- __:::_ PICTORIAL.NEWsLETTTR bouquet l,iountains tbe ]','icilenry Cor:ntry C1ub, the couple Ieft for a honeYmoon in t he ?ocono eft", roses and liIy of the valley' an afte-rnoon reception held at sf in Perrnsylvarria. i CIflcLI ?4.HOUfi ORILL ai I P'm' Route 120, I Block East of Bridge Except SundaYs, Closed ,ro*Il-r*, HOAAE BAKED HAM SANDWICHES EGGS AT ALL HOURS Ivlii.. jjiilj Kaeprowicz on Saturday, June l0' cerenor\y took place at double.rirg the i,iarj'ts Church, Ivlci{en:r'y, in St. otclock I1 3aumhaufer officiariev" the -L'ather nith daughter of i';[r' is the brioe The ting. Ii'ranh E. KAC,Pii!f,'$ICZ' i,iiss Iiorue .ialzie1 becarne the bride of i::i.lS. ERAiK GUSTOffi TU TOPIGS -i. 0n Telephone tlialing BY Ed. Vestgard ,r and. idrs. ll,bert A. ,Dalziel cf lngleside, and. the groom is the sone of li'":rs' Ray Jei{itt of .licJei:ry and ]'ir. ii'ranir. J. Kacprouicz of C,,icago. },liss Dalziel wore a floor length gown of white organz& over taffeta. She carrj-ed a crescent shaped The future holds some wonderful ideas in to operate different home appliances by just dialing a phone while you're away. the field of electronics. You'll be able I We Are MOUING luNE 25th 1/z BlockEast on South Side of Rouie I20 public phone and electronics take over. By the time you get home, comfortable air conditioned rooms await you. weather gets unbearably hot. Before returning home, you dial specific code numbers o{I any For example; you're shopping and the Gircle Barter ShoP RAY PLUCINSKI, Butch There has been some orrtstanding improvein television servicing routine, too, and by simply dialing EV 5-3757, it will start a modern organization like CUSTOM TV into action. Our new servicing and maintenance equipment does the job quicker and . most accurately. And it costs no more, often legs because the job is done right the first time. ments . PrFilr GUSTOT 3413 W llliHepry. lllinoir .- Crrr Cur Fbf TcP - W. Elm Street