Established In McHenry 1949 ffiffiffiffi Tuhe Cheekfiatg $ervice ALSO f;m the Shop Tubes in Stock for All ilakes RECORDING ?APE PICTURED TBOVE TRE JOE UInPEY IIID TOI CLERtrS A? TEE XoEENRY P6T OFFICE TRANSISTOR. BATTERIES - PHONO NEEDLES tfItES, WEARXNO IEEiR A["O}IG SITE SNAFY UBF BLUE "'ICKEIS. IreIR E&IP? A}IE BF'TICISiT $HRgi$E, ?HE li-ffi ?.'i-irffi.H$ B$#rc & VmY S,I*qAST$G SIGET* SALES AND SERVICE FffiffiadlonYeBewHspwm T324 A $r.'ls progresstng aatlsfaotorily aficr a reoent operatlon oa hts logn oausad by e rugrtured teadoa. Ee wll} be *.4. a 6a8t (Coatlnued Fago I'e ) Mo0ulla Iske rasident, &i Eamsratetn N. Riv*rsida Sri"+ ffieHonry, ry Eftisro[s 3ffi5-S s&1& & ?,rFE v* - pRxV& #ffiffi1fg,LY **ESF qE .9'* ?. !.!l.r o\6 l\6 ffiffiffiLffiW** ffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffi 888B8.EE ;;+'d,ri$8 &:ilqNsFF. AitGa'aeFq eX&'*u) -uisl,+G s0 60 ui O\ (n r4t4 d,.s, ,ri e"{ G .dc aG 4*i 4**, qqq vt i,.t e{ Ei it Ooli iE fi1 r fi -al b 2.9, .-Y i4r $5 ; fi q 6& *.g" +E 6tE G ftng uJd art.\ >a d*, =A US BE "* gx gg r: s* x : 3a Ee i* ** ix x$ frs B; B: 3: =E EE X: #; 5g fri 53 EE i$ HE $x Fc 's' F. $$s (+ t+ ER E {E aDz ir i: or." fiE u!x ,E * ,:4, H.. Ho- 6 >g e.6 Y} 5c TL l-6 q q:r 4, ht 4, o; rd o\ ra B - L., k! il3 di #E 5.s .JT-, P* I nH ll, i.<s $ii oq o ufo & o s ss$F3$s o"& ud H 0d Ed >H E.o dH J.S tu0c <T ruS U" & OE lrfr( 6 $$ o p P A. S. Bt&Kffi ruU{}T{}ffi$, ffisr$" zm wEsr RourE r2o =#ffHrt;'IffiL r.t PHONE 38lt-3r02- I