PICTORIAL.NEWsLETTIR rhe annual Sprin3 run of the rllinois Region of ti:e .l.ntique Automobile Club of tunerica hela i,iay I!, 20 end 21, 795L. lbe cars toured. the iiicHenry and Crystal Lake area arid resided at th. i{ici;ory ilanor i:otel in Urystaf l,ake for the ] da;,'s. JJ ears perticipateC" Car owners are r'rom aI] walks of Iife end are very proud of rhe cars they have to show. irost of tiie men have done the largest part of tlre restoration themselves. 0n1y when tire;; ;et a job thel are unable to harrii.le do they job out any of the work, anC then only to a capable lr&rlo Sone of tirese oars have ta.r:en as much as four years to restore. All restoration has to be'as near original as is possible. fhese cars ca.n:e fron as far .as Davenport, Iora ( by trailer) and ilendota, iI1:nois (Criven). I,^I'DIES .:;E]-l\fliI"!{G r,'..O}if 0OV1R. This event was rtDEnsot InEE srnulcr TErcYAL ruTTTflTG 3I'IGCIY 'TEE FltCprcE- uoo s?lAYl]aG tL: Urr*cf fE ]2t; ndmef .V l2:t - a ED lElD.+ OfYl3 ooAD 37lI W. Maple Avcnuo McHonry, lllinoir . EU Y:lx*rc Wogpil lccPn, S0odon omd Tndtl lliclr P. Uh Scnim 926 N. Froni tilGr, 0unol lll lalm ol hhiclcs McHenry, lllinois Hone j.n ir:cler:ry, at L2:J0 F.lI. Tickets nay be purchased. frorn nemoers, none w-ill ladies of the Lake, worleiirs orgariization or' tne Yillage o f lic0ullcm iake, are planr.ir.g a style show to be held Tuesciay, Jvne ?7, at the Arnerican iegion Tbe OI LAK:] '1O HO],D sTYI,U SHOW Phone EY. 5{1403 Street be sold at the door. 'Iicrets incluae luncbeon, and local irodels wj.ll show fas]:lons fro;:, .ii.verside rtetair Outlet. Thank God You Are Livins ln the United States 3% Paid On AII Sauings Dcposits lbf,l f.d rr.ct rotDG.tdc v *i.ffi.' (xclqo-s LOUiSe'S S|1aCk ShOn r33s N. Riverside . -. ..-:::2, _, McHenry State Bank ilGHENRY, tLLtNOtS Srrring Sincr Xrmbor cl t906 F.D.|.C.