* YOU NEVER GET DIZZ E. Roger ColLlne has bcon cleotsd exeoutlvs vloe-presldont and manater of HcEeary ELECT COLLIIIS Ngir HANAcIfi. CF, HoEEHRy SAVINGS & IOAN FROM DOI GOOD TURNS * LEOttnD OLA3II3 L BOTr Rt, 0" D" Rod McHcnry, lllinoic trat I on " A former resi.dent of' Ringwood, Collins and hie faurl}y, novr ].i,re !n MeLrsee park. He and iris sife, **m*")""t.e* *tr& presently look5.ng for a |iome ln i;ha &erHesry areao ffr. Coll.lns assumd hic nel rssponsibllitl.-os_o_n ldarch I, lg6I, Friends *a o"iffi*oo of the Vlllage of !,io0ullom Lake, wieh her a epeady reooverT. Iirs. Eensor suffcred a broken hip in a fal1 ln her hons. All Cremrrl Oltko 3upglior LEADII{C IIANO3 YY'ETUIITENS AXD AODING MAC}IINCS TEHTED Assoaiation. The er::ounoemont was made by lrnold J. Rauen, ohtnc,. of the board and John ,J, Neuharth, presl<icnt of the savlngs tnstltution. Pri91 to oomlng to MoHonry Savlngs, Hr. CoIlins \ryas aeslstant suparlntendent of the Fire Loss Dept. for Marsh and Ecknnan Iasurance of Chlcago. During his nine years with that orgaaization, hc galned a thorough knowledgo of butldiag oonstruotion and valuee, oustomor rela_ tions -and offica managsment and admlnls_ Savlngs and Loan - CYT3 :XAT!}'ED 'I?TED Of6o l.lrrln: tg.lpgdnrrrro0 Phono EV $2262 l3tXl N. Richmond Sr,ary Wdn/rse &u.t &la& f;xcellent Food -- Cocktoi8s FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNBAY E\fEO{ING ORGAN MUSIC 80I N. River Road 385.267t lficHenry, flllinois KRAUSE T{EWS EGffiruGV 3321 W. Elm Stnot Phoor EV S{Ot5 ?lexa'g 6a/ra*e ruECK P" ffiIE=LE ELEtrT Willys Sales and Service EDWAND J. BUSS PRoGRESSIvE PARTY .feeps, Station Wagons amd Trucks \trE SERVICE ALL ftTAKES OF VEHICLES ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR MtrHENRY TowNSHIP .A.pRrL Phone 385-0403 926 N. Fronl Street McHenry, lllirrob 2,1963