free of, oharge, q'rd. flGe eaml.val rlaea r11I be avallable fcr t.he chllLr6. l&crc r11I bs tanciag f,or tle teer-aapr. ritl e rEll-kurra bssa f,uniilltnt tle nrllor sal e LiSLI*Lt ef tle day rill be tlc beanty ccntest rhea Iiu.Iotrn3 Deroorat rlII bc Xany aotebleg fren Spr{.ugfiel{ riII bc ia attenl,aaee anl. tlere rill bg featrner releetel. clftcLt l..tl0tlfi Frqfr Bflfr!Sunaryr, Chs.d et 0RtLt p.m. I of latereet te Ter1rotr Adrirsirn it free ari evezyone ls reloora. nED Cioss mflE l&. I Bbd( EEr of Bridgo lnerloan Bel Cxocg Firat A1{ Clasc rl11 staxt Euesday, Septenber L2r'at the floodstodr Eiel Soboo} la tle eaf,eteia at 7 zi0 P.I. tbrougL tLe oeurteay d tlc leca1 School Boert' ef Boolsteck. Gcorigp Xeyem, the Vioe-Chaiman of tLe }{e$errlr Couty 8,ed OroeE Firct itia ri1l be tle a night, 0n 0otober 24t Jobn BEchnenl Jr. 8f Ee.:cverd., the Corraty Claimsll for Elret Atd will start a clast at tbe ALdelr Tuesday eveaing trbERS IffiE BAKES *iAT SANDWICHES E6CS AT At-L ltot RS SHONT i- P*THOI{IIE U[IA AO{TRII$Tfi$ iaetnrcter. lllie oleac t111 reet ere5r for five reeks, 2 Loun TAITCD}EY Reoreation nooea and rt1l aecept atterelance fron t&e sumound.:irg torms, t claEc rllL be held. et the Ctyetal Lake Eigh School g,bout the mid.d.le of tlre month,. Bine ril} be a:rnouaeed. Iater. John Say of McEenry vill lnctmst a class the l,aet of Septenber at the Fire Station there. Merle Bansen of Seuder iake mill instrlrct at ,fionder ],eke agaia. J* R. tmfEitr#E COffiFAHY ldo ilfdkf,Elltlnb fficf;frlhq EY - EEIIffi.tilC GEiTffiAT. G@}ITEACEOE gSlB $pring Road t{lal Geo, R" Iusten & Som Funeral Home Ambulance EU %-2400 RESGUE BREATHII{G EQUIPMENT 35I9 W. Elm Street "Across from the Bank" Phone EV 5-2400 Two-Way Radio Dispatched