rotbcr{r. ?ersorel acknorleCgemeat ri}l be sent aa soorx as possible. Arthur )J. Stuhlfeier, publisher P i ctorial-Nersle!tr:l_* NATIVITY LUTT{ERAN fiiUNCg OtrI WONDER T,AIG: Rev. [. L. Thuronel, Pastor lllorship Serrices: B:00 a.nd fl100 A.M. Sunday Schoolr 9tL5 and. ]L:OO A.M. EoIy Couimunion: lst Sunday of tbe nontb * Senior Choir - Thursday at 7:rO Junlor Choir - Saturday at 10 A.[t. Cbenrb Choir - Saturday at 11 A.!d. A special servioe riII be held Ebanksgiving Day at 9:1L, A.ld. Luther league droir Rebearsals: rill meet $und.ay, Novenber 25 at 7 zfr to 'rWomen of the Churohr riII hold their quarterly meeting Wednesday noraing at 9:10 P.M. 9210. All Your Curlom Upholrtcring for a apeeCgr r'ecovery to uly friends ltl Hs'nrnersteinr Sr., aJld. Morrls Gladstone wlro cane to the hospite} early in ny s*ay there and hope that they are progressi"ag satisfaetorily, and aJ"so hope tha'& &ft". H. larrj"d,eon 1s bope good. I PAR!.OR : - DlHll'16 RodA DINEfiE AUTO _ TRUCK AHD BOAT FINANCING AVAILABI.E &rp$$@g"sTEmfl raeovering from his aoeident. &E{ET'$ Afiein Rimgwood, lllinoic S?rea? Fhoner: Wondor Lake 36(ll and EV 5{458 HG SffiSP nr warnr ffi ffiun il0nx E SI'R S[$T ru}HMIHHE $ubscrib@ Now TRE SURGERY _ P8-ANTING _ REATOVAL FIREPI-ACE WOOE SPRAYING Fh": Wood*rock FE &2598; frlcHcnry EV 5-ZSl5 &HDEMS&ru TMES SERYICE - Let Us Roost Your Fowl for Thonksgiving BRING BIRD IN ALL READY FOR OVEN THE DAY BEFORE MUST BE PlCKED UP BY A.M. THANKSGIVING MORNING Open Sundays 7 a.m. to 37ll W. Maple Avenue ED REID.^ ORVIS GOAD ft{cHenry, lllinoir II Jecpa, Sto$oil UYogone Y!:{:x,*tr Et l2 p.m. McHENRY I238 N. GREEN tid{ P. ffii[hr, 0wner #a Scnica f;ll ilakes of yehicles Phome EY. m4O3 Front Slreet Mc He n ry, PETENSON Itt