PI CT() BI A [-N[ AUSUST }f S T ITTA R 5, SUIIBER 25 l0 (ents Per Copy 1A' L96t - VOI,UME FAIR AND IAAPARTIAT NEWS OF THE COMAAUNITIES maryr. ed.venccd First Aid Courses. i{is hoae ad.dress ia 5BO4 Ycst Hi}}streelr, iri*He:ery* At otl orga,nizr.tionai meeting held" August 21, tbc following. incrl trere eppoi:rted es assigtant dj.rcctors: Glclrn Pctersoa, Rry heg d.irected Guzzardo, .lcrry Kauli< nnd. Georgc Rodenkirch, COUMtTIffIY IIETEODISI CEmffi OF ltcHE[IRY fi) HOID RlNffiAGE SALE tha Cer:rnunity licthodiet Churoh of HeEcl:r3r wlIl hold. I :lrmnrgc salo on trridey nrud. S*turd.ny, Scptcubcr I axrd 2, *.t &:g$.ahlra Bs,::rx, 5OB If" Srccm Straet" - 9 A.M. ts 9 F.H. "& *3:*c* Scure are f3"om 1*1 feattur* *n $*tu:rd.*y v'i3"1 be er; sq*e* ti*n tc be hel"d rt 1s30 P"h$, I,ax5*r such a,* fu::rdture, eppl*.**:#e,**, t*hs. l**mx, w:i"l 'b* sron** f*r th.is. "&xy de**-t5.*:im w:-i he tasl, ftreicoge a^ud ea:: 're ',:"or:-e : I t* the el:i:.rah ** ar:y ti.me" 'i ;Joffi ffi.ttr, ffiay's ffiarhsr NEWLr AppOrArlED DlltECToR 0F $$mwP 110 Hr, Ciril ItreEcnrSr Tornship X'ire Protcction District_and. Secretary d Conpeqlr 1. Hc Defense by trflayor Donald ]oberty. Shey 1e en eotive member of thc lYr Elocke Errt on $outh $idt of Rautl tritrrfef.-!;a;&!-Hlg InE tErEEffi IXIE Of THC TNPLE.DEGI(ER IIATBIIRGER TAFEUS morGl ond Drivc-ln -Diner Hightry tf .Dd Gar-v- Road Atloquia. Illinois