:11".: - * I, 9 "E t:::' {.;r , PmTt) TAICE{ Af UCffiNRY REeEf-{?Teftiis S&S6F 0F I"A.DY Bfifi,m.S CN Photo by Budy Bryaat *F & SUESDAT'}1IG1{T* tTgV. .,i.} i EEEIJSE U['CE BETTER ESIT Biehard mLtte; s@ of Eh' ead. 3&s. Joseph IIEt of Park Yl'a' llo. GflLm lakOr has bea odf,lasd ts hl's Ssno la ff.oago for the lest tero.nmths. Aeeordilg to H.s d,sator' ho ls dolrg ruah betts aw aod is bogad be ntIl bo baok l:a ?c}r9o1 THE STORY $F $PNSE$ Domestic or Forelg*t By ANN RODENKIRCi+ 86@e Rt;ky,EH.t has bem. vory pelnlar arer&A tbe tr[o GtuLLon Lgko aral SoEar5r a,re&. It mu!.d be alaa if Lis MBy frtSdt ,addrese fs ?d+ So. f,caeth Avo' 6'egB 3AY LEAYES - Natlve tb regims ber*** rtng o. ths ldedltertraaao, a3.eo grovra tn tbe U. S. Bey Leaves bave a eseet trEg: of arom. a:rd lod a a}:!'aLotls f,LEror to beef Bters, saups and' tsmato asld-o aail all tomto dlcheg asd etuf*tnge for l|1, 1ur4ots. ftsh snd fqrl. PrrnllilE 0tl[ tllmrfifls ' IOQIISI GASsf - A bleoded d'xtrrs sf herba tErJorao, Savory, Baallr Th1ma, Boraoargr aaa gay leerea - dolloilous ln soups, steire aad gravtee. or'!.glaal1y f,rm Iudia. tbey aro sreot arottic and are trsed to flavor broada, lnetrtea ard oool*es. Carda.nm gootl. C'ARDAifr,$ SEED, C,ARDAlfe{ SEED - These seeda oa'ne G.0iND - Sa$o uso a8 Iublcdbe ]lor