suBscilP'r80N ruANK SI'BSCRLPIIoX 10 cm PIClOru&-rEmL eET[Ee IS 8?"m P]:& IEAR OR *r.-tr, m& 6 mHBs, aPBRffi$ P.0* mx' 5?r U6EE[flf, II,LtrrcIS" .. S0" c r . a - ftAllE. o reX gITil.. UAKE t. ".. " n "'t' o t$EtIBt " " c o" " " g6g OR MS T O8DE8 P&YABIA "" M gt',B,I ffiBfiS. j . . , . . o&o' ' t ' t o' t t t l t t ' ot ' t ' ' r o.... o"SUIE S0t G' cc"" """ NETST,ETTER &t sff(}ffi Ytf TOPIGS BAY UELES{$CY SUPENOEFTBOF{ i 88AM 8IBO8A (nrGEE) AI,ID JOEr mrgE (r,ffir) RE]EREES I'OR TEE II,ITNOIS SIATE BO)CING COMMISSION" TMO}IG rEE MA}IY ETGETS N5. gT FSANK SIKORA AXE: HEAYYIYETGHIS NOCKY MARCITNO VS. JOE W'IIOOTE AI{D }[IDDI,E. WEIGHfS J,I'KE LA UOTTA VS. SUGAR RAY ROBINSON. JOEY WIITIE Rff'EBMD FOR GUSE Fffir;mR vs. TIGER JoliES, ANr\ JoE BROWN VS. JOEY Ir.PEz. FEREHD bro4dcasting messages an6;pi\tures to a persons inner consciousness, 'bypassirig the-eye, ear and Scientists are predicting-thcpossibility uf other sensery. nerves. Now, this might seem 'way out' 'to rnost folks, but it is 'already possible to stimulate the brain by electromagnetics without touching the human irody. It-is just a rnatter of learning how to control the. magnetie fieLd for human reception. So, if you think you're bombasted by advertising now, can you imagine what it will-be like .with-superception transmission? And, if you're aware that this unusual news is. a lead-in to a CUSTOM TV announcement of their fine TV have. bee1 ,"4 "1""tronic services, than you guaranteed too. Phone eV 5'3757 for stallnent of real estete tax i*g tr"rid'ay, Sept. 1. A peaelty is chergcd' after then' DEA}I,INEffi CONDIN- tccpr, Stodori Wegons omd Trucltr ffi '!!;!:x*;rc llick P. lliller, Hc Scnicc Owner "b"eptlrn", satisfaction. tll lalcs of Ueliicles GUSTON 3413 W. Elm W ' miHcpry, ltlinoir Phone EY. 926 N. Front ilr403 McHenry, lllinois Strcct Slreet