alread.y One Mi]lion Dollar quota has been aisigned to the Texas d'i-saster of Huricane Carla. Oleoks maY be naie for thlr PurPose and nalle4 {ireotly to tbe'itoodetooL offloe of the American R.ed' Crosg znd' they i.n turn nilL be fonrar"dedl, rith reoognitioo to tbe toEenry County Chap- Ray's Barber ShoP l7z Blocks Ea:t on South Side of Route 120 tAY ?Lt Clll3f!, frcertrrr FL0 TcP Ctrr Crf 8u0dr Anerican B.eil Cr^ogs, states James Seraert Corrnty Ch.aiman for Disaster Prepared'ness 1:r }[cEeartr' CcrratY. ter, to }latior:e1 Disaster Pund of tJoe - - HAIR STYTIST OF EXPERIEI{CE Ets'lIalE 3-5Sa! $lereno O. Jorrt 8y"P*erre T}IE LITTLE WTTGH SHOP FIINE'WATGH REPAITE Hdffiai{e ew"ug CIRCTE MUILDIhIG R.cute i2$-l/zBNoek E*bi '*{ Sl.i*qe Sa{*oa E,iv s-{istsfr Cmcr.c Buf,.Dnae RourE l2O Elsr -Jusr aStGrrHGtrlGaF' 'MGHE RY. Itrtlrlota sANo Atio iineVeu CHANNEL VIEW RANCI{ 722' AARNARO MILL ROAD BLACK DIFY We h"ve FOt HllE WONDER LAKE, ILLINOIS CALL VYONOER LAKE ?O93 PONIES AND of Adto trneurance and welcome the chance tc, helP you ehoose the Policy that Best Fite Yoo* Nu*d.e" "ll thu Yario$d types HORSE6 SADDLE HOTSES ffIfiILf, T4-llilUft Except Sundays, Closed R.oule $ft!LL at I P.m. 120, I Btock East of Bridge EARL R. WAISH IilSURAitCE AGENCY 3429 W. Elm Street McHenrY, SHORT ORDERS HOME BAKED HAM SANDWICHES EGGS lllinoil AT ALL HOURS EY. ilp43