trALTER J. DEAI,I, .FRffiRESSII,ts PIRTY CANDIDATE FCR MC. EENRY TOSTNSHIP suPmwsm., APRU, 2, 1965. Urr D6an age 48, has been a reotdent of lloEenry Towaahtp for 22 yrr. Ee has been daughtor, Donna }!re a freslmaa at ldsEenry Eigh Sohool. Ec has hId ths offloe of Asslstant Supcrvlsor for ths past four years. Ee la a mouber of the tonder Lake f,iwanis Club, H'L. VoI. Fire Dept. & Regoue Sgusd, Jtnerloan laglon Post f,Il69, Paet-Prcrtdent of tho [.L. Chanber of Cmneroe, fast nsnber of the Barrlsoa Sohool Bd. and was one of the orlglaal Dlrcctors of the Betarded Chlldrenrs Orgaalzatloa for Mo[enry County. Ac aa tssletsat Supervleor, he has beea very aotlve qJrd dovoted to hle tornship and oorrnty. Robart Cates, son of ![r. & l{ra. Ben Gates of ttro0ullom Lskc, f ler hme from the Naval Alr I?alnlag Statloq, Uonphls Tann. to epeud thls past wcekcnd wlth hle fmrlly. Ee reporte bs epende nost .of hle tfu:na elthor ln sohool or atudylng. Ee ls nalatalnlug approxlnately a 90 avcrage la hls grades, of rhloh hlc felly a:rd frleads ar6 vry proud. Ee has bcca too busy eeo muoh of llempble . SI']RFRISE YTSIT tor 26 yeare and ia tho fathar of one narrid t a Photos takcn at Snug Earborta February BtrtHay Party, fop lhoto shws blrth- day oalre. tfllditlc photo ahorg thrce of the oalebrants, Ceotl Colemaa, Inge Tlp tou & Fraaz !flLllbrook. Bottm pboto ls Suthorfod and Bita Barblano '."-i";,'11:5 that of Holen Astrbaugh, Zoc (Baby-Jane) *oar*W 6ewffi f.I',g.,,,'i1,, ,"1- ru$ffiK ffi. ffiffitutuffiffi tJt':;r.. ',::,, ?:ia "' tr "f f " t,#"{,r*$ Excellent Food 1r;i:l !i. : t:ts.r - Cocktoils FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY EVENING {:s}i,i,Ir "H . S esed Yr*xeks SERVICE "*mr.E kWeg*:ru*,i ORGAN MUSIC 8Ol N. River ALL MAKES OF VEI{ICLES Road 385-2671 McHenry, lllinois Phone 3t5-04O3