I ? in ,:rde r" tr, c* i,hi s r;e ruiri rr i*ls *uffi* cjtlat furr<;s" ?tra !:'rrrss* *La*a:":*:a 1x io*qt*rri i:: 1,he .'ortl, ic!:r:e.1. *t *ryiilx? L*.ka. Thiu r*{,m hqs et.*:i l}3 t;r**t,ed n*n-*kici fi*c:'s r r&'1p$ 1*ading t* th* out d*ors, eo thet tho yrrunil*1-,*rs c*rr fs*] a littie b:t ir"ldelrrrr**nt- 'ih* *lr*11 vistial cf Co::ei,:rr1 l'alr;1.".i.e n*'L l,*,!ix':rJ )r*po. liueh car, i:e den* f*r tir*n, L.u I i t takos r1ons3 to dc ',n.ithing, i,irs" i,ti] l.*r &$nouncei that thc l,lc herrry feirl;rt3: *h*.i. l"* rren ara llrg. Holer:c Hrrtlt *r:{x &1r8, **i*y Smith of i:e heri.-'.'. Chairr,sn &rc ri*e ri*il for ever3r City & Yr)1ti:.e t}:r*uqh *ut t.hrr COUnty, to or6'lni ze teErrng *f tc.l"u::to*r"* teho wil.:. gi,re ihcir tim* tc", tl:r enri thnl the n5S liinutc i.iarchtt f*r Ccrcbral !.a1s;,, ghrll bG r succele. to sponrheed tho Criv* Ohi.i*tnas lraa Fostore wil.l be alqced in xany huslr,eer houscs. ihcse treee sra ern&:nent*d with pockats holding coins ef :iany *ize6. When theso treee ara conf,}*trly ele**rattd they uil} hold a little over $2$,*0" l{antt you please help ta dccorato thrsa trecr, that can ic sa mu*h for s* fio,r.yr Pcrhaps sone of thc loeal clrbe xor.rld likr tc uso their sunshina f*llrJ tc; d*s*;:* &o**'t #**#ry* &* AUTO STORE Bike Parts and Toolr Aulo Parls and Suppliet EV 5'/t026 River:ide Drive I3E0 N. McHENRY. ILLINOIS ffixru*ilasas* d .,," MA${}NRY $rsri ft" tfrvtrsQur cc. {}f;}'JH}{AL CONTKACTORS Phane McHenrY EV I Spring Roud McCullom L-ake PRIVE CIEEFUL NN\'\'1',', \\\.""' $",\ . -\\, ; ' s .'--i X/ \' ,1 ." ,$"-);.' .i*' ]:,f, .c& |q I Yurpg ft*r,rs 5ps,rt fnrniilr {iri&i} **d friendr " . . cheerg . v".' Z, '/2,., /,/ gr*eiirrgs exch*nged . . 7f, /t Carey ApPllonce, lne' EV 5-5500 1r41 1'1. tinres onr{ rf laughter cnd sorg, of quict hcppinerr CAI:E]'{ l,{c}:{1i$*."f &e rrog all fhere ond rflony o{her iogr ol ihe searon loursi lhat's our heartill I holidog wish for v,ou.