whso ru3ds. schools from','Ioodstook grad.uating Since in 19h0, she has beem employed' in the office - tire past 1j years in tho appoin- it involves the pubLj.o8s ted calncity as doputy,treasurer. The Quality of Our Work ls Our Best Advertising During tlrls tl-ne, t;ne llulnDer ur !,tuPre and businesses oa cor.uty tex rolis has quadrupled. i"oney charged to the resPonsibility of tho office is at record lene1s - $1Or781 ,LTZ tn. collectors mor'ey anci $1rdt2r589 in troadr.:rerts moaey. iirs. l'{algenbach has had an influatial voloe in neny dectslons involviug mod'er::r bookkeeping, acoorxrling and bueinoss machine efficiencies to keep traek of those fizrds fn ,0 differat accouots. Ihe record. of tax aollections has kept llaeo rith the grming populatisa. Iast lear the of*Lto had a record ot )&l ON REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS with Dividends credited Semi'Annually ft[ FerAnnum collestlon of alL rea.l eetate taxes and' @, of persmal ProPrtY tarEes. But .o.udroy has a clallege - the goal to better tH.s spleadld' reoord'. She lnini;s out that the p,ersoaal properby tax, partlcuLarly, ls inPortaut to schooL district bud'gets, a:ed frequeartly ls the differece betrean some schools operatLag at a d.eficit. So loag ae tho of*Loo is charged wlth the respo'asibilitX of oolLecting taxee lernleC b3r Iaw, Ifrs. tTel.6abach believes th taxee should be eoLl.ected, frm all who are IlabIe. ON INVESTIAENT ACCOUNTS OF SI,@O OR MORE with Divide nd Chec.l<r s mailed Semi.Anrwclly **t*rApnum Get the Package Deal HOMEOWTTIERS lnvestmeni Savings Plan. Thir currenlly e!r.n! ! 4Vto/o Annva! Dividend, paid by check remi-annuelly. A Bonur ol r/to/" per annurn ir paid efter 4 years. ON BONUS INVESTAAENT ACCOUNTS from $300.0O to $10,000 ot morG Grn e'rn 4'/ao/c in McHenry S & L'l 4-Year Bonul f, il P0UCY It your f ire ingurance, windslorm, hail, smoke, glast TV anlenna, liability and combines theft, plus manY dther extras.. We have a policy that will include liability on way beyond the usual coYerage many boats offered. lt saves you many\dollars. Member Federal Savings and Loan Insurance SAVIilGS McHENRY LOAN ASSOCIATION AND Member Earl R. Walsh 3429 McHenry' lllinoir 36lt W. Elm Street 5'3000 EV Phone n"a"rfroilo*e Loan Bank W. Elm Street McHenry . PHONE 385-0043