See... JACK BENNY .ir 8olloriag tbe trcnd of hoapitel bcnsfltc XcHenry Eoepital ls opousorlng a $25 I plate d,inner to be hell Novenber 25rL96L tJre Vt}la lrBcter CarT, Illlnois. Prooeeds of thls beneflt 1111 ba usel to ereot a portioo to protrot tbe entranoe and. lobby fron anor, reln and tbc oo1l. lnn Yarese, Chalrnan, bao arrangcl' for unusual entertelnnEntt Del Rqyrna3lola,n bas Dede a number of Btg Time f\I sPpearanceE, lncludi'rg Et Sulliva.rcta Ioast of, IIcEEIIRI EOSPIIrI, [0 BOLD BE{EEII at Sundoys CBS - TV ond Me ROBERT J. CONWAY the Tgrn. Ray'l assistsnt le a delltbtful pinda bear rho ia eeemlngly aa glftel e nagloian as his bose. lnother rell-hrorn artist, Maolluray, rho oalls binEelf a nentalist, d.oer comio audienoE partlctpation. Wo Crrry 3315 W. Elm Strcci McHENRY, ILLINOIS r Full Linr of COUGH SYRUPS .. COLD TABLETS Statc Ferm Mutucl Auto lnlurrncc STATE FARM INSURANCE CO,TAPANIES Homc Office, Bloomington, lllinoir VITAMINS BR0Wil'S i{EWS and SUilDRtES (Formcrly Wrttlcr Drug) Tfa"r6At&rc,4? ct S/.caal . . X-) fl" r," X i8 &F- t Si,* r Bs#&{c# E --rydF " Fruit Gake Apple Pies t* r Igglgtg!4-- -re rfl fe Fruit Stollen Minced Pies t: $y tr tr ffi ei Pumpkin Pies k'r*:*' i g' Suality Bakerr REYffiAH[T'S BAE{ERY LAXELAND PART R.outr l2O rnd Motdow Lrno, rA llilo Wort of tcHrnry EVorgroon 5-Inl [Gome ffiade Candies Hourr: 6'..m. to 9 p.m. Dtily, Ercopt Clopd Hondr Sundry 6 r.m. to 6 p.m.