirg the strearners from the pitlow were I'/rarlr Schaefer, Gail Checchin, Cynthia Casey a.nd Patricia .lauscher. As the smaller children of the gchool took their places 1n ttre pers, the sixtht seventh and eighth grad.e formed a living rosaxy arorrrr$ the church. Eighth grsda altar boys held a place of honor fo:ruing the cross. They were Michael Conway, John Cusack, Jim Thennes, Albert Casey, John Schaber, Richard Foss, A1 Miller !'ollowing tbe rosary and. crownj-ng, the child.ren recited. together an act of Consecration. Father Coakley spoke about the beauty of the day, palin tribute to all mothers both livlag and d.ead. He closed the servlce with Bened.iction of the 3lessed Saora,nent asg.isted by the and Tom McCo:mack. arrd Christine Altmanf |enrqr camied. the IOCAT CITTZM{S CONFI]R 1F.TTTII }IIXON I{clIenry Cor:nty Central Committee altar boys. Subecribc Nor Chairman, 'r0huck, It{iller aod. Wes Priblr Publicity Chainnan for the Committee, had. a conference and breakfast with former Vice President llixon Saturclay mor:ring at the Pick-Congress llotel in Chicago. ii{i}Ier and Pribla were presented to I,1r. l'lixon by James C. Worbhy, head of the Republi.can Citizens LeaSie of fllinolg. They proffered an invitation to hin to be the guest of honor at the Third. Arrrual GoIf arrd tr\rn Day to be held. at the llcElenrXr Country CIub in August, ttre exoct d.ate of which is at present rudecid.ed.. L-lr. Ilixon assut'ed tbem be nould try to accept the invitation. Among other guests present were Yictor Smith, State Repubiican Central Comrnittee head, IIrs. C. :;:ayland. Brooks and Jases Kenper, Illinois Nationa,l Sonmrj-tteeman and Connitteewomanr Francis X. Conrrell, Cook Cou$ty itepubliean Sentral Committee Chai:manr State Senetor Arthur 3idwe11, and. Secretary of State Charles Carpentier. ! 70a Tdie Prda{a . " . ln Gur Decorofed Cokes for All Occosions vrsrT otrR DELIGATESSET SHOP NEXT TO THE BAXERY Quality Bakery Goods REYMAI{N,S BAKERY LAKELAND PARK 120 and Meadow Lane, th Mile West of McHenry Route EVergreen 5.302I Homc tlade Candies Hours: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily, Except Sunday 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.