SISTER M. NT6EI.E, rf DAUGETER OF }(RS. CK U. JUSIBIrt[ADE ar5r, of kootor, l&lnn. tno brothora, Eihnrd alld Leo l[oDeraott of proctor; ER&ID IOMS OFEI gIAItsD SI,AUDE FRtlqts, Ar auRona CItr .'II[E 18. Tffi BB[. .T. I,AIIE, EER PERPEIUAL VOMS IN TEE ORDB OF TEE SSE@I, SISTERS OF ST. ETSEOP OF ROCtrTCIRD, latorro't tn.the Churoh ometerlr. tno etsters, Urs. .,leaaetto Nloboletts of Superior, M1g. and. lfirs. Eazol Cloartrr of hootor. Ee was trroceded la death W lda 8@,1 CoF. l[cDerrnottr .If, in Jrne L959. Iast ittea xrere hold et St. lfaryts @tholio Churoh, Ihuraday &rly L2. rith F. VACAIIOI I i lte aaay friarile aad aelgbbors t!, t,lrc VllJ.ege of Le-kEmoor aad tbo UcEar5r area rerc ahocked alrd grter6d to Lea:r. of the utlnsly death of Claude F. t[E Darmott of lakeaoor, rho dled. lu hlr oabltr tn Se, llarals, lf{rrn. Suday iXuly Btb. Ee was Iakmoorla flrst vil.lage trrcsld.act, buslnees mBB aad oiylo tn the oomaetty tbat haal bea hlc hdnc for wsr tratty flve 5rearl. !tr. [oDamott ras bom Dcoember 5t LgB la Chippoa Fallr, [k. Surrrlvors arc hl,!, rlfe, 0merle?ct bl.r mother, t&c. r}?i lde ltoDerutt; a daughtcrr ClaLra dle- I[ USDER}iCIT DIES TIEII.E TENIrESG?A. OT mth. rAfTrIlY LUTEERAN SEURCE OF YOXDER i,AXE Rsn. Ilo L. Ilhmel, Baetor iTorehlp Scrrioesr 8:0O aud 11:AJ. Churoh Sshool: 9:1,5 aad II:00 AJ. EoIy Oomuio,s El.rat Sraeday of eash Cholr Bchsarsalcr Sator Ghotr - lhurrday et TrIO pJ[. SADDLE HORSES AND PONIES FoIa SALE AND HIRE HORSES BOARDED 7225 Barnard CHAililEL VIEW RAI{CH Mill Road Wonder Lake, lllinoie Call Wonder Lake 7093 BAKERV GOODS I I Sfrerlal Daautcoi 0afae REYMANN'S BAKERY LAKELAND PARK Routc 120 end Meadow Lane, th Milc Wert oI McHenry EVcrgrccn 5-3021 Houn: 6 r.m. to 9 p.m. Drily, Ercept Sunday 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. . . Closed Mondayr.