I PICTORIA[.N[}f$T$TTER FERUIRY m Centr Pcr eqt 27, 1965 -- VO[,UUE Z, tfirUBm lg FAIR AND I*rPARTIAL XEITS OF rHE COlliflUNITES ., iJ *..: e.ffiffiBffi ffisH BSgW kffiffi ksflrffi rffi Bs effi,'&s *1"5$ re E&Y A&ts LrF?? THg irSSnrE ru*r# &s- fEE H*, ER.SSliaY Hsf&t, .SH fffi LSEE WA*e Y&Hffi &Ei.'trE AS1*" Fh*te ffi*ur"te*y *f, H*raee Sre.**.r..: &,epr*d,.:cmd by Rudy Bryant" She etudlcd voloe and plaao for 15 ycars Mre, &:ath*ryr {&**} futsgo 51S W. Fron* at Elnba}l EaII ln Chloago, prlor to her $t,n &(el{earyr* wt&3 bo6ln rqbsrsatre Xa Sarmh, ae a mmber of the shorue of the marrlage. Xrc. .hlol ls the mother of Eyrlo fipera Cmpeqy of Slu$.oago* four youngsters, [,lada L2, Mlohael 9, Mrs, ^*&*of audi"ttomsd ta Baqmbcr ead and L,lra 2. She bcoaue best knowa Itrark 6 qleadat rr6a* ovar tuae$-ftvs fl:tallets. ta tihe lloEenry Choral CIub by har Wffiffiffim,*m Spreaery*p @*4ntg ffi*ffiffi.-.%,#ffi-mffi .-..i.:r,:.a..rtii;. ffiffiffiffiffi !'{lGFiweY 3! Ah{D CARY R*r1;} &L&*N&UiN, 5Lt-tN$tS * ..,.,i Sa*edwadea Chicken - Turkey " Ban-ts-e Back Ribe Shrimp and Fish Fries Daily ,'t:l'tl;fr:i-t-4.;:l . '$*" 't.l ' ': *iliir 4 &.:i qs iri ...!11 . :ii: - !. i' li& CALI- *Liven 8"1585 FOR TAKE.OUTS W