IteWSt-gffER: l{crs floar tctlcory Torrndrip, hcHenry County, City of -lfk'y-, -ltF::{ of i"it, wor srroli ec;h, villegc -tcculhn Perlt' Huntcwilh Higftten&, Pistakee Lif". Sunnvrftlc' of tiii;g" of Lakemoor end Vitlegc bv i"Uiitf,J every othcr Wednccdev bG in lfUl9 om LETTER PUBLISHERS- Cqv ro O' P. Addrcco detc. *."[ U"f"." publicatirn Bot 57, lllcHenry, tlliilois- Ptnrc EV 5ry16' Get the Package Dea! HOMEOWNERS -"-piha and Os-ned bY ARTHUR STUIILFEIER of,.gEA8D n. PI'BI;[C,AlfCf OFETCB VIIJ,AGE OF iNC CI'IJOX I.8'IF m.. POLICY combiner your fire innrrlnce, windrtorm, hail, rmoke, ghsr, TV rntcnna, liability and theft, plur many 6ther exlrer. ll SUBSCRIPTION BLANK SUBSCRIPTION TO TTTE PICTORIAL NBWS LETTER rS 92.00 PER YEAR OR $r-r5 rcE We heve e policy that wil! includc liebility on meny boeit w.y beyond lhc urue! coyarlge you manytdotlerr. offered. ti raver 6 MONTHS_ ApDRES.S MCHENRY. ILIINOTS. NAME - P. O- BO; 6V. Earl R. Walsh 3429 W. Elm Street ItilcHenry PHONE 385-00 BOX CITY NO.--ROUTE I{O. STAIEPUBLISTIERS. TO NEWSI/E:TTER MAKE CHECK OB }IONE'T ORDER PA,YABLA Patronize Our Advertizers JOHN BEAN WEST POINT TURTGRASS EQUIPUENT BROOI(W ITOTAIIY G MC,DEL or lt3 OEVER:' GOOOALL ROIARY POWER TOWERS Buiit with the power and durability of a tractor. An "estate" mower with stamina for commercial use by schools, churches, etc. Rotary model cuts 36 inches wide. Reei model cuts 30 inches wide, or 62 inches wide with two tra 2t-incE reel mowers. Steers Iike an automobile. Yariable forward speeds, neutral and reverse. Avoiloble with Z h.p. Kohle. cosFiron engine or o Lquson {Kohler-powered rotcry type) e6set xsr{rr t**{}x}ffiL 3&LFt {touron-powered rotory }ype} 5/z h.p. heovy-duty engine. (Kohler-powered rcel typc) (l,ouson-powered recl typc) ftH$AEE- AO3[& *x{'c!*L *Sti R. G. FIO\UE Distributing Cornpany OFFI CE PHONE 385'0825 AREA CODE 815 WAREFIOUSE . TIST GROUNDS . 7318 W. ROUTE 120 MAli lrlG ADDRESS ' BOX 487 McHENRY, ILLINOIS