McHerrrY, was obosen Miss Ioung Dr--mocrat rnd. recoived. her troptgr at the UtrS Bel} in McHer:rX1 oa August 21. Sbe is e serrior e,t.bicHenrSr Street, &I n, I we 16-24-rr. She will enter the County contest to be beld at X'ox, River Grove oa SePtember 1?. The s'inner of that cash a,nd. e. iropbY. b{iss Szczupak w*,s introtlueed 1! the Democratic stYle show held' on eununity EiSh.School, is 5t )tr t411, and bcr measurcmentg oontest will receive $100 irr e I,TODtr,S August 2!. t. f0 R.: CA-ROLY}T HOEFI{AN, JAIIE 'flEtSS, CATEI mtOER, CAnOt BoI.GER, MAruCT,AXE tDlIvlS fND CAR0I m0l[qT. AT DIIIOCruIIC WOMEqIS STl].,8 SIIOW All Your Cu$om Uphohtcring UISS and &ristine TOUNG NM,IOCNAE CHOSEN. Mrs. Ctrestcr Szczupak, 712 Centcr Szczupek, If , drugbter of Mr. PARLOB momffitrmilm6 0m DNET"E DININC Roil _ !OA? ATO TRUCT AUTO FINANCING AVAILABLE It$ a0tIIlEn3 tlrin Strrcl c$rrs Rlngrood, lllinoir Phono: Wondor Lrkc 360l end EV $3458 uPllotSTERlllG SlloP Geo. R, Iusten & Son Funeral Home Ambulance EU 5-2400 RESCUE BREATHING EQUIPMENT 3519 W. Elm Street "Across from the Bank" Phone EV 5-24G0 Two-Way Radio Dispatched I