vrh,ich rvas dispensed.. jrhs. 01sm etatod. t'if one fauE1y with a heart disoaso victirn rras ai,cled, the oause has sor:ved its purpose.* Tmprossod with i,icliorryl8 racord in tlre trnst, llrs. Edrriu Eolls, trresid.eart ative literaturo lyrng districts. This amorm.t represoats about three times the total talLied for last year. In ad.ditlou to tho funds rnad.e availab1e for research, the two lycmen were overjoyod at tho great amorlrb of inform- IllomAs P. BotGtR THE tlcHENnY DIUGGIS Ptopc EV. 54500 ilcllcnry of the f llinois iieart Asstn. visited, City IiaI1 on Sr.rlday aight when the drive onded, to extend. her congratulat- A]{DERSOI{ TREE SERYICE PLANTING _'REMOYAL TREE SURGERY FIREPLACE WOOD _ SPRAYING Pt.: Woodrtock FE &259t,' ltcHonry EV S2576 i ong. &lrs. 01sen, Iirs. Ciua and the multitndo of rlonqi vrho'irorked with thsm were cotm.ended. br= aayor Don Doherty for their spectacular feat. 37ll ED REID - ORVIS @AD lllinoir McHonry, W. Maple Avcnur IET US FIY FR&MPMY A 6$ FE,EXO CKYSTAI TI{ I}I r83$K TAFSL OF ?OFELIS REI.AXTSG OYER ]I$OTEL ATID DRTVE Richrrd O. Joncr Building Routo 120 Ert ^Circlc "Juil Erl of tho Brldgr" -, EVorgroon t5s6l ilcHENRY, ILLINOIS . E LITTLE rtffATtrH SMEP FINE WATCH REPAIR . A C{IP OF COFF,IE. rilE ,Of THE I$PLE.DEGI(ER IIATBURGER TAFEL'S l{ohl ond Drivc-ln -Diner Highrey 3f .Dd Garr- Road AltooquiD. Ilhnors