I F': 3'i.M '6,I IflE .Of THE TNPLE.DEGI(EN IANBURGER TAFEUS Itorel ond Drivc-ln -Diner Highrey 3f .Dd Gaw Ro:d AEoquin, lllinors EASTER CANDIES Boskets & Eoster Animols ou the nCAXn or. Tm SICK AI{D I}IJUR.EDfl oourse belag taught by BJ{. Botty 3ooth. It should be notecl that Edts R@.tal has iloaated, the use of a hospital bed to C. D. for uee iu tbls reporte traialag, courso. Mr. Kalk aLso he Ls plaraing to start an rArYAliffi IIRST AID C0U'RSE'| in throo reeks. All th*se intereeted in thie traisilog should ssntast i.ir. KElk or Dlrector Johr Shay. ls going lrell HC lIEiRf gfnL DEFETTSE C.Af,miDAR 0F EYII{IS ADl,ltSORY C0UI{CTL - APrII L2, 1962 Advleory gomail mosting a-u 8:00 Pi,i. at fire Houso. ITo othor aotiee rill be glva. AIJXILIAS.Y P0LI6E - lst Mmday of }dmth, America$ Legion RADIOLOGI,CAJ, 8:30 P.H. GIFTS_LINENS-JEWELRY - Y{edaesdays, Eigb Sohool, Eoxoe, .7;1O ?.V.. AGATHA Gifts & Condies Formerly Candy'Box 1242 N. Green Street McHENRY lrithia the last J years, the aasror ls nolm DO lPU IIEED A FIRS? .P-TD COURSE? Aro you prepared for accid.eote or sudden tllnesses that nay strike at homo, at play, m. the higlmay or qlr tho job? Unless you hava had. a First Aid Course sroir@15. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS AUTO BIKE PARTS STORE AUTO PARTS & TOOLS qnl & SUPPLIES EV 5-4026 I33O N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY, ILLINOIS trrcrr7ffrrr,? VlqaC ?0a Reaandlle O//tn Re/M!